Event Location:
FedEx Institute of Technology
365 Innovation Drive
Memphis, Tennessee
You have heard all about the awesome opportunities that utilizing cloud technology provides and you are sold! Technically, everyone agrees it's the right answer and are ready to get started. However, there is one problem. Your organization needs to understand what its going to cost before approving the project. Understanding the cost to move to Azure and its run rate are questions several companies struggle with and can present a major roadblock for moving forward. Oftentimes it's not because the cost is too high, its simply because they do not know what to expect and budget for. In this session, we will walk through the process of building estimates, creating a Azure budget and discuss the several unique considerations you need to be mindful of such as networking, storage, service dependencies, workload considerations and more. As you explore opportunities to migrate to the cloud, don't let cost be a deterring factor.
Speaker(s): Dustin Dorsey,
You've just been told by HR that you are no longer a part of their organization. You've been kicked to the curb. You are now living in the no-man's land called unemployment. Unemployment is a scary situation. You're dealing with emotions and uncertainty. You don't know if you'll be out of work for days, weeks, or months. Fortunately, unemployment is survivable. In this session, I'll share my own experiences (and perhaps we'll talk about some of yours) with unemployment, and how I managed to get through the tough times. We'll discuss emotional impact, the job hunt, and things you can do to get yourself through this tough time. Hopefully, you'll land on your feet once again before long!
Speaker(s): Ray Kim,
On-call DBAs have all had that phone call in the middle of the night: "the database is down, fix it now!" We start scrambling to piece together various scripts to analyze the emergency, mitigate the issues, and kick off a failover or similar fix to make the database happy and healthy once again. Even scheduled maintenance likely requires us to download scripts from a ticket, run the scripts, and screenshot the results for documentation. What if I told you that Azure Data Studio's notebooks allow you to execute T-SQL and PowerShell together to handle these processes from a single document that documents its own results and can be stored directly in source control? Join me in this demo-heavy session to see how we can handle real-world on-call situations using Azure Data Studio notebooks.
Speaker(s): Matt Gordon,
Modern CPU architectures are complex and misunderstood, especially as they relate to SQL Server instance configuration and database usage patterns. Default values in virtualization and the SQL Server instance can cause misalignments and improper balance in the way the SQL Server lines up with the CPUs and memory, which results in an immediate (and silent) performance penalty. Come learn as we discuss topics such as physical and virtual NUMA, hyperthreading, query parallelism, public cloud CPU selection, and SQL Server instance settings, and show you how to validate your SQL Server architecture and improve the performance of your critical SQL Servers for both on-prem and cloud-based SQL Servers.
Speaker(s): David Klee,
In this course we identify some common mistakes that we see in the business world using Power BI. We will identify the psychology behind the reporting techniques needed to create powerful and effective reports. The attendee will leave the class ready to write better reports using Power BI in the real world.
Speaker(s): Ed Watson,
In 2010, SentryOne gave the community a completely free execution plan analysis tool: Plan Explorer, that is widely used today. But many users only utilize basic features and only scratch the surface of its capabilities. Join me to learn how you can go beyond the basics. This demo-heavy (and marketing free) session will teach you advanced use of Plan Explorer by exploring practical T-SQL anti-patterns.
Speaker(s): Andy Yun,
Learn how to use Power BI self-service data preparation capabilities to build upon your existing Power BI content with Artificial Intelligence (AI) capabilities. Learn what AI can do and how it integrates into Power BI using dataflows and Automated Machine Learning (AutoML). Also see some of the enhanced AI visualizations in Power BI like QA, Key Influencers and Decomposition Trees to gain further insights into your data.
Speaker(s): Dan Evans,
Getting started with GitHub can at times be overwhelming. Especially when you've been working with other source control and project management systems your whole career. In this session, we will overview the below tasks to ensure your success with GitHub. * Initial setup of a Repository in GitHub. * Build Issue templates for new features, bugs, or custom tasks. * Securing the check-in/merge process to your root branch. * Integrating GitHub with other productivity tools to keep on top of changes.
Speaker(s): Joshua Higginbotham,
As leaders we are concerned with the health and well-being of our teams and organization. In this session we will discuss the latest mental health trends facing today's workforce. We will learn about Organizational Trauma, "negative emotions" (anxiety, loneliness, anger, etc.) and how they are frequently displayed at work. Lastly, we'll discuss some methods with you (and your team!) can use for better mental health.
Speaker(s): Christine Assaf,
Conference speaking is a very rewarding way to give back to the community. Just getting on stage is often the most challenging part. We will look at all the things I wish I had known going into my first conference talk to help you squash the butterflies and make your experience a success.
Speaker(s): Mark Runyon,
Preparing for Microsoft certification? Do you want insight into how certification exams are written, how questions are designed, and how to follow a logical process of elimination? We'll go through the process of item creation from an item writer's viewpoint, what rules item writers must follow, and why questions sometimes have strange phrasing. For any technical skillset pursuing certification, we'll review non-technical sample questions and walk through the process of using information at your disposal. You'll better understand how to deconstruct the problem statement. We'll leave time for QA with a veteran of the Microsoft certification exam writing process.
Speaker(s): William Assaf,
In the past several years Diversity, Equity, Inclusion (DEI) have become more important and visible in the workplace. Studies have shown that organizations are often more successful when they are more diverse, yet the tech sector is moving slowly to improve representation and inclusion. Many IT professionals want to improve but don't know where to start. This session will cover key concepts in DEI and how they apply to data practitioners.
Speaker(s): Andrea Mascher,
As announced in September 2018, SQL Server 2019 expands the "adaptive query processing" features of SQL 2017 and relabels them as "intelligent query processing". This name now covers many features, such as batch mode on rowstore, memory grant feedback, interleaved execution, adaptive joins, deferred compilation, and approximate query processing. In this high-paced session, we will look at all these features and cover some use cases where they might help - or hurt! - you.
Speaker(s): Hugo Kornelis,
Power BI has made its mark as the leading business intelligence application for any industry! Developers have come up with fancy ways to drag and drop data elements on pages; some of those fancy things including bookmarks and drill-through pages! These features add a more interactive application experience for the end user. In this session, I will show you how to create pop up windows, add reset/clear all filters buttons, design drill-through detail pages, and more! You'll feel like a BI visual magician in no time!
Speaker(s): DeNisha Malone,
We've all seen, and probably created, a few tabular models that are just dog-slow. For the people just starting with tabular models to those who've been around the block a few times with them, we'll go over some ways in which I've sped up tabular models to be leaner and faster. So join me and learn (or remember) several different things to do with tabular models to make them just plain better.
Speaker(s): Kevin Wilkie,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/williamdassaf/
Contact: http://www.sqltact.com
William Assaf is a senior content developer on the SQLDocs team at Microsoft. Formerly a Data Platform MVP and a consultant for SQL Server, and before that a .NET developer, William currently works with Microsoft product groups on content related to the SQL database platform, specifically for SQL performance, Big Data Clusters, and Azure SQL DB. As a consultant for 13 years he worked with clients on SQL Server and Azure SQL platform optimization, management, disaster recovery and high availability, and led a crack multi-city team of consulting SQL DBA's. William has written for Microsoft SQL certification exams since 2011 and was the team lead author of the 2017 and 2019 editions of "SQL Server Administration Inside Out" by Microsoft Press. William is a past lead of the annual SQLSaturday Baton Rouge Planning Committee and supports the Baton Rouge User Groups.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidaklee
Contact: http://davidklee.net
David Klee is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and VMware vExpert with a lifelong passion for technology. David spends his days focusing on the convergence of data and infrastructure as the Founder of Heraflux Technologies. His areas of expertise include cloud, virtualization, performance, and business continuity. David speaks at a number of national and regional technology related events, including PASS Summit, VMware VMworld, SQLBits, SQL Saturday events, and many SQL Server User Groups.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/DeNishaMalone
Contact: https://www.denisham.com
DeNisha fell in love with data modeling and management while tutoring T-SQL Querying in college. She self-taught herself Power BI's functionalities after a Business Intelligence internship in fall of 2015 - and has been sticking with the development of Microsoft's BI suite ever since; growing tremendously as the application spreads through enterprises. Outside of BI, her hobbies include mentoring and working with non-profits to enhance IT in the minority communities.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlatspeed
Contact: http://www.sqlatspeed.com
Matt is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has worked with SQL Server since 2000. He is the leader of the Lexington, KY PASS local group and a frequent domestic and international community speaker. He's an IDERA ACE alumnus and 2020 Friend of Redgate. His original data professional role was in database development, which quickly evolved into query tuning work that further evolved into being a DBA in the healthcare realm. He has supported several critical systems utilizing SQL Server and managed dozens of 24/7/365 SQL Server implementations. Following several years as a consultant, he is now the Director of Database Management for rev.io, where he is implementing data governance, DevOps, and performance improvements enterprise-wide.
Andrea Mascher (she/her) leads the SQL Server DBA team at The University of Iowa (UI). In addition to her experience in the education sector, Andrea previously supported systems in the biotechnology and healthcare fields. Andrea is an advocate for gender diversity in STEM and co-founded the UI Women In Technology users group to promote a climate of inclusivity and professional growth for women and non-binary individuals in technical fields at UI. Andrea also serves as a member of the UI Council on the Status of Women. Andrea's undergraduate and graduate coursework at UI was in Computer Science, with a focus on Electronic Voting Systems and Technology Law and Policy.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/christineassaf
Contact: https://www.hrtact.com
Christine Assaf is an experienced HR pro who is passionate about the mental health of employees, leadership, and organizations. She is a leadership development professional with over 15 years experience in human resources and 20 years in business management. She holds a BS in Business Management, received her HRM certification at LSU, and is finishing up her master's degree at Colorado State University in Industrial and Organizational Psychology. She is a certified DDI Trainer, experienced public speaker, and is dedicated to teaching others about ways to support a culture of "expressiveness" in the workplace that creates connectivity.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/drevans02
Dan Evans is a Data and Analytics evangelist with over 25 years’ experience deploying strategic and innovative analytic solutions. He’s focused on Microsoft technologies including Data Platform, Advanced Analytics and Business Applications. Current focuses include SQL Server, Power Suite, Cognitive Services, Artifical Inteligence and other Data Platform related topics in Azure. Dan presents at many local, regional and national events including SQL PASS, DAMA, TDWI, TechEd and Ignite and supports best practices in Microsoft data and analytics across North America.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/softwarearchitect/
Contact: http://markrunyon.com
Mark Runyon works as a principal consultant for Improving Atlanta. He focuses on systems architecture and development of enterprise web and mobile applications. As a full stack programmer, he primarily works with Microsoft technologies, leveraging the cloud through Azure and AWS. He is a contributing writer at InformationWeek, The Enterprisers Project and Business2Community.
LinkedIn: http://nl.linkedin.com/in/hugokornelis
Contact: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/hugo_kornelis/default.aspx
Hugo Kornelis is an established SQL Server community expert who spends a lot of time at various conferences. He is author of "the Execution Plan Reference" (sqlserverfast.com/epr), blogger, technical editor of Grant Fritchey's "SQL Server Execution Plans, 3rd edition" and some other books, and Pluralsight author. He was awarded SQL Server MVP and Data Platform MVP 12 times (2006 - 2016, and 2019-present). When not working for the community, he is busy at his day job: freelance database developer/consultant. Hugo has over 20 years of SQL Server experience in various roles. He loves to write and tune complex queries, but he also has a strong database design background. When not working for the community, he is busy at his day job: freelance database developer/consultant. Hugo has over 20 years of SQL Server experience in various roles. He loves to write and tune complex queries, but he also has a strong database design background.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pianorayk
Contact: https://pianorayk.wordpress.com/
Ray Kim is an advocate for documentation and technical communication. He is a co-founder of the Albany, NY SQL group (CASSUG), a member of STC and the AlbanyUX user group, and has spoken at numerous SQLSaturdays and at PASS Summit. He has worked various positions in technology, including as a developer, webmaster, analyst, technical writer, and instructor. He holds an MS in technical communication from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a BS in computer science from Syracuse University. A musician in his spare time, Ray plays four different instruments. He also enjoys going to ball games and doing CrossFit, and is a two-time SQLServerCentral.com fantasy football champion. He lives in Troy, NY with his wife, Lianne, and their two cats.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/watsoned
Contact: http://sqlgator.com
Ed Watson is a Principal Data Platform Consultant for Improving Enterprises, a full-stack Microsoft consulting firm in Atlanta. Ed is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP since 2014 and like most children, Ed was born at an early age. Today, Ed specializes in the Business Intelligence stack and enjoys specializing in Power BI immensely. He currently lives in Atlanta and is active with the Atlanta MDF and Atlanta BI user groups and is an organizer for SQL Saturday Atlanta, Atlanta BI, and Pensacola.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dustindorsey
Contact: https://dustindorsey.com/
Dustin Dorsey has been architecting and managing SQL Server solutions for companies for well over a decade. While Dustin is skilled in many areas, he has a unique specialization in cost management and architecture around the data platform both on-premise and in the cloud that he has used to provide significant savings for multiple organizations and loves sharing information about this. Dustin is an avid speaker and can be seen writing articles on popular SQL websites, as well as, on his own blog at DustinDorsey.com. He is also active in the Nashville community as a local user group leader and co-organizer of his local SQLSaturday. Dustin currently serves as Director of Data Management at Lifepoint Health.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kevinwilkie
Contact: http://sherpaofdata.com
Kevin has 15+ years experience with SQL Server and has worked with the product since version 6.5, although he remembers with distaste the early versions of the product. He started working with SQL Server as an "Accidental" DBA, and has moved up through the ranks as a SQL Developer, a BI Associate, and Production DBA at various parts of his career. Currently, he works as a Lead Data Analyst spreading the gospel of how great data can be to anyone and everyone who will listen.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlbek
Contact: http://sqlbek.wordpress.com
Andy Yun is a SentryOne Principal Solutions Engineer and a former Microsoft MVP. He has been working with SQL Server for nearly 20 years as both a Database Developer and Administrator. Leveraging knowledge of SQL Server Internals and extensive experience in highly transactional environments, he strives to make T-SQL leaner and meaner. Andy is extremely passionate about passing knowledge onto others, regularly speaking at User Groups, SQL Saturdays, and PASS Summit. Andy is a co-founder of the Chicago SQL Association, co-Chapter Leader of the Chicago Suburban User Group, and part of the Chicago SQL Saturday Organizing Committee.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joshua-higginbotham-55625798/
Contact: https://codenamesql.blog/
Joshua Higginbotham, a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, is a Data Services Manager at Republic Bank based out of Louisville, KY. He's worked in various roles including Software Development, Database Administration, and Business Intelligence. He’s an active speaker within the SQL community and the Co-Chapter leader of the Louisville SQL Server and Power BI User Group.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.