Event Location:
1408 Division Rd
East Greenwich, Rhode Island
Most organizations are under pressure to speed up the software delivery cycle, whether that’s to respond more quickly to the needs of the business, the needs of your customers or just to keep up with the competition. Unfortunately the database is commonly considered a bottleneck. Without the right processes in place, database change management can slow things down, adding risk, uncertainty, and getting in the way of development and operations working together to deliver. Any organization that wants to fully benefit from a DevOps approach is going to have to overcome some specific challenges presented by the database. This session will teach you how to take DevOps principles and practices and apply them to SQL Server so that you can speed up the database delivery cycle at the same time you protect the information contained within.
Speaker(s): Grant Fritchey,
This isn’t your typical presentation on Index Maintenance. In this 1st of two back-to-back sessions, we'll learn how the current “Best Practice” Methods are actually a leading cause of perpetual logical and physical fragmentation, totally unnecessary wasted memory/disk space, costly/continuous “Bad” page splits, unexplainable blocking, comparatively insane amounts of log file generation and, in an interesting “Catch 22”, a major part of why we have to do so much index maintenance and how it all negatively impacts your code even if it’s perfect code. We'll also discover the true costs of page splits, how REORGANIZE can perpetuate them, their effect on performance, introduce and learn how to use "sp_IndexDNA" to see indexes as you've never seen them before, and introduce methods to make even active GUID-based indexes 100% fragmentation free for months at a time, which will also fix the problems we’ve discovered. This 1st session is also a recommended segue into the second sessio
Speaker(s): Jeff Moden,
SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is now updated each month with the latest version of the SQL Client Tools. Which enabled rapid enhancement to Execution Plan. Do you know that you can now see how many pages are spilled to disk for a sort, as well as the memory statistics for the operator? Are you aware that you can see the top 10 waits for an execution and what trace flags were active during compilation and which ones influenced compilation? Have you ever analyzed a big plan and wish you could search for table name, index name or column name without opening XML plan? When you see a clustered index was used do you know for sure which statistics were used by the Query Optimizer to estimate the number of rows? In this demo intensive session, I will show you how to find and use new features introduced into SSMS and Showplan. You will walk out of this session equipped to make Query Performance Troubleshooting easier and ready to tackle those nasty, hard to solve query plans.
Speaker(s): Taiob Ali,
SQL Server 2017 and 2019 have arrived, bringing with them a host of exciting new features. Of particular interest to BI practitioners and data scientists is the integration of the Python programming language into the SQL ecosystem. This integration opens up a number of possibilities for in-database analytics and intelligent database applications, so let's get started! In this introductory session we'll briefly introduce the Python language and then look at how to install and administer Machine Learning Services. We'll start to demonstrate the power of Python by showing you how to create and run simple scripts from within T-SQL. We'll then discuss some of the powerful open source packages that are available to aid your data analyses. Finally, we'll go through some examples of how to use Python to integrate data analytical methods in real-world situations, and wow your customers with the power of analytics!
Speaker(s): Chris Hyde,
Gaps and islands problems are often treated as academic problems that are discussed without relevant real-life problems to solve. By subdividing a data set into meaningful groups of islands, we can perform analytics against it that would otherwise be slow, error-prone, or seemingly impossible! Data clustering can be applied to complex data sets in order to answer questions about winning streaks, financial performance, monitoring/alerting, goal achievement, and more! Data quality becomes critical when crunching data in this fashion. We address duplicate data, bad data, NULL, and any other unexpected weirdness that a user might throw at us. This is a fast-paced session that delves into methods that can be applied to any data. A complete set of historical baseball records will be used as our imperfect sample data for everything from a player's hitting streak to the longest winning streak by a team on Wednesdays at night.
Speaker(s): Edward Pollack,
With Azure Data Factory (ADF) continuous integration, you help your team to collaborate and develop data transformation solutions within the same data factory workspace and maintain your combined development efforts in a central code repository. Continuous delivery helps to build and deploy your ADF solution for testing and release purposes. Basically, the CI/CD process helps to establish a good software development practice and aims to build a healthy relationship between development, quality assurance, and other supporting teams. Let's explore how we can use Microsoft DevOps and GitHub to build and release our ADF pipelines to other environments.
Speaker(s): Rayis Imayev,
SQL Server 2016 SP1 makes data compression available in all editions. Data compression can reduce storage costs, and provide a performance boost—and now compression is available without the added cost of Enterprise Edition. Whether you are a developer or a DBA, it's important to know how to use compression to save money and improve speed. Come learn about how data compression actually works, the differences between ROW and PAGE compression, and learn how to pick the best compression level for your data. This session will cover the details of the compression algorithms, and the costs and benefits associated with each type of compression. By the end of this session, you'll have a better idea of how the different compression algorithms work, when compression is the right solution, as well as what type of compression to use. Slides materials available at: https://github.com/amtwo/Presentations/tree/master/Demystifying-Data-Compression
Speaker(s): Andy Mallon,
Most database professionals know there are two different database design patterns - normal forms for OLTP databases and star schemas for data warehouses. We tend to discuss these separately. But these two designs actually work together when we create our table schemas. In this session, we will review the basics of both normal forms and star schemas. We'll compare and contrast the two designs. We will then discuss how a normalized database design influences a star schema design and vice versa. By the end of the session, you will better understand how using the two designs together gives you a greater insight to how you use your data throughout its lifecycle.
Speaker(s): Deborah Melkin,
Is there a gap between your advanced technical skills and your social-emotional intelligence? Are you or your employees experiencing challenges communicating effectively with others, participating as part of a team, managing emotional reactions, or socially connecting at work? Is this impacting your ability to get promoted, retain employees, or establish positive workplace morale or relationships? Do you want to increase your “likeability” factor for your professional growth and overall well-being? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then this session is for you! For many people, “social” does not come naturally and has to be explicitly taught. In this presentation, you will learn about the mindset that is required for developing new competencies, key cognitive skills needed for social success, and tools and strategies that you can use immediately with your team. This session is for people who have difficulty navigating the social world, as well as for their managers.
Speaker(s): Linda Groszyk,
How many of you cross your fingers and hold your breath when a new upgrade or new code goes live in production? Well you can breathe now and relax your fingers because in SQL Server 2016 Microsoft released Query Store. Query Store is like a flight data recorder for SQL Server, the black box in an airplane captures everything that occurs on a flight. In this session we will deep dive to learn how to configure (yes – you need to configure this black box – or it could crash your “plane”), use Query Store to troubleshoot database performance issues. I will show you multiple demos to capture baseline, understand query regression and how to force good execution plan. You will walk away with the knowledge of how to configure and use Query Store to help fix performance issues.
Speaker(s): Surbhi Pokharna,
This session will explain and demonstrate exactly how a SQL Injection attack occurs. While the core vulnerability is easy to understand, exactly how hackers exploit that vulnerability is not. I'll show you how a hacker explores your database through SQL Injection to find vulnerabilities and sensitive data. Better still, I'll show you the errors that this exploration generates, providing a mechanism for monitoring your systems to identify SQL Injection attacks. Finally, I'll show you the steps you should be taking to properly secure your systems in order to completely avoid SQL Injection attacks. SQL Injection is considered the primary vulnerability for most systems today. Learn how to protect yourself and your organization.
Speaker(s): Grant Fritchey,
This isn’t your typical presentation on Index Maintenance. In this 2nd of two back-to-back sessions, we’ll learn the 5 main “Insertion Patterns” and how they cause or prevent fragmentation, introduce the additional page splitting/fragmenting horror of “ExpAnsive Updates”, continue to learn about the true costs of using REORGANIZE and why it should be avoided, how it all affects performance and disk/memory usage, how it all affects Index Maintenance, and steps that can be taken to seriously improve all of that. We'll also learn that simply reducing Fill Factors isn't the "fix" for fragmentation and can actually cost you serious amounts of additional totally wasted memory while providing little to no value. Unfortunately, there won’t be time to cover it all but well documented code will be provided to help identify the sources of page splits and “ExpAnsive Updates” so that they can be eliminated. Session #1 is a strongly recommend prerequisite for this session.
Speaker(s): Jeff Moden,
Want to get off of older versions of SQL Server and go to SQL 2017 or SQL 2019? Then this session is just what the doctor would order for you! This presentation is a part of the event "Modern Data Tour" organized by PASS. In this session we will cover: 1. Is it right time to upgrade? 2. How do you certify your database? The advantages and disadvantages of all of them. 3. DB behavior under various compatibility levels 4. Differences between deprecated and discontinued functionality 5. Simplified Upgrade Process using three of best F R E E tools by Microsoft: a. Microsoft Assessment and Planning Toolkit(MAP) b. Database Migration Assistant (DMA) c. Database Experimentation Assistant (DEA) 6. After this, we will also cover steps you can take after the migration is over. 7. We will also take a look at the features of Query Tuning Assistant We will end the sessions with QA. If there is enough demand we can have a separate session on demo of each of the tools menti
Speaker(s): Paresh Motiwala,
Do you know what your SQL Server environment looks like? Using PowerShell along with dbatools and PowerBI we will cover how to collect, store, and document this information. Finding a free and simple method to gather information about my SQL Server environment was difficult. Using a combination of PowerShell, the dbatools module, and a PowerBI report I finally found something that works for me. I hope it can be helpful for you as well.
Speaker(s): Matthew Anderson,
Abstract: You just found out that a client needs a SQL database to be designed from scratch. However, you existing DBA has given two week notice. This presentation is meant for the Accidental DBA that has little to no experience with creating a database from the group up. Topics are focused on data storage structures, security, and integrity. After this presentation, will be ready to meet that clients need. Coverage: 1 - Files File Groups 2 - Logins Users 3 - Security using schemas 4 - Database roles for access. 5 - Table design via SSMS or TSQL. 6 - Default, Check, and NULL constraints 7 - Handling table relationships (PK vs FK). 8 - To index or not to index? 9 - Testing database integrity using DML.
Speaker(s): John Miner,
Navigating the rapids of a technology career has never been harder. With cloud, big data, AI, virtualization, automation, DevOps, and more, in demand, how do you make sure you don't end up unemployed with outdated skills. Or is this all just a lot of marketing hype? Maybe things are not changing as much as the media says. Maybe the cloud is just a fad and big data is just for a few cutting edge companies. Come to this presentation and learn what the data is telling us about the skills employers demand and where it is likely to go next. Find out what skills you need now and how to create a thriving career in a turbulent and dynamic market. Learn what you need to know before its too late!
Speaker(s): Bryan Cafferky,
Do you understand how SQL Server handles I/O? If not, you should. Understanding I/O is more important than ever with increasing cloud adoption, due to cloud costing models. But even on-premises, I/O has a direct impact on T-SQL performance. Join me for a deep dive into the storage engine to understand how SQL Server handles I/O. Concepts will be paired with T-SQL examples to illustrate the practical impacts. When you leave, you'll be able to optimize your T-SQL reduce I/O and improve performance across the board.
Speaker(s): Andy Yun,
Ever wanted to start a 'blog, but have no idea how to do it? It's easier than you think! A number of people have become successful by writing 'blog articles. I originally started my 'blog to supplement my presentations. Since then, it's taken on a life of its own. In this presentation, I'll tell you how I got started with 'blogging, where it's taken me since then, and lessons I've learned along the way. We'll discuss 'blog platforms, how to get started, what to write about, and what to do (and what NOT to do) when writing articles.
Speaker(s): Ray Kim,
You need to deal with more security requirements in your role. How can SQL Server features help you comply? We will delve into Audit, Compliance, and Encryption. SQL 2016/2017 features like Always Encrypted will be detailed at the end. SQL 2019 enhancements will be discussed briefly
Speaker(s): George Walters,
Are you a relative newcomer to SQL Server and want to get into performance tuning? Or maybe you just want to expand your knowledge of hidden performance killers? Then join me for a survey of seven worst practices that kill performance in SQL Server. In this demo-filled session, we will cover a mix of administrative and T-SQL development practices, making this session suitable for DBAs and developers alike! Topics include server configuration mistakes, T-SQL parallelism, and TempDB headaches. When you leave, you'll be armed with knowledge and tools to tackle your current workloads and hit the ground running.
Speaker(s): Andy Yun,
Power BI Report server allows you to share Power BI vizualisations on-premises as well as paginated reports. In this session, weèll cover the various possibilities of Power BI Report Server as a portal for your enterprise reports and we'll compare it to its counterpart in the clouds.
Speaker(s): Christian Cote,
This technical presentation shows how to manipulate data with versioning switched off, what to consider when building queries referencing multiple temporal tables and building views.
Speaker(s): Reinhard Flügel,
Unless you've been stranded on a deserted island for years you've heard about all the data breaches that seem to happen every day. This means data security has never been more important which means SQL Server security has never been more important. We'll take a high level look at security starting with physical security, see the two authentication modes, differences between logins and users, troubleshooting some common login issues, see how to gain access to a SQL Server and wrap up with security similarities and differences between on premise SQL Server and Azure SQL Database.
Speaker(s): Joe Gavin,
This session is about performance tuning your day. We spend a lot of time thinking about how to write efficient code, but we don't spend a lot of time thinking about how to be efficient with how we use our tools. In this session I will show you some lesser known keyboard shortcuts, tips, tricks, and hacks that will make your day easier. These are the tricks I've picked up over the years that help me get my work done quicker and easier. Even the most seasoned Database Professionals will learn a new trick that makes SSMS even easier to use. Slides and handouts available on GitHub: http://am2.co/shortcuts-ppt
Speaker(s): Andy Mallon,
A simple and straightforward solution/process is always helpful when a database migration is planned, irrespective whether it is on-premise or cloud. Azure Data Migration Service (DMS) is here to perform, lift and shift migrations to Azure SQL Database Managed Instance. Not just with migration using GUI, you can perform scripting to scale migration and plan minimal downtime migrations from different data sources to SQL Server. Let us jump into Database Migration Service, and how you can utilize and modernize your data estate to fully managed services in Azure.
Speaker(s): Satya Jayanty,
When it comes to feed the modern data warehouse in Azure, we're facing new challenges. This session will explain what id the modern data warehouse and how it can be fed using ETL 2.0 methodologies. Topics like Common Data Model and services will also be talked and demonstrated.
Speaker(s): Christian Cote,
This session will show a lot of things in the world of data that went very, very wrong... And yes you are welcome to have a laugh at the misfortune of other people (or as the german speaking population would call it: Let's have some "Schadenfreude"! After a log day, come in and have some fun before the evening event starts
Speaker(s): Thomas Grohser,
What do you get when you bring machine learning, massive scale with cloud containers, and advanced automation together? You get Azure Machine Learning service! This one stop comprehensive data science platform has it all. Come and learn about the backbone of machine learning on Azure and why you need to know about it! As part of this presentation you will learn how to easily train a model using Azure containers using Python code.
Speaker(s): Bryan Cafferky,
In this session we will discuss how Azure is changing the approach to Data Warehousing and in some pretty dramatic ways. You can expect to learn how the Microsoft Reference Architectures are enabling organizations to deploy their data warehouses with virtually limitless scale and flexibility.
Speaker(s): Chris Seferlis,
Microsoft has recently release the new Azure Alert framework and is deprecating 'classic alerts'. Learn about how to set up Azure Alerts and Notifications on you various resources for maximum efficiency and flexibility. There are some preview features that may or may not make it into GA by the time the session rolls around, but there are definitely some pitfalls to avoid!
Speaker(s): Todd Chittenden,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlbek
Contact: http://sqlbek.wordpress.com
Andy Yun is a SentryOne Principal Solutions Engineer and a former Microsoft MVP. He has been working with SQL Server for nearly 20 years as both a Database Developer and Administrator. Leveraging knowledge of SQL Server Internals and extensive experience in highly transactional environments, he strives to make T-SQL leaner and meaner. Andy is extremely passionate about passing knowledge onto others, regularly speaking at User Groups, SQL Saturdays, and PASS Summit. Andy is a co-founder of the Chicago SQL Association, co-Chapter Leader of the Chicago Suburban User Group, and part of the Chicago SQL Saturday Organizing Committee.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joegavin/
Joe Gavin is from Greater Boston and has worked in technology as a Field Service Engineer for an auto dealer computer system vendor, a Technical Consultant and Operations Analyst with Sybase and SQL Server based database applications in financial services and now works as a SQL Server Database Administrator for a dairy coop. He holds a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Technology (BSET) degree in Computer Technology from Northeastern University.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/bryancafferky
Contact: https://www.youtube.com/user/Bryancutube256123
Bryan Cafferky is a Big Data and AI consultant. Bryan was previously a Senior Data Science Training Content Developer for Microsoft Worldwide Learning. Prior to this he was a Microsoft Data and AI Enabler for healthcare customers. He is a Microsoft 2017 Data Platform MVP and a 2016 Cloud and Data Center Management MVP. Bryan is the author of Pro PowerShell for Database Developers by Apress, available on Amazon. He leads The RI Microsoft BI User Group, and The Greater Boston Area Data Science Group. He has been working with the SQL Server stack since 1997 and implemented projects in the banking, insurance, e-commerce, utility, and health care industries. He holds a bachelor of science in computer information systems and an MBA.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=81593638
Contact: https://www.sqlshack.com/author/edward-pollack/
Ed Pollack has over 20 years of experience in database and systems administration, which has developed his passion for performance optimization, database design, and making things go faster. He has spoken at many SQLSaturdays, 24 Hours of PASS, and PASS Summit. This led him to organize SQLSaturday Albany, which has become an annual event for New York’s Capital Region. Sharing these experiences with the community is a top priority, and encouraging everyone to take the leap into public speaking and engaging others, a passion. In his free time, Ed enjoys video games, traveling, cooking exceptionally spicy foods, and hanging out with his amazing wife and sons.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/bryancafferky
Contact: https://www.youtube.com/user/Bryancutube256123
Bryan Cafferky is a Big Data and AI consultant. Bryan was previously a Senior Data Science Training Content Developer for Microsoft Worldwide Learning. Prior to this he was a Microsoft Data and AI Enabler for healthcare customers. He is a Microsoft 2017 Data Platform MVP and a 2016 Cloud and Data Center Management MVP. Bryan is the author of Pro PowerShell for Database Developers by Apress, available on Amazon. He leads The RI Microsoft BI User Group, and The Greater Boston Area Data Science Group. He has been working with the SQL Server stack since 1997 and implemented projects in the banking, insurance, e-commerce, utility, and health care industries. He holds a bachelor of science in computer information systems and an MBA.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pareshmotiwala
Paresh Motiwala a Azure/Big Data enthusiast, Manager of Database Platform teams has led several large SQL implementations, migrations and upgrades. He has managed multi terabyte OLTP databases. He has also been a Sr. SQL DBA and a Solutions Architect in Fortune 100 companies. He helps/organizes and speaks at many SQL Saturdays, Azure Bootcamp, Azure Datafests and User Groups(Boston BI UG, NESQL, PASS PD VG and PASS DBA VG). He is certified in Big Data Analytics, FinTech, PMP, Public Speaking, Business Communications. He is a avid singer, cook, open networker, and stand-up comedian. He teaches public speaking, debating, interviewing and group discussion skills and mentors children around the globe via www.circlesofgrowth.com
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/surbhipokharna
Surbhi Pokharna has been working with SQL Server since 6.5. She is currently working as a Principal Database Administrator for Charles River Development. Surbhi loves deep diving into SQL Server internals and solving database performance issues. Over the years Surbhi h.as managed thousands of SQL Server instances on petabytes of storage. In her current role, she focuses on planning and building SaaS infrastructure solutions for SQL Server and Azure. She has spoken a SQL Saturday and User Groups in the Boston Area.
LinkedIn: https://uk.linkedin.com/sqlmaster
Contact: http://www.sqlserver-qa.net
My experience surrounded with high focus on the data platform with a track record of defining strategy, designing and delivering digital transformation migrations with major enhancements to current working methods. Worked in a capacity of Head of Data Engineering, Enterprise Data Architect and Solutions Key career accomplishment recognition as an industry expert technical excellence from the Microsoft as Data Platform Most Valuable Professional (MVP) recognition since the year 2006 (13 years as MVP and counting), which recognizes exceptional technical community leaders worldwide who actively deliver, present share their extraordinary contributions, high quality, and real-world expertise. Twitter pod (http://twitter.com/sqlmast
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-hyde-3803706
Chris Hyde is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He works as an independent SQL Server BI and DBA consultant, and is the leader of the Albuquerque PASS local user group. He is also part of the Friends of Redgate program and was a member of the Idera ACE class of 2018. He loves loud music and cricket, but usually not at the same time.
With more than 51,000 posts and 39 mostly 5 star articles, Jeff Moden is a strong contributor on SQLServerCentral.com where he coined the term “RBAR” (Row By Agonizing Row) and helped make the "Tally Table" a household name. Jeff has more than 2 decades of experience with SQL Server and is mostly self-trained in what he calls the “Black Arts” of T-SQL. He’s known worldwide for his informative articles, high performance T-SQL coding methods, and methods of mentoring. His dedication to helping others earned him the MS SQL Server MVP award for nine years and the RedGate Exceptional DBA Award in 2011. His mantra is "Performance is in the code".
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlworldwide
Contact: http://www.sqlworldwide.com
Taiob Ali, MVP Data Platform, is an accomplished technical leader with a proven record of success. For 14 years, he has worked with the Microsoft Data Platform and MongoDB both on-premise and cloud. His experience includes all three major business sectors: finance, e-commerce, and healthcare. Taiob has hands-on experience in managing large database projects, massive data migration, intricate process design, testing and deployment, performance tuning, long term capacity planning. Taiob is currently working at “GMO LLC” as a Database Solution Manager, focusing on cloud migration, automation, improving, and streamlining operational workflow. He is a regular speaker at local and virtual PASS chapters, SQL Saturdays, and Azure conferences.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlbek
Contact: http://sqlbek.wordpress.com
Andy Yun is a SentryOne Principal Solutions Engineer and a former Microsoft MVP. He has been working with SQL Server for nearly 20 years as both a Database Developer and Administrator. Leveraging knowledge of SQL Server Internals and extensive experience in highly transactional environments, he strives to make T-SQL leaner and meaner. Andy is extremely passionate about passing knowledge onto others, regularly speaking at User Groups, SQL Saturdays, and PASS Summit. Andy is a co-founder of the Chicago SQL Association, co-Chapter Leader of the Chicago Suburban User Group, and part of the Chicago SQL Saturday Organizing Committee.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/toddchitt
Contact: http://blog.blumshapiro.com/blog/author/toddc/
Todd started working with Microsoft’s SSRS in 2004. When Microsoft released its rebuild of SQL Server in 2005, he quickly added the full BI Stack to his repertoire. He became a MCTS in SQL Server 2005. Today, Todd works for Blum Shapiro as a Business Intelligence Architect on various BI Projects across a wide range of company sizes and product combinations. He is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert in SQL Server Business Intelligence and a frequent speaker at local User Groups and SQL Saturday events. He Started working with Power BI in its early development time before General Availability in July of 2015.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/minerjohn/
Contact: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlserverauthor/154/john-miner/
John Miner is currently a Data Architect at BlueMetal advising corporations on how to solve their business needs with data platform solutions. He has over twenty five years of data processing experience, and his architecture expertise encompasses all phases of the software project life cycle, including design, development, implementation, and maintenance of systems. He has an undergraduate and graduate degrees in Computer Science from the University of Rhode Island. Other credentials include an up to date MCSE certificate and currently taking the Data Science program from EDX. Before joining BlueMetal, John won the Data Platform MVP award in 2014 and 2015 for his outstanding contributions to the SQL Server community.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scarydba
Contact: http://scarydba.com
Grant Fritchey is a Data Platform MVP with over 20 years’ experience in IT, including time spent in support and development. He has worked with SQL Server since 6.0 back in 1995. He has also developed in VB, VB.NET, C#, and Java. Grant has written books for Apress and Simple-Talk. Grant presents at conferences and user groups, large and small, all over the world. He joined Redgate Software as a product evangelist in January 2011.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomasgrohser/
Thomas Grohser has spent most of the past 26+ years exploring the deeper inner workings of SQL Server and its features while working for entertainment, pharmaceutical, and financial services industries. His primary focus is to architect, plan, build, and operate reliable, highly available, secure, and scalable infrastructures for SQL Server. Over the years he has managed thousands of SQL Server instances, processing trillions of rows, taking up petabytes of storage. Thomas has been a Microsoft Data Platform MVP for 9 years and has spoken regularly at conferences, SQLSaturdays, and user groups for 12 years.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/linda-groszyk-m-s-ccc-slp-993121148/
Linda Groszyk, M.S., CCC-SLP is a nationally certified Speech-Language Pathologist who specializes in social communication, emotional regulation, and accent modification. Developing her expertise over the past 19 years, Linda provides individualized coaching services for people to achieve their professional and social goals through increased self-awareness, confidence, and communication competencies. Linda is also a certified PESL (Pronouncing English as a Second Language) Instructor. She graduated from Boston College with a BA in Human Development and earned her masters in Communication Disorders at Pennsylvania State University. Linda currently resides in San Francisco and serves a global clientele. Find out more at prosocialcoach.com.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/amtwo
Contact: http://www.AM2.co
Andy is a Data Platform MVP and SQL Server DBA that has managed databases in the healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and non-profit sectors. He has been supporting high-volume, highly-available OLTP environments with demanding performance needs since 2003. Andy is the founder of the BostonSQL User Group, and previous co-organizer of SQL Saturday events in Boston. He blogs at am2.co. Andy lives just outside Boston, Massachusetts, USA with his husband and their two dogs.
LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rimayev
Contact: http://datanrg.blogspot.ca/
Database professional with hands-on database design, data analysis, and reporting skills. I believe that I can help to make this intricate world of data to be more structured and well understood. Born in USSR; graduated and started my IT journey in Ukraine; now I work and live with my family in Toronto, Canada.
With more than 51,000 posts and 39 mostly 5 star articles, Jeff Moden is a strong contributor on SQLServerCentral.com where he coined the term “RBAR” (Row By Agonizing Row) and helped make the "Tally Table" a household name. Jeff has more than 2 decades of experience with SQL Server and is mostly self-trained in what he calls the “Black Arts” of T-SQL. He’s known worldwide for his informative articles, high performance T-SQL coding methods, and methods of mentoring. His dedication to helping others earned him the MS SQL Server MVP award for nine years and the RedGate Exceptional DBA Award in 2011. His mantra is "Performance is in the code".
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pianorayk
Contact: https://pianorayk.wordpress.com/
Ray Kim is an advocate for documentation and technical communication. He is a co-founder of the Albany, NY SQL group (CASSUG), a member of the AlbanyUX user group, and has spoken at numerous SQLSaturdays and at PASS Summit. He has worked various positions in technology, including as a developer, webmaster, analyst, technical writer, and instructor. He holds an MS in technical communication from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute and a BS in computer science from Syracuse University. A musician in his spare time, Ray plays four different instruments. He also enjoys going to ball games and doing CrossFit, and is a two-time SQLServerCentral.com fantasy football champion. He lives in Troy, NY with his wife, Lianne, and their two cats.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/scarydba
Contact: http://scarydba.com
Grant Fritchey is a Data Platform MVP with over 20 years’ experience in IT, including time spent in support and development. He has worked with SQL Server since 6.0 back in 1995. He has also developed in VB, VB.NET, C#, and Java. Grant has written books for Apress and Simple-Talk. Grant presents at conferences and user groups, large and small, all over the world. He joined Redgate Software as a product evangelist in January 2011.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/georgewalters
Contact: https://georgewalters.wordpress.com/
Currently a partner technical strategist, George has been solving customer needs and issues. He can translate customer pain into potential solutions. A seasoned Microsoft SQL and Azure expert, with over 20 years of experience with Microsoft SQL Server, Sybase, Oracle, and other relational databases. Specialties: Partner strategy, PreSales Engineering, Cloud Architecture, Enterprise Scalability, SQL Server performance, Business Intelligence, High Availability, Scale. I volunteer and present relevant topics at SQL Saturday and internal Microsoft events
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/cseferlis
Contact: http://blog.bizdataviz.com
Chris Seferlis is a Sr Cloud Solution Architect at Microsoft. He has 20+ years’ experience working in IT and solving technical challenges from a business perspective. Chris is a former CIO with an MBA from UMass, bringing a mix of business acumen and practical technology solutions, primarily focusing on Data and AI within the Microsoft Data Platform, including MCSA and MCT designations.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/deborah-melkin-5ba4244
Contact: http://debthedba.wordpress.com
Deborah Melkin has been working as a database professional with SQL Server for almost 20 years. She spends her days helping programmers with all aspects of database design, queries, performance, and deployment. In 2016, she began her blog, Deb the DBA. Soon after that, she began speaking at SQL Saturdays and user groups. Deborah is a board member of the New England SQL Server User group (NESQL) and was recently named as an IDERA ACE Class of 2020. She also won Speaker Idol at PASS Summit 2019. In her spare time, Deborah can usually be found doing something musical.
LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/ccote
Contact: http://bi-blogger.typepad.com/
Christian Coté is an IT professional with more than 15 years of experience working in data warehouse and business intelligence projects. Christian developed an expertise in data warehousing over the years and designed many ETL/BI processes using a range of tools on multiple platforms. He's been presenting at several conferences and code camps. He currently co-leads the SQL Server PASS chapter in Montreal as well as Global French SQL PASS Chapter. He is also a Microsoft Data Platform Most Valuable Professional (MVP).
Started as an application developer in the early 90’s using C++, Access and SQL-Server. Since around 2010 focusing on Database Development mainly SQL-Server. Holding several Microsoft certifications such as: MCSE Data Platform, Business Intelligence and Data Management and Analytics (Charter).
LinkedIn: https://ca.linkedin.com/in/ccote
Contact: http://bi-blogger.typepad.com/
Christian Coté is an IT professional with more than 15 years of experience working in data warehouse and business intelligence projects. Christian developed an expertise in data warehousing over the years and designed many ETL/BI processes using a range of tools on multiple platforms. He's been presenting at several conferences and code camps. He currently co-leads the SQL Server PASS chapter in Montreal as well as Global French SQL PASS Chapter. He is also a Microsoft Data Platform Most Valuable Professional (MVP).
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/matthewandersonj
Matt is a new speaker and Microsoft SQL Server DBA with almost 10 years experience. He has managed databases for healthcare, manufacturing, and entertainment companies on traditional DBA teams and on BI teams.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/amtwo
Contact: http://www.AM2.co
Andy is a Data Platform MVP and SQL Server DBA that has managed databases in the healthcare, finance, e-commerce, and non-profit sectors. He has been supporting high-volume, highly-available OLTP environments with demanding performance needs since 2003. Andy is the founder of the BostonSQL User Group, and previous co-organizer of SQL Saturday events in Boston. He blogs at am2.co. Andy lives just outside Boston, Massachusetts, USA with his husband and their two dogs.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.