Event Location:
Hyland Software
28500 Clemens Rd.
Cleveland, Ohio
As companies work to gain insight from ever-increasing amounts of data, data platform practitioners need tools which can scale along with the data. Early big data solutions in the Hadoop ecosystem assumed that data sizes overwhelmed available memory, emphasizing heavy disk usage to coordinate work between nodes. As the cost of memory decreases and the amount of memory available per server increases, we see a shift in the makeup of big data systems, emphasizing heavy memory usage instead of disk. Apache Spark, which focuses on memory-intensive operations, has taken advantage of this hardware shift to become the dominant solution for problems requiring distributed data. In this talk, we will take an introductory look at Apache Spark. We will review where it fits in the Hadoop ecosystem, cover how to get started and some of the basic functional programming concepts needed to understand Spark, and see examples of how we can use Spark to solve issues like calculating PageRank.
Speaker(s): Kevin Feasel,
When troubleshooting overall server performance, wait statistics are a great place to start. But when your SQL Server hosts a complex set of workloads, it can be difficult to narrow down which queries are causing the most wait, and what types of wait they are causing. Fortunately, SQL Server provides easy ways for targeting which queries are causing you the most wait time. In this session, we’ll learn how to use both Extended Events, and Dynamic Management Views for examining wait statistics from the instance level to the database level, all the way down to the individual query level. We’ll analyze poorly performing queries using a combination of methods including T-SQL queries and SQL 2017’s new XEvent Profiler, and show how to quickly narrow down what SQL Server is waiting for, and why.
Speaker(s): David Maxwell,
Azure Data Studio (formerly SQL Operations Studio) is the modern, cross-platform database management tool for SQL Server, both on-premise and in the cloud. A simple, clean approach to a UI creates an experience different from other SQL management tools today. Fully integrated intellisense with customizable code-snippets, connection management, and dashboards, Azure Data Studio, provides the T-SQL editor experience most of us expect today. Unlike other tools, Azure Data Studio is 100% open-source, easily extensible, and has full integration to modern source control solutions like GIT. In this session, we introduce Azure Data Studio and interacting with SQL Server environments. We will focus on productivity comparable to SSMS, shortcuts and time savers, as well as how to leverage source control. Lastly, we will cover extending Azure Data Studio by setting up a development environment, and walking through the process of build and debugging a custom dashboard component, using Electro
Speaker(s): Andrew Loree,
Transactional replication in SQL Server is not a new, shiny technology. In fact, a lot of people will tell you it's an old one full of nightmares. But don't be too quick to judge; replication still offers a lot of benefits, and most of the problems you might encounter can be quickly diagnosed and fixed if you have a deeper understanding of replication internals. In this session, we'll discuss the transactional replication model and what it offers. You'll see plenty of examples of how to monitor transactions as they get from your publishers to your subscribers. There will also be examples of how you can change the behavior of your transactions too, and what benefits (and potential pitfalls) these changes offer. Finally, you'll see examples on how to configure transactional replication in high availability scenarios.
Speaker(s): Drew Furgiuele,
Most people don’t know it but the current “Best Practice” Methods are actually the leading cause of perpetual logical and physical fragmentation, costly and continuous “Bad” page splits, comparatively insane amounts of log file generation and, in an interesting “Catch 22”, the whole reason for why we have to do so much index maintenance. This isn’t your typical presentation on Index Maintenance. In this second of two back-to-back sessions, we’ll learn of several incredibly easy modifications to your Index Maintenance routines to actually prevent fragmentation for weeks rather than perpetuating it, virtually eliminate “Bad” page splits, reduce wasted memory, make your log file and log file backups a whole lot more happy, and increase the overall performance of even perfect code. We’ll also learn that no simple method is a panacea, what to do about the horror of "expAnsive" updates, and how to make even GUID-keyed indexes work well.
Speaker(s): Jeff Moden,
Data breaches abound! Do you want to keep off of the data breach list? What are some of the data privacy laws affecting you? How will encrypting data affect your database performance? What data fields should you encrypt? What else can you do to protect your sensitive data? In this session, we will review each option to encrypt data within SQL Server, Transparent Data Encryption, Cell Level Encryption and Always Encrypted. The session will deep dive into setting up Always Encrypted encryption and share my experiences implementing the encryption. In addition, the session will review auditing of sensitive data usage. You will leave the session with a deeper understanding about SQL Server encryption options and how encryption can affect your performance. In addition, you will gather information on how to fully protect and review your sensitive data usage.
Speaker(s): Thomas Norman,
When it comes to getting your data into Excel or Power BI, M is your best choice. The M Language (A.K.A Power Query) is a powerful tool for self-service data preparation. However, it's not clear where it fits compared to tools like SSIS or TSQL. It's also not clear what it's limitations are. This session will cover the basics of M and when to use it. In this session, we'll demonstrate how M is a linear series of transformations, just like a set of steps from a recipe. We'll show how 80% of what you will ever need to do can be done from the GUI. We'll also talk about how to write custom code for that other 20%. By the end of this presentation, you'll be able to take any manual cleanup you do today and turn it into a repeatable process with M.
Speaker(s): Eugene Meidinger,
No one wants to tell a report user that while running a report in Power BI they have time to go get a cup of coffee…in another town. Although data sets will often be the focus of performance issues, it’s important to know how to locate performance problems in Power BI and how to eliminate them. This session will take the Power User through how to identify time consuming processing in Power BI and how to address it through step-by-step and proven methods used to optimize in multi-tier environments. This method removes frustration and finger-pointing and gets to the heart of the problem with a goal of correcting performance challenges. The results are satisfied end users who get the information they need, when they need it. Take Aways: Learn how to identify what is taking the time in a Power BI data set and report. Understand the logging and tracing mechanisms and capabilities in the environment. Understand when a problem is really a problem.
Speaker(s): Kellyn Pot'Vin-Gorman,
Do you have ETL processes pulling data from multiple data sources into a data warehouse so you can run reporting from a single source? If so, this session is for you! SQL Server 2019 enhanced the PolyBase feature that was introduced in SQL Server 2016. Come learn how to use the new PolyBase features enabling you to use T-SQL queries that generate reports on data stored in all of your data sources without the need of a physical data warehouse! Using SQL Server, Oracle, MongoDB, Hadoop, Spark and more…. we will introduce you to the Enhanced PolyBase features, share with you some code examples to get you started, show you the architecture options, and examine the reporting capabilities.
Speaker(s): Kimberly StJacques,
It doesn’t matter if you are a Junior DBA, an accidental DBA or all the way up to a Senior DBA, the infrastructure your SQL Server environment runs on is important. Many among the DBA community came in as developers or perhaps directly into database administration roles it is equally possible that you have been out of the operations world long enough to have fallen out of the loop with what is happening. This session is intended to provide a full stack infrastructure overview so that you can talk shop with your cohorts in operations to resolve issues and maybe even be proactive. We will discuss, in an introductory fashion, hardware, network, storage, virtualization and operating system layers. Additionally, some suggestions as to where to find more information will be provided.
Speaker(s): Peter Shore,
Do you have or are you developing a BI roadmap without Analysis Services? Do you write a lot of SSRS reports with SQL queries, views or stored procedures? Have you heard about Analysis Services but don't know if it's a good fit for you? Are you trying to decide whether you should go with Tabular or OLAP? Are you thinking about using Power BI? Are your business users hungry for data? If you answered yes to any of these questions, you probably need Analysis Services. In this session we will go over use cases for Analysis Services and highlight the differences and strengths of each flavor of SSAS. We will review typical BI architectures and show how adding Analysis Services can turn your report users into happy and self sufficient data analysts. If you have a data warehouse(or even if you don't) and aren't using SSAS, come learn how SSAS will make your users love you.
Speaker(s): Phillip Labry,
Most people don’t know it but the current “Best Practice” Methods are actually the leading cause of perpetual logical and physical fragmentation, costly and continuous “Bad” page splits, comparatively insane amounts of log file generation and, in an interesting “Catch 22”, the whole reason for why we have to do so much index maintenance. This isn’t your typical presentation on Index Maintenance. In this first of two back-to-back sessions on the subject, we’ll explore what happens to an index in the first year of its life for four different common Fill Factors along with how “Best Practice” methods executed once per week and once per day have their way with you, your indexes, your log files, wasted memory, and the performance of your code even if it’s perfect code.
Speaker(s): Jeff Moden,
There is at least one in your home right now, a box, a basket, a bucket, perhaps even actually drawer; hastily organized at best but full of tools, gadgets, widgets and whatchamacallits designed for one or two specific purposes. Realistically, we all want to use the more generic, multipurposed item found in our “well organized place for storing things”, yet deep down we know that tool/gadget/widget etc. is really what we need. As data-professionals, we are all familiar with the largest “junk drawer” ever created, the Internet. In this session, we will discuss some tools which are not data specific, the jobs they do well, and where to find them. Join as us as explore Robocopy, parts of the SysInterals Suite, a connection manager or two, portables apps aplenty and more so that you can move that file more efficiently, troubleshoot that problem through a different lens, or simply know what the heck someone else is talking about.
Speaker(s): Peter Shore,
SQL Server 2017 has finally arrived, bringing with it a host of exciting new features. Of particular interest to BI practitioners and data scientists is the integration of the Python programming language into the SQL ecosystem. This integration opens up a number of possibilities for in-database analytics and intelligent database applications, so let's get started! In this introductory session we'll briefly introduce the Python language and then look at how to install and administer Machine Learning Services. We'll start to demonstrate the power of Python by showing you how to create and run simple scripts from within T-SQL. We'll then discuss some of the powerful open source packages that are available to aid your data analyses. Finally, we'll go through some examples of how to use Python to integrate data analytical methods in real-world situations, and wow your customers with the power of analytics!
Speaker(s): Chris Hyde,
Are you waiting too long for your SQL-based analytical jobs to finish processing data? Would you prefer that those jobs finish in minutes instead of hours so your manager will stop asking if the results are available yet? Bert Wagner regularly helps analysts make minor changes to their SQL-based analytical jobs in order to dramatically improve performance. In this session he will show how to spot common analytical job performance anti-patterns as well as solutions for correcting them. Whether you strictly write SQL queries or incorporate those queries into tools like Python, R, SAS, SSIS, etc… this session will teach you how to spot and fix low-hanging fruit performance opportunities. Presentation available for download at: https://bertwagner.com/analyst-performance-anti-patterns
Speaker(s): Bert Wagner,
Are you looking for a free, award-winning database maintenance solution that can easily be deployed and managed on many SQL Server instances? Ola Hallengren’s Maintenance Solution is widely used and trusted in the SQL Server industry. As a script-based solution, it is easy to deploy and manage on many SQL Server instances and is highly customizable with many parameters. We will discuss why you may want to choose this solution and how to deploy, manage, and customize this solution. This is something that almost every DBA or database professional can take back to work and benefit from in a very short time.
Speaker(s): Mike Petrak,
PowerShell is a tool used by many people in DevOps and Infrastructure. Should the DBA get on board with using PowerShell? The answer is yes - as a DBA, PowerShell can have a significant impact on tasks that would be long and tedious with just T-SQL alone. Today there are specific modules that can be incorporated into PowerShell to help in automating every-day DBA tasks. Beyond that, PowerShell can be used to do things like automate deployments and audit permissions. In this session we will explore real-world examples and demonstrate how PowerShell can be leveraged by the DBA to not only improve efficiency but also streamline processes across an enterprise environment.
Speaker(s): Amy Herold,
You’ve heard of indexes and have tried creating them in the past. However, instead of experiencing faster execution times, you saw little performance improvement and were left wondering if you indexed the right columns and whether you would have been better off building an index for every column in your table instead (hint: probably not). In this session you will learn the basics of creating performance improving indexes. We will discuss how to identify when a performance problem is due to a missing or poorly defined index, the secrets that allow indexes to make your queries run faster, and examples of how to create performance improving indexes for common querying scenarios. Whether you are a new DBA wanting to speed up the queries on your servers or a developer looking to make their applications run faster, this introduction to indexing will have you covered. Presentation available for download at: https://bertwagner.com/intro-to-indexing
Speaker(s): Bert Wagner,
Have you been hearing about Azure Managed Instances and want to know what all the fuss is about? Come see how Managed Instances is changing how we think about cloud databases. Managed Instances can be considered a hybrid of Azure SQL Database and on-premises SQL Server with all the great benefits of Platform as a Service. You'll see first-hand how easy it is to migrate databases from on-premises to a Managed Instance. We'll explore the differences between Azure SQL Database, Managed Instances, and SQL Server on an Azure VM to help you determine which is the best fit for your organization's requirements. If you've been considering Azure for your organization, this session is for you!
Speaker(s): Tim Radney,
In this session we will cover the best strategies to track and improve SSRS / Power BI Report Server performance and scalability. We will cover methods of tracking report performance through DMVs, leveraging the Report Server ExecutionLog3 catalog view, and monitoring Power BI Report Server / Reporting Services using performance monitor (perfmon), and more. We will analyze this information through T-SQL queries in SSMS and Power BI analysis. We will discuss when to scale out the Report Server and when to focus on the reporting dataset queries that driven through report execution. We will cover methods of isolating Report Server performance from OLTP activity and solutions to isolate expensive reports when you cannot isolate the OLTP and reporting overhead. Finally, we will cover Reporting Services and Power BI Report Design techniques to improve report performance and scalability. We will cover Azure Data Studio extensions, Power BI Dashboards, and examining the exec
Speaker(s): David Pless,
SQL Server 2016 came out with a bucket full of cool new features. One of them is Temporal Tables. SQL Server 2017 made some enhancements in this area. Temporal tables are basically history tables of the normal tables; that allows us to retrieve data from any point in time for every change such as updates and deletes. It does this all without any change to application code and without needing any triggers. In this session, we will see what the requirements of creating temporal tables are. We will see the demo on insert and update functionality and how to query historical information using new TSQL clause. We will touch upon retention of history as well. It has lots of demos and less theory.
Speaker(s): Ameena Lalani,
It's not a question of whether or not the landscape for the common DBA is changing. Without a doubt, it is. Azure offers up a new world of possibilities for DBA's and we should all strive to learn it. In this session, we'll cover some basic knowledge and terminology of Azure as well as how easy it is to incorporate Azure into your environment. We will stand up a new Azure virtual machine as well as a setup SQL DB. You will see how easy it is to accomplish this. This new-found knowledge will help propel your career into the new landscape.
Speaker(s): John Morehouse,
Humans see images 60,000x better than text but are we always seeing what is being shown? In this talk, we will look at ways a visual designer can intentionally or unintentionally confuse readers by using techniques that are common but not correct. We will discuss topics such as color theory, chart selection and placement among others. Come join us to learn what makes a visualization clear and learn how to convey your story.
Speaker(s): Jonathan Stewart,
When looking at the options in SQL Server Management Studio, you can easily wonder what they all are. In this session we will cover how to use these options properly and what the impact might be if you change them. We will also cover some of the options that you shouldn't change and why.
Speaker(s): Dave Bland,
Every expert has their own set of tools they use to find and fix the problem areas of queries, but SQL Server provides the necessary information to both diagnose and troubleshoot where those problems actually are, and help you fix those issues, right in the box. In this session we will examine a variety of tools to analyze and solve query performance problems.
Speaker(s): Allen White,
Newer releases of SQL Server have introduced many new functions developers may not know or use. This includes functions for type conversion, date/time calculation, enhanced logic, and string manipulation. In this session we’ll cover the ins and outs of these new functions, in addition to some best practices for using these functions.
Speaker(s): Sam Nasr,
There are so many topics for a DBA to focus on that it can be overwhelming for a new or accidental DBA. Without knowing what's most important, you can find yourself spending lots of time trying to figure out what's important. This session focuses on the five topics that matter most to a DBA.
Speaker(s): Ed Wagner,
One of the most highly anticipated new features in the SQL Server 2016 release was Query Store. If you've ever had to drop everything to troubleshoot a sudden drop in performance, then this is a feature you want in your environment. In this session we will cover the data collected, how to use the built-in reports to find problematic queries, and walk through plan forcing in Query Store. Get ready to make troubleshooting easier with this feature that’s included in all editions of SQL Server 2016 and higher!
Speaker(s): Erin Stellato,
Starting in SQL 2016, two rivals entered the ring in a professional fight for format supremacy. XML seems too fat to compete with the newcomer JSON but a fight has begun. JSON doesn't seem experienced enough to have real punching power but does it have the speed to win? Who is the pound for pound format champion? Come watch this action-packed bout between two titans of SQL.
Speaker(s): Aaron King,
Every few months the headlines are filled with news of yet another system outage inconveniencing customers and users. As data platform professionals, the systems and servers for which we are responsible generally form the foundation of our companies’ customer-facing applications. In this fast-paced session, we’ll discuss the differences between high availability and disaster recovery as well as the tools and technologies Microsoft provides us within SQL Server to keep our databases up, our users happy, and our DBAs well rested.
Speaker(s): Matt Gordon,
Foreign keys are basic constraints used widely in database design. This session will show how they can improve performance when used correctly. There are, however, some options that developers need to use with care because they can degrade performance significantly... and sneakily!
Speaker(s): Lisa Bohm,
This session is for the absolute beginner to learn the basics of Transactions and will answer questions such as, What is a Transaction? What are the ACID properties of a Transaction? How does the Transaction Log work to provide consistency to a database? What is a checkpoint? Are dirty pages bad or good? What is a lock? The session is led by an expert Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) and former Microsoft MVP who regularly teaches SQL Server certification courses.
Speaker(s): John Deardurff,
Many database professionals are familiar with concepts throughout the process of Implementing a Data Warehouse, but how many of us have started from scratch and ultimately created an OLAP Cube? While preparing for Microsoft Certification Exams (Implementing a Data Warehouse), I set about to do exactly that. This presentation will share my experiences along the way focusing on initial Data Warehouse design and final OLAP cube creation in SQL Server Analysis Services.
Speaker(s): Joe Bruno,
Since data compression is now a standard level feature (2016 SP1+) learn how to squeeze a little extra performance out of your databases for free! We’ll cover the types of compression available, the costs and benefits and how to determine good candidates for compression. Once we know what we want to compress we’ll cover three ways to apply it, including the easiest way to compress your whole database to meet best practices with just one line of code!
Speaker(s): Jess Pomfret,
In this session you will learn the basics of statistics and what they are used for. You will learn how to gather information about the statistics and how to use the information to improve performance. It is important the statistics are maintained to work properly so we will also discuss what on going maintenance should be done on statistics.
Speaker(s): Dave Bland,
Search engines are NOSQL database management systems dedicated to the search for data content. Other industry examples include Elasticsearch, Splunk, and Solr. In this session I will introduce the features and use cases for Azure Search, based on an implementation by Innovative Architects. Learn how IA leveraged Azure Search to quickly and easily implement a sophisticated search experience in a web application using our client's product catalog. Topics covered: Creating an Azure Search, Indexes, documents, natural language ability, scoring profiles, facets, and lucene queries.
Speaker(s): Julie Smith,
Do you know what makes a great data model? What does it mean to be Third Normal Form or a Star Schema? When would you use one over the other and why? How can you identify bad designs? In this presentation you will be exposed to good and bad models and learn what you should do in order to create a perfect ten model of your own!
Speaker(s): Leslie Andrews,
Everyone wants to know if there are magic buttons you can push to make SQL Server run faster, better and more efficiently. In this session we will go over some of my go-to performance tricks that you can implement to get the biggest improvement with the least amount of change. When it comes to performance tuning, every second counts. We will cover memory optimization, isolation levels, trace flags, statistics, configuration changes and more. I’ll go over real life scenarios we come across as consultants and the changes we made to fix them.
Speaker(s): Monica Rathbun,
Coding is always a fun but challenging job. Developers do not only have to execute the right output based on the business requirement but also need to maintain right coding standards by using the optimum use of variable sizes and keeping in view the other best practices. The session will cover the key best practices which developers can follow and get benefited. Many of us already may have been using these steps already but for those who are new to the development process or want to brush up, the session is for you.
Speaker(s): Sourav Mukherjee,
If you've ever wondered what that other service is in your configuration manager then this is the class for you. Full text indexing allows you to write queries to scan large text fields without having to do a complete table scan every time. We'll talk about installing, setting up, maintaining, and using full text indexes to their fullest!
Speaker(s): Eric Blinn,
You find yourself needing to migrate to new hardware or new operating system. If you're running SQL Server 2016+, you're in luck! Distributed Availability Groups (AGs) may just be the solution you want. In this session I will discuss what distributed AGs are, show how to set them up, and show how to monitor distributed AGs.
Speaker(s): Elizabeth Noble,
SQL Server indexes come in multiple types: clustered, non-clustered, full text and column store. In this session, you’ll get an understanding of what these types are and when each is an appropriate solution. We will explain and demonstrate each type, and you’ll leave this class with a repeatable indexing methodology you can use to improve your database performance.
Speaker(s): Eric Blinn,
Azure Cosmos DB is the newest Microsoft Azure product. Developers can build scalable, responsive applications at a global level by using it. Microsoft really believes in this product and wants Cosmos DB to be the database of the future. In this session, I will cover the following topics in this session Why do we need another database system? How to setup Cosmos DB How much does it cost? Multi-Model Apis Cosmos DB vs SQL Server How to Import Data How to use Cosmos DB Emulator Cosmos DB Limitations
Speaker(s): Hasan Savran,
Many data analysts typically begin to work with data as a single flat table. While this works for small datasets, as the size of the data grows these naive methods do not scale. Processing records takes longer, queries become more complex, and introducing new datasets is inconsistent at best. In order to solve these problems, we must take into account the underlying architecture of our data and how it should be modeled. During this talk we will discuss key concepts, patterns, and techniques for designing a data model that is simple to query, scales with your data, and is extendable to new datasets.
Speaker(s): Spencer Swindell,
Do you spend your days slinging T-SQL code? Want to improve your T-SQL game? If you answered yes, then this session is for you. This demo-intensive session will showcase a collection of my favorite beginner and intermediate level tips and tricks. We will explore how to identify and fix some common T-SQL anti-patterns, my favorite SSMS productivity tricks, and clever solutions to some common but not easily-coded challenges. This session targets both developers and DBAs; the only prerequisites are the desire to write better T-SQL code and aim of living an easier life!
Speaker(s): Andy Yun,
As DBAs blur the lines between automation and software engineering, they must also employ sound software engineering principals. One of these key principals is testing. And just as you can automate DBA tasks, the same automation can be extended to unit testing. This session will explore the PowerShell unit testing module Pester and how it can be applied to the automation code that a DBA creates. We'll cover the basics of Pester and how it can be employed by DBAs. This session will work through some light demos. Familiarity with SQL Server database administration and PowerShell is helpful but not required.
Speaker(s): James Livingston,
In this session, we will review the history of Azure Databricks, world records it broke, and how to accelerate your data platform solutions. We will cover lambda architecture, Azure Databricks components, and how to integrate other Microsoft Azure services. Then we will see a demonstration on creating clusters, notebooks, team collaboration, and advanced analytics. Finally, we will take a look at additional information on how to further utilize Azure Databricks.
Speaker(s): Lucas Feiock,
A childhood dream to travel around the world fueled by reading Gulliver's Travels stories and Robinson Crusoe attempts to survive on a deserted island. Those books were filled with geographical description and map locations. I think I always loved working with maps and I still do! There is something that could captivate your mind and propel your imagination for traveling when you immerse yourself in maps. Power BI itself a great tool that could feed your appetite for an adventure using built-in and custom map visualizations. Let's explore them!
Speaker(s): Rayis Imayev,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/samsnasr
Contact: http://samnasr.blogspot.com/
Sam Nasr has been a software developer since 1995, focusing mostly on Microsoft technologies. He’s a Sr. Software Engineer with NIS Technologies where he consults and teaches clients about the latest .Net technologies. Sam has achieved multiple certifications from Microsoft (MCSA, MCAD, MCTS, MCT), and is the leader of the Cleveland C#/VB.Net User Group since 2003. In addition, he’s the leader of the .Net Study Group, an author for Visual Studio Magazine, and a Microsoft MVP since 2013. When not coding, Sam loves spending time with his family and friends or volunteering at his local church.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/davidmmaxwell
Contact: https://dmmaxwell.wordpress.com/
David Maxwell has almost 20 years of experience with SQL Server, with a keen interest in performance tuning, monitoring, and troubleshooting. He has experience in environments as diverse as health care institutions, auto manufacturers, and insurance companies. David has been a frequent presenter at SQLSaturday events around the United States since 2012, as well as a presenter for the DBA Fundamentals Virtual Group, the Performance Virtual Group, 24 Hours of PASS, and the annual PASS Summit. David participates in his local Columbus Ohio PASS Local Group, where he serves on the board of directors as SQLSaturday coordinator.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/juliesmith0503/
Contact: http://datachix.com
Julie Smith is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and a BI consultant for Innovative Architects in Atlanta, GA. She#39;s implemented increasingly complex Business Intelligence solutions for over a decade at various organizations. She#39;s also worn many other database “hats” in her career – production DBA and database developer--but data integration and BI are her true passions. Julie holds a BA from the University of South Carolina. She and Audrey Hammonds co-created The Datachix.com blog.
With more than 51,000 posts and 39 mostly 5 star articles, Jeff Moden is a strong contributor on SQLServerCentral.com where he coined the term “RBAR” (Row By Agonizing Row) and helped make the "Tally Table" a household name. Jeff has more than 2 decades of experience with SQL Server and is mostly self-trained in what he calls the “Black Arts” of T-SQL. He’s known worldwide for his informative articles, high performance T-SQL coding methods, and methods of mentoring. His dedication to helping others earned him the MS SQL Server MVP award for nine years and the RedGate Exceptional DBA Award in 2011. His mantra is "Performance is in the code".
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/erinstellato
Contact: http://www.sqlskills.com/blogs/erin
Erin Stellato is a Data Platform MVP and lives outside Cleveland, OH. She has almost 20 years of technology experience and has worked with SQL Server since 2003. Her areas of interest include performance tuning, Query Store, Extended Events, and helping accidental/involuntary DBAs understand how SQL Server works. Erin is an active member of the SQL Server community, has volunteered for PASS at the local and national level, and is a regular speaker at conferences including the PASS Summit, SQLIntersection, and SQLBits. Outside of time with family and friends, she enjoys running, spinning, movies, and all things chocolate.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ameena
Ameena Lalani is a SQL Server veteran and started her journey with SQL Server 2000. She is a Microsoft Certified Solution Associate on SQL Server 2016 and also hold Azure Administrator Associate certification. Ameena works at Microsoft as a Premier Field engineer. She has implemented numerous High Availability and Disaster Recovery solutions at various companies. Ameena loves to share her technical knowledge and speaks at local user groups and SQL Saturday events throughout the United States.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/leslie-andrews-csm/9/491/b89
Contact: https://www.lace.technology/blog
Leslie Andrews is an IT professional with almost 20 years of experience working with databases, designing databases, as well as designing and developing applications against those databases. 2018-2019 Idera ACE.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kellynpotvin
Contact: http://dbakevlar.com
Kellyn Pot’Vin-Gorman is a member of the Oak Table Network and an Idera ACE and Oracle ACE Director alumnus. She is a Data Platform Architect in Power BI with AI in the EdTech group at Microsoft. Kellyn is known for her extensive work with multi-database platforms, DevOps, cloud migrations, virtualization, visualizations, scripting, environment optimization tuning, automation, and architecture design. Kellyn has spoken at numerous technical conferences for Oracle, Big Data, DevOps, testing, and SQL Server. Her blog (http://dbakevlar.com) and social media activity under her handle, DBAKevlar, is well respected for her insight and content.
Contact: http://blogs.msdn.com/b/sql_pfe_blog/
For the past nine years, I have been a Technical Solution Professional with Microsoft. As a TSP I conduct full training workshops, conduct demo sessions, and perform architectural reviews on all supported builds of SQL Server. I mainly support the Southeast focusing on Florida, but I can be anywhere in the world. My core areas are Performance Tuning and Optimization, Azure, AlwaysOn, Reporting Services (SSRS), custom monitoring, building custom dashboards, and more.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bertwagner/
Contact: https://bertwagner.com
Bert Wagner teaches data-focused developers how to use SQL Server efficiently every week on his YouTube channel “SQL with Bert.” When not filming episodes, he gains inspiration for his content through his work as a Principal Business Intelligence Developer for Progressive Insurance in Cleveland, OH. Starting his career as an SSIS and SSRS developer, Bert fell in love with SQL Server query writing and performance tuning. Nowadays, he focuses on full stack web development and uses his database tuning skills to ensure that his applications run at peak performance.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jpomfret/
Contact: http://jesspomfret.com
Jess Pomfret is a SQL Server DBA at Westfield Group in Westfield, Ohio. She started working with SQL Server in 2011 and currently works as part of a team administering over 100 instances ranging from 2005 to 2017. She enjoys the problem-solving aspects of performance tuning and automating processes with PowerShell. She also enjoys contributing to dbatools and dbachecks, two open source PowerShell modules that aid DBAs with automating the management of SQL Server instances. She grew up in the South West of England and outside of her DBA life enjoys Crossfit, cycling and watching proper football.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/JohnDeardurff
Contact: https://www.sqlmct.com
John has been a Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT) for over 20 years teaching Azure, SQL Server, Exchange Server, and Windows Server networking courses. He is currently a SQL Premier Field Engineer for Microsoft. He is an MCT Regional Lead for the Eastern United States and a former Data Platform MVP.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/armordba
Contact: https://armordba.com/
Tom Norman is a Database Architect at KPA with a strong fervor to protect data. He works daily to review and improve data protection methodologies while reviewing governing laws affecting finance, healthcare, and personal data. His areas of expertise include encryption, auditing, data identification, and database object deployment. He is the current leader of the PASS Virtualization Group and Vice President of the TRIPASS user group. You can read his blog at https://armordba.com/ and reach him on twitter at @armordba. Tom speaks at a number of SQLSaturday events and SQL Server user groups.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqllocks/
Contact: https://sqllocks.net/
Jonathan Stewart is a Business Intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher and blogger, continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI Stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, financial, insurance and federal, state and local governments. Jonathan is very active in the community. He has presented on SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services, Power BI and Business Intelligence at numerous SQLSaturday events, local user groups, and conferences throughout the United States and around the world. He participates in webcasts, podcasts, and on
Contact: http://phillip.labry.com
Phillip Labry is a Senior BI Consultant and Trainer with over 20 years experience in SQL Server and over 30 in IT. He has been lucky enough to work on data projects spanning telecom, banking, retail, law enforcement, health care, insurance, financial services and energy sectors. As a national consultant he provides training and builds solutions utilizing the full MS BI stack. He is an active member of the Madison, WI PASS chapter and speaks at events in the USA and Canada.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlatspeed
Contact: http://www.sqlatspeed.com
Matt is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and has worked with SQL Server since 2000. He is the leader of the Lexington, KY PASS local group and a frequent domestic and international community speaker. He's an IDERA ACE alumnus and 2020 Friend of Redgate. His original data professional role was as a database developer, which quickly evolved into query tuning work that further evolved into being a full-fledged DBA in the healthcare realm. He has supported several critical systems utilizing SQL Server and managed dozens of 24/7/365 SQL Server implementations. He currently utilizes that real world experience as a data platform consultant helping clients design solutions that meet their ever-changing business needs.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mikepetrak
Mike Petrak is a senior database administrator at Foundation Software, which develops accounting software and solutions for the construction industry out of Strongsville, OH. As a DBA for about 10 years, he is passionate about SQL Server and also enjoys working with PowerShell, SSRS, C#, application design, and helping fellow database professionals and developers . When he's not working, Mike enjoys spending time with his wife and family, reading the Bible and devotional books, running, and volunteering as a bi-vocational Christian pastor at the Apostolic Christian Church of Brunswick Hills.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kimberly-stjacques
Contact: http://dbobserver.com
Kim StJacques is passionate about SQL Server and Community. She has worked in IT for 20+ years and 15 of those years working with SQL Server. Kim's experience as a DBA spans multiple database platforms, however, SQL Server is her passion. Kim is also an avid volunteer in the SQL Server community! She has served as a SQL Saturday organizer/volunteer/speaker, PASS Summit Program Committee, PASS Summit Ambassador, and PASS Summit buddy for first timers. As a recent empty nester, Kim has developed a thirst for learning new things such as Ansible and Docker, however, she still finds time for a few Overwatch matches and a splash of Netflix.
Contact: https://www.jameslivingston.io
Programmer turned DBA turned programmer.
With more than 51,000 posts and 39 mostly 5 star articles, Jeff Moden is a strong contributor on SQLServerCentral.com where he coined the term “RBAR” (Row By Agonizing Row) and helped make the "Tally Table" a household name. Jeff has more than 2 decades of experience with SQL Server and is mostly self-trained in what he calls the “Black Arts” of T-SQL. He’s known worldwide for his informative articles, high performance T-SQL coding methods, and methods of mentoring. His dedication to helping others earned him the MS SQL Server MVP award for nine years and the RedGate Exceptional DBA Award in 2011. His mantra is "Performance is in the code".
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/trendoid
Contact: http://www.aaronstanleyking.com
Aaron King is a application architect specializing in enterprise web applications and very large databases.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-bland-sql-server
Contact: https://www.davebland.com
Over 20 years of SQL Server experience that includes being a DBA, BI development and Application development using VB.NET. Dave currently is the Manager of the DBA team at Stericycle. Dave is a Friend of Red-Gate for 2019. He is a frequent presenter at SQL Saturday events and user groups around the country. Has been teaching SQL Server since version 2000 and is the SQL Server instructor at Harper College in Palatine, IL. Current certifications include: • Microsoft Certified Trainer • MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance • MCTS: SQL Server 2008, BI Development and Maintenance • MCSA: SQL Server 2008 • MCSA: SQL Server 2016 • MCSE: SQL Server 2016 - BI • MCDBA: SQL Server 2000 • MCSD • MCSE: Data Management and Analytics
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/kevin-feasel/7/716/504
Contact: http://www.catallaxyservices.com
Kevin Feasel is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and CTO at Envizage, where he specializes in data analytics with T-SQL and R, forcing Spark clusters to do his bidding, fighting with Kafka, and pulling rabbits out of hats on demand. He is the lead contributor to Curated SQL (https://curatedsql.com), president of the Triangle Area SQL Server Users Group (https://www.meetup.com/tripass), and author of PolyBase Revealed (https://www.apress.com/us/book/9781484254608). A resident of Durham, North Carolina, he can be found cycling the trails along the triangle whenever the weather's nice enough.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/andrewloree
Contact: http://www.andyloree.com
Andrew Loree has over nineteen years of database experience with roles in architecture, design, development, and implementation of enterprise-scale SQL Server data solutions, supporting industries from legal e-discovery to manufacturing. Areas of expertise since SQL Server 2000 include data migration and ETL/ELT solutions, disaster recovery planning, high availability service design, licensing and virtualization. Andrew holds fourteen Microsoft certifications, has both a Bachelor and Masters of Science in Computer Science from Wright State University and is a Columbus (Ohio) PASS board member.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/allen-white-sql-server-mvp/5/784/b08/
Contact: http://dataperfpro.com/blog/
Allen White is a Data Platform consultant. He has been both a developer and an administrator, so he understands both perspectives towards database technology. He loves sharing his experiences and helping people learn how to use SQL Server. Allen has spent over 40 years in IT, using SQL Server since 1992, and has been awarded Microsoft’s MVP Award for the last 13 years. Allen was a PASS Director from 2016 - 2018.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericblinn
Contact: https://ericblinn.com/
Eric has been a SQL Server DBA in the legal, software, transportation, and insurance industries for over 10 years. Currently he is the Sr Data Architect for Squire Patton Boggs, a leading provider of legal services with 47 offices in 20 countries. Eric is a 2018-2019 Idera Ace and has co-authored 2 Idera Whitepapers. He has been a presenter at PASS Summit, SQLSaturdays, the in.sight transportation conference, and the Ohio North SQL Server User's Group.
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/tradney
Contact: http://www.timradney.com
Tim is a Data Platform MVP and has a whole collection of Microsoft and other industry certifications. His experience includes HA/DR, virtualization, SSIS, SSRS, and performance tuning, among everything else SQL Server-related. Tim is very active and passionate in the SQL Community. He runs the Columbus GA SQL Users Group, has been a PASS Regional Mentor for a number of years, was named a PASS Outstanding Volunteer in 2012, and is a frequent speaker at user groups, SQL Saturdays and PASS Summits. Tim is one of the top ranked in karma on ask.sqlservercentral.com, answers questions as @tradney on Twitter, and blogs at http://timradney.com and SQLskills blog at http://www.SQLskills.com/blogs/tim.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/spencerswindell/
Spencer Swindell is the Lead Architect with Think Data Insights, LLC. Think Data Insights a consulting group based out of Nashville, TN that works with companies to implement and maintain their Enterprise Data Platform. Since graduating from Tennessee Tech in 2011, he has built and delivered solutions for numerous organizations in the Nashville area utilizing SQL Server and the Microsoft BI Toolset. Spencer lives in Mount Juliet with his wife and son.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlrus
Contact: http://www.sqlrus.com
John Morehouse is currently a Consultant with Denny Cherry Associates living in Louisville, Kentucky. With over 2 decades of technical experience in various industries, John now focuses on the Microsoft Data platform and specializes in Microsoft SQL Server. He is honored to be a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, VMWare vExpert, Friend of Red Gate, Sentry One PAC member Community Ambassador, and 2016 Idera Ace. John has a passion around speaking, teaching technical topics, and giving back to the technical community as much as possible. He is a user group leader, SQL Saturday organizer, and former PASS regional mentor. He is also a blogger, avid tweeter, and a frequent speaker at SQL Saturday’s as well as other conferences.
LinkedIn: Public Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/petershore
Peter Shore is a seasoned IT professional with over 25 years of experience. He took the accidentally intentional DBA plunge in 2013 and has discovered that he loves to find the stories the data has to tell. Peter is comfortable working with both physical and virtual servers, where he tries to apply best practices to attain performance improvements. He is also adept at bridging the gap between technical and business language in order to bring technology solutions to business needs.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlbek
Contact: http://sqlbek.wordpress.com
Andy Yun is a SentryOne Principal Solutions Engineer and a former Microsoft MVP. He has been working with SQL Server for nearly 20 years as both a Database Developer and Administrator. Leveraging knowledge of SQL Server Internals and extensive experience in highly transactional environments, he strives to make T-SQL leaner and meaner. Andy is extremely passionate about passing knowledge onto others, regularly speaking at User Groups, SQL Saturdays, and PASS Summit. Andy is a co-founder of the Chicago SQL Association, co-Chapter Leader of the Chicago Suburban User Group, and part of the Chicago SQL Saturday Organizing Committee.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elizabeth-a-noble
Elizabeth Noble is a Director of Database Development in the metro Atlanta area. When she was introduced to her first database over 10 years ago, it was love at first sight. Her passion is to help others improve the quality and speed of deploying database changes through automation. When she is not trying to automate all of the things, she can be found spending time with her dogs, playing disc golf, or taking a walk at the gym.
Ed is a Senior DBA with more than 27 years experience in database development and administration. He enjoys high-performance and "black arts" SQL. He's a member of SQL PASS In Detroit (SPID) and a frequent poster on SQLServerCentral.com. He's passionate about SQL Server and actually enjoys it.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lisa-bohm-73800311
Contact: http://www.lisagb.info
Lisa started in IT as a web developer. Designing databases as back ends for the web applications left the desire to learn more about solid design and coding for SQL performance. She has been on an ongoing mission to learn and improve code wherever she goes.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lucas-feiock
Contact: https://sql-stack.com
Lucas Feiock is a Senior Business Intelligence Consultant with KiZAN Technologies. He has four years of experience with the Microsoft BI Stack. In addition to data warehousing, data integration and data visualization, Lucas is also involved with machine learning and advanced analytics. He has experience working in multiple industries including manufacturing, sales, gas and electric utilities, and health care.
LinkedIn: http://ca.linkedin.com/in/rimayev
Contact: http://datanrg.blogspot.ca/
Database professional with hands-on database design, data analysis, and reporting skills. I believe that I can help to make this intricate world of data to be more structured and well understood. Born in USSR; graduated and started my IT journey in Ukraine; now I work and live with my family in Toronto, Canada.
Contact: http://www.sqlgene.com
Eugene Meidinger works as a BI consultant and full time Pluralsight author. He currently focuses on content on Power BI and related products. He also leads the Pittsburgh Power BI User Group. He is certified in querying and administering SQL Server.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlespresso
Contact: http://www.sqlespresso.com
Monica Rathbun lives in Virginia, is a Microsoft MVP for Data Platform and Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert. She has nearly two decades of experience working with a wide variety of database platforms with a focus on SQL Server and the Microsoft Data Platform. She is a frequent speaker at IT industry conferences on topics including performance tuning and configuration management. She is the Leader of the Hampton Roads SQL Server User Group and a Mid‐Atlantic PASS Regional Mentor. She is passionate about SQL Server and the SQL Server community, doing anything she can to give back. Monica can always be found on Twitter (@sqlespresso) handing out helpful tips. You can find Monica blogging at sqlespresso.com
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/ericblinn
Contact: https://ericblinn.com/
Eric has been a SQL Server DBA in the legal, software, transportation, and insurance industries for over 10 years. Currently he is the Sr Data Architect for Squire Patton Boggs, a leading provider of legal services with 47 offices in 20 countries. Eric is a 2018-2019 Idera Ace and has co-authored 2 Idera Whitepapers. He has been a presenter at PASS Summit, SQLSaturdays, the in.sight transportation conference, and the Ohio North SQL Server User's Group.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-hyde-3803706
Chris Hyde is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He works as an independent SQL Server BI and DBA consultant, and is the leader of the Albuquerque PASS local user group. He is also part of the Friends of Redgate program and was a member of the Idera ACE class of 2018. He loves loud music and cricket, but usually not at the same time.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/hasansavran/
Contact: http://h-savran.blogspot.com/
Hasan Savran is a BI Architect at Progressive Insurance Company. He spends his days architecting cutting edge business solutions by using the latest Web and Database technologies. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer. Hasan has spoken at many SQL Saturdays, Code Camps and User groups. He is an active member of the HTML5 and WebAssembly W3C groups. He likes to write about SQL, CosmosDB, C#, and Front End development on his blog.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sourav-mukherjee-46b0a015/
Sourav Mukherjee is a Senior Database Administrator based out of Chicago. He has more than 12 years of experience working with SQL Server Platform. His work focus in Microsoft SQL Server started with SQL Server 2000. Being a Consultant worked with different Chicago based client projects. He has helped many companies in designing and maintaining their high availability solutions and providing query performance tuning to improve the overall SQL Server performance. He holds a bachelor's degree in Computer Science, Master's Degree in Project Management. He is an MCT (Microsoft Certified Trainer) and TOGAF, PMP and ITIL Certified. He writes articles and blogs in LinkedIn and other social media sites.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/bertwagner/
Contact: https://bertwagner.com
Bert Wagner teaches data-focused developers how to use SQL Server efficiently every week on his YouTube channel “SQL with Bert.” When not filming episodes, he gains inspiration for his content through his work as a Principal Business Intelligence Developer for Progressive Insurance in Cleveland, OH. Starting his career as an SSIS and SSRS developer, Bert fell in love with SQL Server query writing and performance tuning. Nowadays, he focuses on full stack web development and uses his database tuning skills to ensure that his applications run at peak performance.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pittfurg
Contact: http://www.port1433.com
Drew Furgiuele is a senior DBA that lives in Dublin, Ohio who is passionate about SQL Server and PowerShell. He's been working with SQL Server since 2002. When he’s not accidentally dropping tables in production, he likes writing automation scripts, blogging about SQL Server Replication, wiring electronics, playing board games, and spending time with his dog. He's also not embarrassed by his Spotify playlists.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/joe-bruno-2937464/
Joe Bruno is a Database Administrator for Foundation Software in Strongsville, Ohio. He has over 15 years of experience with SQL Server and other relational database management systems. His career has progressed through report writing, report systems development and database administration. He is also a Microsoft Certified Solutions Associate (MCSA) - Database Administration.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dave-bland-sql-server
Contact: https://www.davebland.com
Over 20 years of SQL Server experience that includes being a DBA, BI development and Application development using VB.NET. Dave currently is the Manager of the DBA team at Stericycle. Dave is a Friend of Red-Gate for 2019. He is a frequent presenter at SQL Saturday events and user groups around the country. Has been teaching SQL Server since version 2000 and is the SQL Server instructor at Harper College in Palatine, IL. Current certifications include: • Microsoft Certified Trainer • MCTS: SQL Server 2008, Implementation and Maintenance • MCTS: SQL Server 2008, BI Development and Maintenance • MCSA: SQL Server 2008 • MCSA: SQL Server 2016 • MCSE: SQL Server 2016 - BI • MCDBA: SQL Server 2000 • MCSD • MCSE: Data Management and Analytics
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/aherold
Contact: http://www.sqlkitten.com/
Amy Herold is currently a Premier Field Engineer with Microsoft, specializing in APS. Prior to this, she was a Sr. Database Administrator, focusing on PowerShell and automation. She is also currently the Director of Programs for the North Texas SQL Server User Group (NTSSUG). She frequently speaks at SQL Saturday and user group events across the United States and has also participated in numerous Women in Technology sessions as a panelist. Amy currently blogs at sqlkitten.com.
LinkedIn: Public Profile https://www.linkedin.com/in/petershore
Peter Shore is a seasoned IT professional with over 25 years of experience. He took the accidentally intentional DBA plunge in 2013 and has discovered that he loves to find the stories the data has to tell. Peter is comfortable working with both physical and virtual servers, where he tries to apply best practices to attain performance improvements. He is also adept at bridging the gap between technical and business language in order to bring technology solutions to business needs.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.