Event Location:
UVM Campus Roma
Mérida No. 33 Roma Norte
Cuauhtemoc, The Federal District, Mexico
Ever found yourself writing a T-SQL script and wishing you could do a relatively simple task that T-SQL just doesn't support? Like running a SQL script and passing in parameters at run-time? Or using a variable across multiple connections without using a linked server? Or run the script across multiple instances in a single window? SQLCmd mode in SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) is the answer to these problems and many more. Unfortunately, most people don't even know about these capabilities. It's the T-SQL easy button that almost nobody uses! This demo-heavy session will teach you how to leverage new capabilities that have been at your finger-tips the whole time ... well at least since 2008.
Speaker(s): Robert Davis,
Parallelism seems like it should be one of those things that the query engine takes care of for us, but it does require some care and tending from time to time. The default server configurations are no longer adequate for controlling parallelism, and DBAs need to know how to tweak the settings to make it run optimally. When parallelism goes awry, it can cause severe performance problems. Sometimes only for a specific query, sometimes it can hurt performance server-wide. To add a little complexity to the mix, parallelism can also be controlled by query hints and Resource Governor. Understanding how these three options for setting the Max Degree of Parallelism interact and who wins when they conflict is critical in being able to understand how to control it.
Speaker(s): Robert Davis,
En un ecosistema de desarrollos ágiles, los productos estan recibiendo inovaciones constantes, en esta sesión hablaremos de lo que SharePoint como plataforma de colaboración unida a SQL Server estará experimentando en el futuro.
Speaker(s): Vladimir Medina,
this session will be focused on building a case for upgrading to SQL Server 2016, from a previous version. We'll cover new features and enhancements, as well as free performance improvements just for upgrading. We will also cover (quickly) some of the hybrid features of SQL Server, including Stretch Database We will also discuss ways to migrate to SQL 2016 with less pain, using the Query Store
Speaker(s): Dave Walden,
Are you tired of being a DBA, but don't have the guts to quit? Here's a solution for you. Here are 3 sure-fire ways to get fired from your DBA job. I'll explain why you should be fired if you do these 3 things and what you should do instead if you decide you want to keep your job after all. The scary part is, you may already be doing some of these things and not even know it. Find out now if your job is at risk!
Speaker(s): Robert Davis,
We will talk about cloud-only and hybrid cloud features of SQL Server 2016 and Azure. This session will include introductions to technologies such as Azure AlwaysOn AG replicas, Stretch Database, PolyBase, Azure Data Warehouse, HDInsight and Azure Data Lake. We will cover practical uses for features, and discuss migrating existing applications to Azure. We will also touch upon methods that can be used to secure your data in the cloud, too
Speaker(s): Dave Walden,
Conoce la funcionalidad AlwaysOn Availability Groups como solución de alta disponibilidad y Disaster Recovery, así como las nuevas mejoras en SQL Server 2016. Configuremos un ambiente de alta disponibilidad y Disaster Recovery con grupos de disponibilidad y simularemos algunos escenarios de falla para observar el comportamiento de la solución. Además de verlo en funcionamiento entenderás el valor de su implementación en tu organización.
Speaker(s): Daniel Valero,
Si alguna vez a notado que el desempeño de su base de datos comienza a degradarse paulatinamente, le invito a que venga a para que veamos el porque de la degradacion de la misma, y el como mejorarlo mediante la defragmentacion predictiva de SQL Sentinel.
Speaker(s): Kenneth Urena,
Azure Machine Learning es un servicio de análisis predictivo que rápidamente permite crear e implementar soluciones analíticas. Estas soluciones pueden predecir tendencias futuras basadas en datos actuales e históricos, lo cual permite que estas soluciones sean más inteligentes con el tiempo. Azure Machine Learning Studio ofrece capacidades para configurar experimentos usando módulos pre-programados de arrastrar y soltar los cuales usan técnicas de modelaje predictivo todo por medio del navegador web. Esta sesión proporcionará una introducción fundamental al servicio en la nube de Azure Machine Learning, paradigmas y conceptos claves de aprendizaje automático. Además, revisaremos la creación de un espacio de trabajo, el entrenamiento de un modelo de aprendizaje automático y la publicación del modelo como servicio web.
Speaker(s): Adan Ortiz-Cordova,
Diagnostico de desempeño y estabilidad en SQL Server usando herramientas gratuitas como lo son: Pssdiag: Un paquete de varias herramientas que son usadas altamente por Microsoft como una captura general de SQL Server SQLNexus: Herramienta que nos ayuda a interpreter todo lo capturado por un pssdiag o diferentes herramientas PAL: Nos ayuda a entender de una manera grafica y simple los contadores de desempeño de Perfmon Perfmon: Herramienta nativa de Windows para la captura de contadores de desempeño Para diagnosticar y encontrar problemas en los sistemas de SQL Server.
Speaker(s): Enrique Argüelles,
Full LIVE buildout of an 2-node SQL Server 2017 CTP 2 Availability Group, on Linux! We're going to start from scratch, and cover allocating VMs in Hyper-V, loading the OS, general configuration of the operating system, installing SQL Server, and finish with an controlled failover of SQL Server using native Linux utilities. We'll talk about each step along the way
Speaker(s): Dave Walden,
En esta sesión vamos a poder explorar un poco lo que es SQL Server en Linux, su instalación, configuración y como conectarnos y utilizar nuestro SQL Server desde la consola y SSMS.
Speaker(s): Carlos A. Ulate Hernandez,
En esta charla se da a conocer como podemos planear, implementar y aprovechar la seguridad dentro de la plataforma de datos de Microsoft. Algunos de los puntos a tratar son: * Seguridad de los datos * Plataforma de datos Microsoft * Componentes de la seguridad * SQL Server 2016 - Diseñando la seguridad * Windows 10 * Seguridad en la nube * Seguridad en la red
Speaker(s): Miguel Angel Granados,
Every data has meaning, but we had limitation to use data through big long running process Extraction, Transformation and Representation, but now Power BI solves your problem to kick start having Data extraction in Power Query, Data Modelling and Transformation in Power Pivot and reach data representation using power view and power map on demand any nearby device on your fingertips
Speaker(s): Vishal Pawar,
En esta sesión daremos los primeros pasos en Power Bi, transformaremos datos comunes en información empresarial sacando el máximos resultado para distintas áreas
Speaker(s): Yanitza Campos,
Es una sesión 90% práctica en donde diseñaremos, crearemos mostraremos como administrar una base de datos Azure SQL Data Warehouse de una manera óptima. Mostraremos como cargar datos desde distintas herramientas y como monitorear una solución completa.
Speaker(s): Adrian Miranda,
En esta sesión vamos mostrar las nuevas funcionalidades que se incluyeron en SSIS para la reciente version de SQL Server 2016.
Speaker(s): Carlos A. Ulate Hernandez,
Internet of Things (IoT). Estás pensando en iniciar tu proyecto de IoT? esta es la sesión que debes de atender. Mostraremos como crear una arquitectura de IoT. Cómo integrar la solución con aplicaciones existentes, capturar datos y analizarlos, todo para dar un valor agregado al negocio en su toma de decisiones.
Speaker(s): Adrian Miranda,
When utilizing SSL Offload and Re-encrypt functionality on KEMP LoadMaster for Azure, customers are also able to leverage additionalother Layer 7 functionality such as providing secure protection for applications access using Web Application Firewall functionality.
Speaker(s): Dave Rendon,
En esta sesi#243;n se presentan los conceptos fundamentales de an#225;lisis predictivo y c#243;mo se implementan con SQL Server y las herramientas de an#225;lisis de datos tales como Excel. Adicionalmente, se muestra c#243;mo integrar el lenguaje R dentro de nuestro proyectos de bases de datos.
Speaker(s): Eduardo Castro,
"quiero mi cubo en tiempo real, ya que necesito analizarlo con la ultima informacion", cuantas veces no hemos oido esto y no sabemos como resolverlo? en esta sesion le diremos como resolverlo usando Indices columnares, Bases de datos Tabulares y Power BI!!
Speaker(s): Juan Alvarado,
El constante cambio y entendimiento de estos nuevos modelos de negocio, requieren soluciones que vayan de acuerdo a estos requerimientos de obtención, almacenamiento, procesamiento y análisis visual de datos. Las soluciones de Microsoft a través de Servicios como Cortana Intelligence Suite nos ayudan con estos nuevos retos. Aplicando aprendizajes apoyado de la experiencia Microsoft ofrece posibilidades de soluciones funcionales y de industria para habilitar a Técnicos, Analistas y Tomadores de Decisiones en este camino de la adopción de nuevos modelos de negocio.
Speaker(s): Jesus Dominguez,
Within the world of Microsoft Technology is very important to know the right way to license your infrastructure or production environment to have peace of mind with entities such as Microsoft (SAM Compliance), IMPI or BSA. In this session you can learn the correct form to license SQL, Windows Server, Windows, Office, etc; And you will be able to know the Microsoft Licensing Audiotria process.
Speaker(s): Rolando Lopez,
Que es data lake? como se integra a una estrategia corporativa analitica? como interactuo con ella?, esta preguntas seran respondidas en la sesion. Adicinalmente veremos demos sobre data lake programando desde Visual Studio trabajos y analizando atravez de Power BI los resultados!!
Speaker(s): Juan Alvarado,
Que hay de nuevo en power bi , siempre atraves del tiempo Microsoft a actualizado mensualmente el desktop de power bi y semanalmente el servicio. En esta sesion se podra ver lo nuevo que nos trae power BI y como aprovechar nuevas funcionalidades que traera en el 2017 .. esperamos grandes sorpresas incluyendo ver como funcionara power bi on-premise.
Speaker(s): Juan Alvarado,
Being a BI Professional, you need all the performance tuning the DB folks get and more. In this hour, we will go over important performance tuning tips that you can use to help make your deliverables faster and more effective. We will touch on the MSBI tools of SSIS, SSAS, SSRS and PowerBI as well as some core engine stuff.
Speaker(s): Jonathan Stewart,
Uno de los cambios más grandes en SQL Server 2016 son los Mobile Reports en SQL Server Reporting Services, esta charla tiene como objetivo orientar a quienes quieren aprovechar esta nueva funcionalidad trasladándoles conocimientos básicos para iniciar con los Mobile Reports
Speaker(s): Marco Tulio Gómez Reyes,
Descubre las nuevas funcionalidad de seguridad en SQL Server 216, tales como Always Encrypted, Data Masking y Row Level Security y como permiten que tu datos se encuentren seguros e incluso ocultos para el Administrador de Bases de Datos.
Speaker(s): Daniel Valero,
En esta sesión se cubrirán estrategias de optimización de consultas de análisis sobre sistemas operacionales oltp sin matar la operación en el intento. Se asume conocimientos en columna index store e inmemory oltp.
Speaker(s): Kenneth Urena,
Cómo se integran estos nuevos servicios en la nube con el manejo estructurado de datos?
Speaker(s): Vladimir Medina,
Ever feel like you are just doing busy work while creating new SSIS packages? Feel like you are doing the same thing over and over while changing the names to protect the innocent? Ever wonder if there is a better way? Well wonder no more. Come learn about the magical world of BIML and how it can help transform your environment by increasing your productivity while reducing the possibility of errors. Come with intrigue and leave with a fundamental understanding of BIML!
Speaker(s): Jonathan Stewart,
Los retos de trabajar en grupos multidisplinarios .
Speaker(s): Carmen Aguila,
A deep look at the new security features of SQL Server 2016, primarily: Always Encrypted Dynamic Data Masking Row Level Security The session will be very demo heavy as opposed to slideware, and will focus on practical examples and uses for these features. We will discuss when and where to use them, and pros and cons to each feature
Speaker(s): Dave Walden,
Eres un DBA y hoy tienes que instalar SQL en Linux, posteriormente extraer de la base de datos la información para crear tu BI, por ultimo mostrar la información con PowerBI Si quieres saber ¿cómo hacerlo? acompañanos a Juan Alvarado y un servidor Jesus Gil a esta charla, donde haremos todos estos pasos. Sin slides, solo demos, demos y más demos...
Speaker(s): Jesus Gil,
En esta sesión veremos cómo crear dashboards de BI con Power BI y veremos desde su creación hasta la publicación en Web y dispositivos móviles
Speaker(s): Eduardo Castro,
Conozca como las soluciones de Quest permiten monitorear un ambiente de bases de datos SQL Server, identificar problemas de espacio, identificar bloqueos en tiempo real, hacer diagnóstico histórico del comportamiento de la base de datos, generar alertas o notificaciones sobre los problemas en la base de datos, vea como rápidamente se puede hacer afinamiento a consultas SQL problemáticas, durante la sesión presentaremos los tips para identificar problemas en la base de datos y encontrar rápidamente las soluciones.
Speaker(s): Jesus Rodriguez Rodriguez,
Power BI is all the rage right now in visualizing data on the Microsoft BI stack. We've seen multiple how tos and presentations on the features, but in this hour, we will actually go through the journey of a specific problem, research it, storyboard it, work through how we solve it (before we ever open Power BI) and then build the Power BI visualization. Make your visualization count. Come join us on the journey.
Speaker(s): Jonathan Stewart,
Una charla ideal para aquellas personas que buscan crear su primer modelo tabular, durante la sesión realizaremos un recorrido por cada uno de los pasos necesarios para crear y explorar un modelo tabular
Speaker(s): Marco Tulio Gómez Reyes,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: https://mx.linkedin.com/in/enriarg
Contact: http://sqlservertoolbox.blogspot.mx/
Born and raised in Mexico, has been working with databases for around 9 years now, working for ATOS as a DBA for several clients around the globe serving multiple versions of SQL Servers, trying to get familiar with cloud computing and linux versions of SQL Server
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqllocks/
Contact: https://sqllocks.net/
Jonathan Stewart is a Business Intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher and blogger, continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI Stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, financial, insurance and federal, state and local governments. Jonathan is very active in the community. He has presented on SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services, Power BI and Business Intelligence at numerous SQLSaturday events, local user groups, and conferences throughout the United States and around the world. He participates in webcasts, podcasts, and on
LinkedIn: https://mx.linkedin.com/in/carmenaguila
An energetic, motivated and highly dynamic executive with excellent balance between managerial and technical skills with an extensive experience and proven success leading IT strategic projects, integrating new technologies, focused on continuous improvement, using skills to work at all levels, taking advantage of proactive leadership, lnnovation, negotiation, decision making, self-taught contributing to the development of high performance teams motivated by challenges.
Contact: http://ecastrom.blogspot.com
Eduardo Castro, Microsoft Data Platform MVP and PASS Board of Advisor for LATAM, is well known LATAM SQL Server Expert and focuses on architecture, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Eduardo has an specialization and master degree in Data Analysis and Big Data. I have been speaker at PASS Summit delivering session about R and Data Science. Eduardo Castro has presented in United States, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador and South Korea.
LinkedIn: http://gt.linkedin.com/in/mgomezgt
Contact: http://www.marcotuliogomez.com
Gerente General de Soluciones Computarizadas (www.solcomp.com) empresa dedicada a la consultoría, capacitacion y outsourcing de inteligencia de negocios, bases de datos y servicios en azure. Anteriormente fue CRM Commercial Intelligence Leader en Kimberly-Clark Professional Guatemala, Arquitecto de soluciones de SSAS para Tigo Guatemala (Millicom International Cellular) y gerente de operaciones en CADS, S.A. (Grupo Tecun) Marco Tulio Posee una maestria en Tecnologías de la informacion y varias certificaciones tecnicas sobre productos Microsoft
With over 20 years of experience in large, high performance, mission critical environments, Dave brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. While his primary focus is the data platform, Dave has deep expertise in other fields, including Cloud (Private/Public/Hybrid), Storage, Virtualization, Compute and Networking. Dave also has deep experience in the Big Data space, having worked in technologies such as Hadoop, Data Lake, Cosmos DB and MongoDB. Dave is a international speaker on SQL Server related topics, most recently on SQL Server on Linux.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/robertldavis/
Contact: http://www.sqlsoldier.com
Robert is a SQL Server Certified Master, MVP, and has spent 17+ years honing his skills in security, performance tuning, SQL development, high availability, and disaster recovery. He served as PM for the SQL Server Certified Master Program at Microsoft Learning, and in various roles at Microsoft specializing in SQL Server administration, development, and architecture. He currently works as a Database Engineer at BlueMountain Capital Management where he spends a vast majority of his time tuning massively parallel queries. Robert feeds his passion for security by acting as co-leader of the PASS Security Virtual Chapter.
LinkedIn: https://cr.linkedin.com/in/carlosulate
Contact: http://www.sql506.com
Más de 12 años de experiencia en el análisis, desarrollo y soporte de aplicaciones y bases de datos, Ingeniero en Sistemas de la Universidad Fidélitas Costa Rica, Desarrollo de diferentes proyectos bancarios utilizando diferentes herramientas de Microsoft a nivel de BI y bases de datos, DBA/DBE para diversas compañias del mercado tecnológico. Chapter leader del capitulo local para PASS, Data Group Guanacaste, Parte del staff del capitulo virtual en español para PASS.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/robertldavis/
Contact: http://www.sqlsoldier.com
Robert is a SQL Server Certified Master, MVP, and has spent 17+ years honing his skills in security, performance tuning, SQL development, high availability, and disaster recovery. He served as PM for the SQL Server Certified Master Program at Microsoft Learning, and in various roles at Microsoft specializing in SQL Server administration, development, and architecture. He currently works as a Database Engineer at BlueMountain Capital Management where he spends a vast majority of his time tuning massively parallel queries. Robert feeds his passion for security by acting as co-leader of the PASS Security Virtual Chapter.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rolando-l%C3%B3pez-32718ab7/
Microsoft Cloud engineer working for Ingram Micro Mexico as a Project Manager for over five years of experience building cloud architectures for production areas and development environments, managing to be a comprehensive cloud solutions consultant.
LinkedIn: https://mx.linkedin.com/in/vladpoint
Contact: https://vladpoint.wordpress.com
Vladimir Medina is a Technical Fellow with 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies. He has certifications as MCP, MCTS, MCITP and Teamwork Administrator, also accreditations as Master Trainer, Trainer of Trainers, Technical Mentor, SharePoint Expert, Performance monitoring and debugging Engineer.
With over 20 years of experience in large, high performance, mission critical environments, Dave brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. While his primary focus is the data platform, Dave has deep expertise in other fields, including Cloud (Private/Public/Hybrid), Storage, Virtualization, Compute and Networking. Dave also has deep experience in the Big Data space, having worked in technologies such as Hadoop, Data Lake, Cosmos DB and MongoDB. Dave is a international speaker on SQL Server related topics, most recently on SQL Server on Linux.
Profesional de datos con más de 15 años de experiencia en mercados financieros, seguros, retail, entre otros. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en la definición de arquitectura de base de datos, soluciones en la nube utilizando Microsoft Azure, ha participado en la definición de estrategias de alta disponibilidad, desastre y recuperación utilizando Microsoft Azure como plataforma y continuidad de negocios en general. Formó parte del equipo de soporte global en SQL Server para Microsoft, además, se desempeñó como consultor para un Microsoft Partner y ha sido conferencista para múltiples eventos relacionados con la comunidad de datos en LATAM.
LinkedIn: http://mx.linkedin.com/in/jesusgilv/es
Contact: https://jesusgilv.wordpress.com/
Jesus Gil is a professional working with SQL Server since 6.5 version to SQL Server 2017 I'm an Microsoft Data Platform MVP since 2010 and was coauthor of official WhitePapers: SQL Server 2014 Upgrade Technical Guide and SQL Server 2012 Upgrade Technical Guide Author several technical articles, course, workshops, etc.
LinkedIn: https://cr.linkedin.com/in/carlosulate
Contact: http://www.sql506.com
Más de 12 años de experiencia en el análisis, desarrollo y soporte de aplicaciones y bases de datos, Ingeniero en Sistemas de la Universidad Fidélitas Costa Rica, Desarrollo de diferentes proyectos bancarios utilizando diferentes herramientas de Microsoft a nivel de BI y bases de datos, DBA/DBE para diversas compañias del mercado tecnológico. Chapter leader del capitulo local para PASS, Data Group Guanacaste, Parte del staff del capitulo virtual en español para PASS.
LinkedIn: https://mx.linkedin.com/in/vladpoint
Contact: https://vladpoint.wordpress.com
Vladimir Medina is a Technical Fellow with 15+ years of experience in Microsoft Technologies. He has certifications as MCP, MCTS, MCITP and Teamwork Administrator, also accreditations as Master Trainer, Trainer of Trainers, Technical Mentor, SharePoint Expert, Performance monitoring and debugging Engineer.
With over 20 years of experience in large, high performance, mission critical environments, Dave brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. While his primary focus is the data platform, Dave has deep expertise in other fields, including Cloud (Private/Public/Hybrid), Storage, Virtualization, Compute and Networking. Dave also has deep experience in the Big Data space, having worked in technologies such as Hadoop, Data Lake, Cosmos DB and MongoDB. Dave is a international speaker on SQL Server related topics, most recently on SQL Server on Linux.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqllocks/
Contact: https://sqllocks.net/
Jonathan Stewart is a Business Intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher and blogger, continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI Stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, financial, insurance and federal, state and local governments. Jonathan is very active in the community. He has presented on SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services, Power BI and Business Intelligence at numerous SQLSaturday events, local user groups, and conferences throughout the United States and around the world. He participates in webcasts, podcasts, and on
Contact: http://www.granadostroncoso.com.mx
Graduated in Computer Science from the Metropolitan Autonomous University. Along my career I had been working for different kind of industries that go from financial to Automation, passing through health care, biodiversity research and teaching. In the past I worked as a developer, project leader, architect, DBA, teacher and IT consultant. Actually I work for Teia, an important Microsoft partner, and collaborate with PASS as Mexico City chapter leader.
LinkedIn: https://gt.linkedin.com/in/juanmalvarado
Contact: http://medium.com/@juanbizzz
MVP de de Data Platform durante 11 años consecutivos. Consultor de tecnologias de SQL Server, Power BI, Project, Azure , Azure Data Lakes y Office 365. Certificado en SQL y Sharepoint. Consultor certificado sobre Sap HANA y Oracle.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pawarvishal
Contact: http://bimentalist.com/
Vishal Pawar is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, Microsoft Certified Trainer (MCT), founder of the Global Power BI User Group and co-leader of the PASS Business Analytics Virtual Group. He is a Principal BI Architect in Green House Data, with decades of experience in BI solution architecture and best practices. He has published more than 1000 articles since 2011 in SQL and BI. Vishal teaches a free Power BI course through Udemy, which has more than 65K students from the glob. Vishal is an exceptional technology community of leaders worldwide who actively share their high quality, real-world expertise with the technical communities.
LinkedIn: https://co.linkedin.com/in/dvalero?
With more than 10 years working with SQL Server, I started working with SQL as DBA of several financial institutions in Venezuela. Actually, I work at Microsoft as a Premier Field Engineer (PFE) specialist on SQL Server and Windows Clustering for Latin-American and Caribe, delivering remote and onsite, proactive and reactive support services for Microsoft Premier Customers the goal of promoting the health of their IT environments.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlcr
Contact: http://www.sqlcr.com
Kenneth Ureña is an experienced technologist with 17 years of experience, including 14 years of experience in SQL server. He has worked on versions from SQL Server 7.0 to SQL server 2016. Kenneth has performed the role of Database Developer, Database Architect and Database Administrator, always relying on his disaster recovery and performance tuning skills. He co-leads the Global Spanish Virtual chapter of PASS. PASS LatAm Regional Mentor, he speaks at multiple SQL Server events in both Spanish and English. Kenneth holds multiple SQL server certifications.
With over 20 years of experience in large, high performance, mission critical environments, Dave brings a wealth of knowledge and experience. While his primary focus is the data platform, Dave has deep expertise in other fields, including Cloud (Private/Public/Hybrid), Storage, Virtualization, Compute and Networking. Dave also has deep experience in the Big Data space, having worked in technologies such as Hadoop, Data Lake, Cosmos DB and MongoDB. Dave is a international speaker on SQL Server related topics, most recently on SQL Server on Linux.
LinkedIn: https://co.linkedin.com/in/dvalero?
With more than 10 years working with SQL Server, I started working with SQL as DBA of several financial institutions in Venezuela. Actually, I work at Microsoft as a Premier Field Engineer (PFE) specialist on SQL Server and Windows Clustering for Latin-American and Caribe, delivering remote and onsite, proactive and reactive support services for Microsoft Premier Customers the goal of promoting the health of their IT environments.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlcr
Contact: http://www.sqlcr.com
Kenneth Ureña is an experienced technologist with 17 years of experience, including 14 years of experience in SQL server. He has worked on versions from SQL Server 7.0 to SQL server 2016. Kenneth has performed the role of Database Developer, Database Architect and Database Administrator, always relying on his disaster recovery and performance tuning skills. He co-leads the Global Spanish Virtual chapter of PASS. PASS LatAm Regional Mentor, he speaks at multiple SQL Server events in both Spanish and English. Kenneth holds multiple SQL server certifications.
LinkedIn: https://mx.linkedin.com/in/apodojrr
IT Professional with 19 years of experience with proven skills in all Application Development Cycle, Database Administration, Project Management and Development Product Manager . Recently focused as Solution Consultant on all Information Management portfolio for Quest Software supporting products over SQL Server Development, Administration, Data Analysis and Monitoring
Contact: http://ecastrom.blogspot.com
Eduardo Castro, Microsoft Data Platform MVP and PASS Board of Advisor for LATAM, is well known LATAM SQL Server Expert and focuses on architecture, Business Intelligence and Data Analytics, Eduardo has an specialization and master degree in Data Analysis and Big Data. I have been speaker at PASS Summit delivering session about R and Data Science. Eduardo Castro has presented in United States, Costa Rica, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, El Salvador and South Korea.
LinkedIn: http://gt.linkedin.com/in/mgomezgt
Contact: http://www.marcotuliogomez.com
Gerente General de Soluciones Computarizadas (www.solcomp.com) empresa dedicada a la consultoría, capacitacion y outsourcing de inteligencia de negocios, bases de datos y servicios en azure. Anteriormente fue CRM Commercial Intelligence Leader en Kimberly-Clark Professional Guatemala, Arquitecto de soluciones de SSAS para Tigo Guatemala (Millicom International Cellular) y gerente de operaciones en CADS, S.A. (Grupo Tecun) Marco Tulio Posee una maestria en Tecnologías de la informacion y varias certificaciones tecnicas sobre productos Microsoft
LinkedIn: https://gt.linkedin.com/in/juanmalvarado
Contact: http://medium.com/@juanbizzz
MVP de de Data Platform durante 11 años consecutivos. Consultor de tecnologias de SQL Server, Power BI, Project, Azure , Azure Data Lakes y Office 365. Certificado en SQL y Sharepoint. Consultor certificado sobre Sap HANA y Oracle.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/robertldavis/
Contact: http://www.sqlsoldier.com
Robert is a SQL Server Certified Master, MVP, and has spent 17+ years honing his skills in security, performance tuning, SQL development, high availability, and disaster recovery. He served as PM for the SQL Server Certified Master Program at Microsoft Learning, and in various roles at Microsoft specializing in SQL Server administration, development, and architecture. He currently works as a Database Engineer at BlueMountain Capital Management where he spends a vast majority of his time tuning massively parallel queries. Robert feeds his passion for security by acting as co-leader of the PASS Security Virtual Chapter.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/adanortiz
Adan Ortiz-Cordova is an Azure Consultant for Microsoft where he assists Fortune 500 companies architect, deploy, and implement solutions in Azure. He holds a Master of Science degree in Information Sciences and has published several peer-reviewed journal articles conference proceedings.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqllocks/
Contact: https://sqllocks.net/
Jonathan Stewart is a Business Intelligence consultant specializing in data visualization, data warehousing, and data management technologies. An advocate for educating others, he is a public speaker, teacher and blogger, continually teaching people about the Microsoft BI Stack. Since 2000, he has been working in the database field with industry leaders in healthcare, manufacturing, financial, insurance and federal, state and local governments. Jonathan is very active in the community. He has presented on SQL Server, SSIS, Reporting Services, Power BI and Business Intelligence at numerous SQLSaturday events, local user groups, and conferences throughout the United States and around the world. He participates in webcasts, podcasts, and on
LinkedIn: https://gt.linkedin.com/in/juanmalvarado
Contact: http://medium.com/@juanbizzz
MVP de de Data Platform durante 11 años consecutivos. Consultor de tecnologias de SQL Server, Power BI, Project, Azure , Azure Data Lakes y Office 365. Certificado en SQL y Sharepoint. Consultor certificado sobre Sap HANA y Oracle.
LinkedIn: https://cr.linkedin.com/in/yanitza-campos-wilson-241a79112
cuatro a#241;os de en SQL Server. De los cuales brinde un u#241;o y medio soporte a las aplicaciones en produccion y luego pase al areade data wherehouse, desarrollando informes para el departamento financiero y area de ventas; paralelamente participe en el equipo de desarrollo de etls y finalmente pase al area de implementacion de implementacion en produccion del DW.
Profesional de datos con más de 15 años de experiencia en mercados financieros, seguros, retail, entre otros. Cuenta con amplia experiencia en la definición de arquitectura de base de datos, soluciones en la nube utilizando Microsoft Azure, ha participado en la definición de estrategias de alta disponibilidad, desastre y recuperación utilizando Microsoft Azure como plataforma y continuidad de negocios en general. Formó parte del equipo de soporte global en SQL Server para Microsoft, además, se desempeñó como consultor para un Microsoft Partner y ha sido conferencista para múltiples eventos relacionados con la comunidad de datos en LATAM.
Microsoft Technology Center Data and analytics TA
IT consultant and a Microsoft MVP with the expertise in Microsoft Azure, specialist on enterprise data and applications management in cloud environments.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.