Event Location:
Scandic Hotel Opalen
Engelbrektsgatan 73
Gothenburg, , Sweden
SSIS is a powerful tool for extracting, transforming and loading data, but creating the actual SSIS packages can be both tedious and time-consuming. Even if you use templates and follow best practices you often have to repeat the same steps over and over again. There are no easy ways to handle metadata and schema changes, and if there are new requirements you might have to go through all the packages one more time. It's time to bring the Don't Repeat Yourself principle to SSIS development. In this session I will use the free BIDS Helper add-in to show you the basics of Biml and BimlScript, how to generate SSIS packages automatically from databases, how easy those packages can be changed, and how to move common code to separate files that can be included where needed. See why they say Biml allows you to complete in a day what once took more than a week! This session is intended for SSIS developers who are not yet familiar with Biml.
Speaker(s): Cathrine Wilhelmsen,
DBAs do not always have time to work with some of the amazing visual data tools that are becoming common place now for analysts. In this presentation I will show how in just a few very easy steps you can learn more than the basics of PowerView, PowerPivot and Data Mining using data you are already familiar with as a DBA, your SQL Server installation data. We will look at new and interesting way to load, transform, merge and analyze configuration and performance data for many servers simultaneously. I will also demonstrate how to best utilize that data for reports in Excel, SSRS and Visio to get the most out of automation, standardization and visualization with the new Power tools.
Speaker(s): Rodney Landrum,
Take what you’ve learned about SQL Server and turn it upside down. In this humorous session I’ll be debating many of the so called "best practices" in SQL Server and demonstrating counter arguments. Come along to see how so called "pillars" of design are starting to break down. •When you should NOT use stored procedures. •When we don’t need indexes. •When Clustered Tables are bad. •When Identity Columns should not be Primary Keys. •When we don’t care about fragmentation. •When good naming convention’s go bad. •Why Partitioning often makes your queries slower. •Why do ORMs really makes sense when they make all your parameters nvarchar (max) Health Warning: These may not be the design tips you should be using on your production OLTP.
Speaker(s): Bob Duffy,
This critical situation still exists in many live production environments in various organizations. This quick Life Saver techniques will quickly enable you to provide prompt solution as a patch with Resource Governor features. This helps to manage memory, cpu resources and enables various applications reporting to perform better by creating resource pools and allocating the memory for various groups, users, databases, applications. Also this session answers below questions. What does Resource Governor do? What is a resource Pool? Why any basic/intermediate users are given caution before implementing Resource Governor? What is this capable of doing in terms of allocating resources to the users, databases and applications? What are the methods to implement Resource Governor how to monitor the resource pools in terms of GUI T-SQL? You can take away working scripts, functions, tools to make a Resource Governor work and manage them.
Speaker(s): Dr. Subramani Paramasivam,
So, you have a problem with too much old data in your production database, right? Also, because production is the only place where your data currently is available, almost everyone has an account with permissions in that same database? SQL Server comes with many tools that, when properly used, can make your life a whole lot more easy; some of which are: SQLCMD scripting, the Change Tracking system, Transactional Replication and the MERGE command. In this session you will be presented to a simple toolkit that will utilize these tools to set up synchronization of your production data to an offline database in a way that is easy to configure and manage. The toolkit contains a very small number of T-SQL and SQLCMD scripts together with a “How to” instruction. Best of all – it#180;s available in Standard edition!
Speaker(s): Joakim Nyström,
Managing thousands of databases, providing 24/7 around the world covering a multitude of clients with different needs would be very time consuming. That is, if you have not highly automated things and taken operational management to the next level. In this session, you will take the first steps to become an automation engineer yourself by the creator of an entire management platform for SQL Server. You will learn the requirements by which the automation services was built, how it operates and how you can contribute. So as a DBA the time has come, not to perish but to prosper into the next digital revolution.
Speaker(s): Raoul Illyes,
SQL Server is a high performance relational data platform suitable for storing lots of data for mission critical applications and everyone can use. Well thats what many seems to think. By looking at how SQL server is used I have seen many different ways of killing the SQL Server Performance. This session is about how you can kill the SQL server Performance so that you can justify the budget for your new cool hardware, or to find out what is wrong with your SQL Server so you don't need to buy new expensive hardware and make you the hero of the day. During the session we will look at some common performance issues, tools to investigate whats the problem and how to solve it. Prepare for few Power Point slides and lots of code samples.
Speaker(s): Håkan Winther,
You have probably heard about SQL Server Trace Flags, but there are so many of them! Do you really need them? Is it safe to use them? What are they for? Is it worth spending time researching them and documenting them online? That's what I did anyway. In this session you will get a good overview of what Trace Flags can do for you, the risks and benefits, and how you should approach bringing them in to your production environment. Then of course there will be a deep dive in to some of the most useful and interesting ones. Since there is a lot more information to this subject than can be covered in one hour, there will be an extensive list of online resources included.
Speaker(s): Steinar Andersen,
Pop quiz DBA: Your developers are running rampant in production. Logic, reason, and threats have all failed. You're on the edge. What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO? Hint: You attend Revenge: The SQL! This session will show you how to "correct" all those bad practices. Everyone logging in as sa? Running huge cursors? Using SELECT * and ad-hoc SQL? Stop them dead, without actually killing them. Ever dropped a table, or database, or WHERE clause? You can prevent that! And if you’re tired of folks ignoring your naming conventions, make them behave with Unicode…and take your revenge! Revenge: The SQL! is fun and educational and may even have some practical use, but you’ll want to attend simply to indulge your Dark Side. Revenge: The SQL! assumes no liability and is not available in all 50 states. Do not taunt Revenge: The SQL! or Happy Fun Ball.
Speaker(s): Rob Volk,
In this session we will explore the Azure APIs from the perspective of a BI developer. The two script components in SSIS can be used for virtually anything and with advanced analytics making a bigger impact each passing month it is preparation time for implementing those techniques in day to day business.
Speaker(s): David Söderlund,
Sometimes you really need an EAV model. In most cases they are ugly and slow. After this session you will have gained new insights how to turn your old, slow, EAV model into a slim superfast model. There will be real life examples from a recent project. With the techniques displayed in the presentation, I cut the execution time down from 134 days down to 0.5 seconds and cut the storage need from 550GB to 45GB
Speaker(s): Peter Larsson,
Do you have many to many relationship between your dimensions? For example, a person having many accounts at the same bank and accounts being held by more than one person? Or do you have one to many, a patient having mutliple diagnosis? How do you analyze this data? Many to many in SSAS can help you. In this session, you will learn step by step on how to implement many to many in SSAS. In addition, you will learn the benefits of using many to many, plus some real life examples of the implementation. After this session, you will have better understanding of many to many in SSAS, plus you will be able to solve some of common business problems that arise daily.
Speaker(s): Elvis Talic,
Foreign Keys have a bad rap – they cause performance issues, they inhibit some inserts, deletes and updates, etc. This may be true, but let’s further explore why we even have them and how they can benefit and maybe even improve performance. This session will concentrate on many demos including the attributes associated with foreign keys. The attendee will walk away from this session with a better understanding of Foreign Key utility and their maintenance.
Speaker(s): Mike Byrd,
The word Kerberos can strike fear into a SQL DBA as well as many Windows Server Administrators. What should be a straight forward and simple process can lead to all sorts of issues and trying to resolve them can turn into a nightmare. This talk looks at the principle of Kerberos, how it applies to SQL Server and what we need to do ensure it works
Speaker(s): David Postlethwaite,
In this session we'll go through the internals of SQL Server transaction log, its logical and physical architecture and the internal processes of transaction logging. You'll see how poorly managed transaction log can negatively impact the overall performance of database server. We examine the common issues such as full transaction log, how to get rid of multiple log files and shrink the log file, and solve the log fragmentation problem. Also we take a glance at new features of SQL Server 2014 for transaction log management.
Speaker(s): Andrey Zavadskiy,
SQL Server 2016 CTP2 has been released, with it come a number of big enhancements and new features for the Availability Group feature. In this session we will look at a number of these changes and how they now mean you can build more resilient systems and also the new options available for your Data Platform design. I will walk you through some of these and demonstrate some of the configuration options and how they impact the behaviour of your applications.
Speaker(s): John Martin,
SQL Server 2016 New Features (Not Query Store!) - In-memory OLTP Enhancements - Native JSON - Always Encrypted - Row Level Security - Dynamic Data Masking - Enhance Database Caching - Enhanced Always On - Power Query for Analytics and Reporting - Enterprise Grade Analysis Services - Enhanced MDS - Enhanced Reporting Services - Built in Advanced Analytics with R
Speaker(s): David Williams,
This all demo session will take you through a case of how to build a completely meta-driven SSIS solution relaying on BIML and MDS to do the hard-work for you. Being able to do this and have the system finding the fastest way to load data automatically using system stored procedures enables you to offer near real-time reporting to your users. Topics covered in the session * BIML SSIS * MDS * CDC * Near Real-time reporting, what it takes and how to do it.
Speaker(s): Rasmus Reinholdt,
A case study of how a monthly data load has evolved, from just loading data into a table, through some indexes being disabled before loading and enabled after data is loaded, to partitioning the table and loading into a staging table. The last Changes to the solution has taken loading time from eight hours down to 20 minutes, saving a whole day of work for the staff checking and refining the data. The presentation also includes some reflections on how partitioning the table has changed how both T-SQL and Entity Framework code is being written, to take advantage of partition elimination.
Speaker(s): Magnus Ahlkvist,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/mike-byrd/1/aa0/bbb
Contact: http://logicalread.solarwinds.com/?s=byrd, www.TSQLMentoring.com and SQLServerCentral.com
Former rocket scientist and USAF Fighter Pilot -- now a SQL Server geek (24 years)! Past opportunities include free-lance technical writer for PC Magazine, Senior Software Manager for government sponsored munitions effectiveness committee, and insurance company CTO. Currently senior database engineer consultant for several Austin companies. Presenter at many SQLSaturdays over last 6 years in United States, Europe, and Australia. Specialize in SQL Server performance tuning; database (OLTP OLAP) architecture; trouble-shooting; teaching TSQL (Basic through Advanced). Video presentations (for local SQL Server user groups or SQLSaturdays) can be found at http://usergroup.tv/videos/category/speaker/mike-byrd
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/zavadskiy
Contact: https://andreyzavadskiy.com
Andrey has been leading the development of corporate information system for realty estate business based on MS SQL Server, ASP.NET and Sharepoint. He works with SQL Server since version 7.0. Currently holds MCSE certification for SQL Server, MCSD for Web development and active Microsoft trainer status. He loves to design enterprise-scale application architecture, take part in database development and optimization.
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/dageop
Contact: http://www.yoursqlman.com/index.php/blogs
Dr.SubraMANI Paramasivam is a Microsoft MVP, PhD, Microsoft Certified Trainer and Head of Data AI at DAGEOP Ltd having 21 years of DB, BI, Analytics and AI experience. Mani has also spoken in various events like MS IGNITE, PASS Summit, MS Inspire, SQLBITS, Power Platform Summit, Global AI Bootcamp, Data BI Summit, SQLRelay, Power BI World Tour, Data Platform Summit, INSIDESQL UK, Global AI Nights, SQLServerGeeks Summit, MCT Global Summits, Data Day Events and various user group events. Mani also believes in Empowering Every Person in the planet and spreads the awareness on Global challenges via www.EmpoweringEveryPerson.com. He is also a co-owner of 1 Global AI Meetup and 3 Power BI PUG PASS local / user groups.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/rob-volk-134ba81
Contact: http://weblogs.sqlteam.com/robv/
Rob Volk is a SQL Server DBA in the Metro Atlanta area since 2001. He also moderates and answers the forums on SQLTeam.com. While an old-time cranky DBA, he no longer considers quot;business intelligencequot; an oxymoron or quot;the cloudquot; as merely atmospheric moisture, and is delightedly dipping his toes into both of these new oceans, and loves to do things in new and and unusual ways.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/elvistalic
Senior business intelligence professional demonstrating a distinctive combination of technical breadth, business acumen, critical analysis and communication skills, along with extensive experience in the full life cycle of business intelligence developments. Enjoys building relationships with stakeholders, understanding business issues, gathering and analyzing requirements, modeling data flows and conformed dimensions, inventing and specifying creative solutions.
LinkedIn: http://dk.linkedin.com/in/rasmusreinholdt/
Contact: http://rasmusreinholdt.wordpress.com
Rasmus is the Data Warehouse architect at UNOPS, the implementation arm of the UN, based in Copenhagen, Denmark. He has worked with Microsoft BI since 2005 both as a developer and architect, building large solutions on every release from sql2005 and onwards. Rasmus is certified is MSCE SQLServer (Data platform amp; BI), a long time speaker at various SQLSaturdays, PASS SQLRally Nordic and SQLBits. He also co-organizes SQLSaturday Copenhagen and blogs at http://rasmusreinholdt.wordpress.com.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/justdaveinfo?trk=nav_responsive_tab_profile
Contact: http://justdave.info
David is a cross product DBA (SQL Server, DB2, Oracle, Informix, Sybase) who has worked for 25 years as a DBA for both private, local/central government customers including a Fortune 50 investment bank. Certifications include MCSE 2014 Data Platform, MCTS SQL Server 2008 DBA and Developer as well as certifcations in other products. David has spoken at multiple SQLSaturdays as well as local usergroups and is a regular volunteer at events including SQLBits.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/hp/?dnr=DNYuZl82svv0HxNFEYhUQx850Le07Zvqmatamp;trk=nav_responsive_tab_home
Raoul Illy#233;s is an internationally acclaimed SQL Server expert with 21 years#39; experience in the IT industry, including +5 years as MVP. Founder and creator of Flex services, a managed service for SQL server environments, around the world. Raoul is appreciated and known for his passion and dedication to detail, actively supporting the SQL community, co-founder of the PASS SQL Rally Nordic and a former board member of PASS.
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/soderlunddavid
David has been a SQL Server Developer and Consultant since 2008. He has been building and integrated ERP systems for small to medium sized companies as well as holding a key role in building a major financial systems for a large company in Scandinavia. He joined SolidQ in 2013 and his main focus areas are data modeling, ETL and T-SQL.
LinkedIn: https://se.linkedin.com/in/hakanwinther
Contact: http://www.sqlservice.se/blogg/?person=145
H#229;kan Winther is a senior SQL server specialist at SQL Service Nordic, with SQL server experience since 1995 and passion for T-SQL development, performance tuning, large databases and BI Solutions. He contributes to the SQL server community by sharing his experience as an active member of ask.sqlservercentral.com, mentor at LabCenter and as a speaker at TechDays, Microsoft Sommarkollo and the Swedish PASS Chapter.
LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/pub/joakim-nystr%C3%B6m/11/842/40a/
Contact: http://sqlservice.se/sv/start/blogg.aspx
PhD in physical biology (particle accelerator appliance) in 1995. SQL Server interest since 1994, and full time since 1997. Dedicated DBD (Database developer), focusing on system integration, architecture and data warehouse design and implementation.
LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/steinar
Contact: http://www.sqlservice.se/blogg/
SQL Server nerd since 1995 and SQL 4.21. Hardcore DBA with good knowledge about the environment SQL Server lives in such as Hypervisors, Networks, SAN#39;s, OS and HW. Loves HA/DR, and digging deep in Trace Flags, the Optimizer as well as SQL Azure, but also helping customers get the maximum business value out of their investment in SQL Server. Founder of SQL Service, an SQL Server only consulting firm. Previously member of the board of SQLUG.se, the Swedish arm of SQLPASS.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidpostlethwaite
Contact: http://www.gethynellis.com/
David Postlethwaite has been a DBA for Liverpool Victoria in Bournemouth, England since 2008 He supports both Oracle and SQL Server from 2000 to 2017, DBMS, SSIS, SSAS and Reporting Services. In 2015 David built and deployed the company's first cloud solution using Microsoft Azure SQL Database and web services Before becoming a DBA David was a .NET developer and way back in history a Windows and Netware administrator. He is an occasional blogger on www.gethynellis.com David is a regular speaker for SQLSaturday. Most of his presentations can be found on his YouTube channel www.youtube.com/c/DavidPostlethwaiteSQL
Contact: http://www.sqltopia.com
Peter Larsson is a key player for performance written code. He can turn a 10 hour query into a 3 minute piece of code. Peter is also a SQL Server MVP since 2009. He often hangs out at SQLTeam.com (27k+ posts) and other various sites where he helps all people understand SQL Server.
Contact: http://blogs.prodata.ie/author/bob.aspx
Bob Duffy is a SQL Server MVP from Dublin, Ireland who is MCA, MCM. and Analysis Services Maestro certified. Bob works as a Database Architect at the Prodata SQL Centre of Excellence where he specializes in business intelligence and performance tuning.
LinkedIn: http://uk.linkedin.com/in/johnqmartin/
Contact: https://www.mssqltips.com/sqlserverauthor/291/john-martin/
John Martin is a Data Platform Engineer working in the financial sector, as well as Vice President Marketing for the PASS organization and currently a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. Previously John has worked as a product manager for SentryOne and a Premier Field Engineer with Microsoft UK. John has over a decade of experience working with SQL Server and the Microsoft Data Platform. Working as a DBA, developer and consultant for Microsoft, he has been lucky enough to see how best, and how not, to use SQL Server and the Data Platform effectively.
Contact: https://www.simple-talk.com/blogs/author/2133-rodney-landrum/
Rodney Landrum has been architecting solutions for SQL Server for over 12 years. He has worked with and written about many SQL Server technologies, including DTS, Integration Services, Analysis Services, and Reporting Services. He has co-authored 4 books on Reporting Services. He is been a regular contributor to SQL Server magazine, sqlservercentral.com and Simple-talk.com. Rodney is also SQL Server MVP
LinkedIn: http://se.linkedin.com/in/magnusahlkvist
Contact: http://www.tsql.nu
Independent database consultant and certified trainer with a passion for chasing that extra millisecond. 20 years of database development and administration but trying to be humble enough to understand that I'm still learning.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/cathrinewilhelmsen
Contact: https://www.cathrinewilhelmsen.net/
Cathrine loves teaching and sharing knowledge :) She is based in Norway and works as a Senior Business Intelligence Consultant in Inmeta, focusing on Data Warehousing, Data Integration, Analytics, and Reporting projects. Her core skills are Azure Data Factory, SSIS, Biml and T-SQL development, but she enjoys everything from programming to data visualization. Outside of work she's active in the SQL Server community as a Microsoft Data Platform MVP, BimlHero Certified Expert, author, speaker, blogger, organizer and chronic volunteer.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.