Event Location:
CTU Colorado Springs
4435 North Chestnut Street
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Disk I/O can be a significant performance bottleneck for SQL Server. And when physical I/O is the suspected culprit, the first thought is to purchase more storage. But expensive hardware upgrades don’t necessarily ensure a faster database. So how do you determine how much I/O is contributing to poor performance? How can you assess the performance of a specific workload on different types of storage? And how do you decide which infrastructure is best for a specific storage solution? This presentation will cover : The difference between latency, throughput, IOPS, and how they relate. Performance characteristics of several storage solutions. Techniques for analyzing storage subsystem performance. How database design and infrastructure interact and impact performance and scalability.
Speaker(s): Brian Flynn,
Most DBA’s know you need to be doing some form of maintenance on your databases: Backups, index rebuilding\reorganization, update statistics, integrity checks, and system cleanup. SQL Server offers some basic tasks to complete this needed maintenance. The session will cover setting up a maintenance plan including the tasks, schedules, and logging. From there, we will dive deeper into the basic task, find out what is going on behind the scene, and discuss when it is OK to use them and when you should create your own. At the end of the session you will know how to create a maintenance plan, how to log results and keep a history of success or failures, when you should use what SQL Server has provided and when you should create your own plan.
Speaker(s): Kat Long,
Have you become the de facto DBA? Have you been tasked with the responsibility of backing up your databases? Do you feel that your database maintenance plan is adequate, but may be lacking in what it can do? If these scenarios sound familiar, you’ll want to join this session, where Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) Keith Tate will walk you through the basics of backup and restore options. The session will begin with the reasons why databases must be backed up (hint: to restore them). Then, discuss the different recovery models and how they affect your backup strategy. Next, explore ways to automate backup and restore strategies, and review ways to improve the speed of your backups and restores. Finally, put it all together and you’ll be on your way to a disaster proof backup and restore strategy.
Speaker(s): Keith Tate,
Technology has revolutionized the way organizations run today. Rather than a few file cabinets, organizations use many different software packages and applications that are mission critical to running their business. These systems gather a large amount of valuable data that must be used in decision making to maintain a competitive advantage. However, we've all heard and likely been around when mission critical systems have been rendered useless due to long running reports. To solve this and a host of other source system reporting issues we have proven Data Warehousing techniques to store the data in a report friendly way. Dimensional modeling is one of the most widely used set of techniques that will provide source system relief for reporting. In this session, we will take a look at what Dimensional Modeling is along with some key terms and techniques.
Speaker(s): Marc Beacom,
As a DBA yourself, I’m sure you’ve encountered instances where the SQL Server has been running fine, there’ve been no changes for ages, everything is stable, there’s no exposure to the outside world, and the last time anyone updated or applied a patch to the server was in February 2004… …and then the world intruded, and all of a sudden you’ve been given a directive to “bring that system up to date!” Now what? You’re faced with upgrading not only the SQL Server, but the Windows server as well (and a bunch of other applications), because Microsoft has announced that ALL support for Windows Server 2003 will be going away (far away!) this summer! And some clever person upstairs decided that it would be A GOOD THING to have this SQL Server exposed to the outside…and has commissioned the web dev team to build a whole suite of apps that WILL MAKE THE COMPANY MILLIONS! Where to start…
Speaker(s): Michelle Poolet,
Every database professional knows the database design ideal and we have all seen that ideal on numerous occasions - databases in perfect third normal form; constraints and relational integrity rigorously enforced; elegant error handling in every SQL statement; data so clean you can eat off it. Unfortunately we’ve only seen this ideal in textbooks and sample databases designed by vendors. The databases we see in the real world are… less than ideal shall we say. Of course, we use other phrases for what we see but human resources frowns on such terms and this is, after all, a family friendly presentation. Database professionals in Greece circa 600 BCE may have access to the Alpheus and Peneus rivers to cleanse their particular stables but we modern folks need to rely on the tools on our own computers such as SQL and SSIS. Mike will review various techniques and tools for data cleansing that will help you wash away the muck to get to the data gold standard.
Speaker(s): Michael Sexton,
Have you ever wondered what really happens behind the scenes when you execute a query? In this unique demonstration, Todd will use a video game engine (Unreal Engine 4) and will dramatically show The Life Cycle of a Query in 3D. We will follow a query from beginning to end and "runthrough" the various SQL Server components all queries must use including the Protocol Layer, Relational Engine, Storage Engine, Buffer Pool and then back out to the client. A volunteer at the end will then don an Oculus Rift DK2 Virtual Reality headset and then race through the sections in under a minute to win a prize. Participants will leave with a better understanding of the major components and with a conceptual framework to explore the components more in-depth.
Speaker(s): Todd Kleinhans,
After working 20 years in the industry on hundreds of SQL Servers clear patterns emerge. These observations of patterns and best practices directly relate to the health of the server.#160; During this session we will review the patterns of healthy SQL Servers and identify unhealthy behavior that clearly shows servers that are at risk.#160; We will review shared patterns, configuration and practices.#160;#160; Which of these repeating patterns represent healthy Servers and which of these patterns are#160; shared with servers that are having issues daily.#160; These patterns are so clear in fact that I many SQL Servers will benefit from the application of at least one if not more of the tips we will cover.#160; At the end of this session attendees will have the tools to identify and correct common issues that impact SQL Servers Performance and Resiliency.
Speaker(s): Chris Shaw,
Virtualizing your top-tier production SQL Servers is not as easy as P2V’ing it. Sometimes allocating more resources to the VM is the wrong approach, and getting it wrong will silently hurt performance. What is the most effective method for determining the ‘right’ amount of resources to allocate? What happens if the workload changes a month from now? The methods for understanding the performance of your mission-critical SQL Servers gathered over the past ten years of SQL Server virtualization will be addressed, and valuable processes for performance statistic collection and analysis will be displayed. Come learn how to properly ‘right-size’ the resources allocated to a VM, improve the performance of your SQL Servers, and keep it maximized well into the future.
Speaker(s): David Klee,
No question about it, Hadoop is here and enterprises large and small are starting to embrace it. The adoption rate of Hadoop is making some EDW professionals anxious about this technology replacing their tried and true relational data warehouse. This is a worry that need not be had. In this session, we'll go through several design patterns that show how Hadoop can augment an existing relational data warehoue, and show WHY we need both technologies to cover the broad spectrum of reporting an analytics. This session is largely conceptual, although we will cover a few code examples to show how some of the Hadoop technologies work in conjunction with SQL Server as a data warehousing platform.
Speaker(s): Josh Fennessy,
People’s sentiments and opinions are written in social networks. There are tweets, Facebook posts, book reviews, forum discussions, and more. These attitudes and feelings are communicated using text, with format depending on the social network. Twitter messages are limited to 140 characters and use hash-tags,; Facebook messages can be longer. This session reviews the different Natural Language Processing, text mining, and data mining techniques you can use for sentiment and tone analysis. Organizations can use the extracted knowledge for brand reputation, market predictions, and automatic learning. We’ll look at, Hadoop, data mining, Microsoft Big Data Hadoop distribution HDInsight and Azure Machine Learning
Speaker(s): Paco Gonzalez,
In today’s tech world, IT professionals are being driven to perform tasks faster and more consistently. Automation is the watchword for our success, whether we are deploying SQL Server to private virtual clouds or public platforms such as Azure IaaS. This session will focus on rapidly creating and configuring SQL Servers using Powershell and Desired State Configuration. You will see practical examples of how you can create repeatable builds of SQL Server that can be deployed in a matter of minutes. We will also review how these techniques can be applied to both public and private cloud platforms, ensuring your success for any situation.
Speaker(s): Michael Fal,
Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) is an XML language for Microsoft Business Intelligence that can take your SSIS package development productivity to the next level. Creating template packages can add productivity to your SSIS development effort. See how Biml can help create template packages that can better adapt to changing business needs and allow for more comprehensive design or redesign. In this session we will walk through various examples that will inspire you to make Biml your number one SQL Server Integration Services development tool. Learn how to use Biml scripts to create both staging tables and Integration Services packages. Add metadata to your Biml scripts and really watch the possibilities expand. In this session, you will learn: * How to work with Biml and BimlScript * Metadata options that can create robust Biml solutions * Biml design methods that can work around some so the SQL Server Integration Services pain points.
Speaker(s): Reeves Smith,
Few subjects in Microsoft SQL Server inspire the same amount of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt (FUD) as Extended Events. Many DBA's continue to use Profiler and SQL Trace even though they have been deprecated for years. Why is this? Extended Events started out in SQL Server 2008 with no user interface and only a few voices in the community documenting the features as they found them. Since then it has blossomed into a full feature of SQL Server and an amazingly low-impact replacement for Profiler and Trace. Come learn how to get started - the basics of sessions, events, actions, targets, packages, and more. We will look at some base scenarios where Extended Events can be very useful as well as considering a few gotchas along the way. You may never go back to Profiler again!
Speaker(s): Andy Galbraith,
Big Data has moved beyond the hype and entered the mainstream as a tool for managing large and unstructured data sets, giving data architects more options for managing data. The Hadoop ecosystem has become the tool of choice and Microsoft has entered this arena with HDInsight in the cloud. For DBAs this means having a place to store data that can be accessed using a highly parallel framework. In this session you’ll see how to use the numerous tools available to store data in Hadoop, process it, manage it, and retrieve it. We’ll explore Sqoop and how its many options can be configured to import data by taking advantage of Hadoop’s massive parallelism. We will develop and run Map\Reduce code, with an emphasis on understanding what belongs in a mapper function versus what belongs in a reducer function, while demonstrating Hadoop Streaming with languages such as R and C#. Finally, Hive will be shown to exhibit the use of a high-level query language in Hadoop for those who prefer SQL.
Speaker(s): Carlos Bossy,
What exactly does it mean to have optimistic concurrency? What is the alternative? Is SQL Server 2012's SNAPSHOT Isolation optimistic? How can SQL Server 2014's In-Memory OLTP provide truly optimistic concurrency? In this session, we'll look at what guarantees the various isolation levels provide, the difference between pessimistic and optimistic concurrency, and the new data structures in SQL Server 2014 that allow the enormous benefits of having totally in-memory storage with no waiting!
Speaker(s): Kalen Delaney,
Presenting BI in a sophisticated look that is both user friendly and easy to use can be challenging. In this session I will review the three major types of dashboards (Operational, Strategic, and Analytical). Using Visio, SSRS, SharePoint and Pyramid Analytics I will demonstrate examples of each of the dashboard types.
Speaker(s): Jeff Renz,
Most of the training we receive as SQL Server professionals has code developed for the purpose of demoing or providing training for a specific feature. I’ve developed my share of demo code and it serves it purpose. This session is different. I’ll quickly demo my company’s application (so you can get a sense of what it does), and then walk through many key portions of the actual T-SQL code showing you how the techniques I’ve used to make it production worthy with a focus on robustness, security, and performance. note: this session includes a LOT of dynamic SQL.
Speaker(s): Paul Nielsen,
Is your database normal? While being different and off-beat can be good for your personal life it is not a happy situation for your database to live in. Databases like to be normal! Join me for a fun and informational session on how to create a normal database and find out why it is important. We will also talk about how to make a database normal using queries so you can benefit from normalcy without having to go through major psychotherapy.
Speaker(s): Leslie Andrews,
There are a number of difficult tasks in SQL querying that can be solved using XML and XQuery. Learn about pivoting, row concatenation, transactional processing techniques, and other things that can be accomplished by reshaping small data sets into XML.
Speaker(s): Jennifer Kenney,
So you have a SQL Server database, and you want a web site for your tables? Come see how to develop and deploy a simple .NET website against any SQL Server database. See firsthand how to use Microsoft’s Entity Framework, ASP.Net MVC and other tricks to develop a website by writing very little code. Take home the ability to create and deploy a simple website to your own database once this demonstration is seen.
Speaker(s): Gabriel Villa,
Covering the basics for the beginner and those that have been thrown into a modeling role and have been cowboy’n it like the Wild West. We’ll cover why you should bother with a conceptual model and invest some of your project time in the modeling task. We will go over some different modeling techniques around Normalized, Dimensional and Data Vault options. And lastly, considerations for scalability, sustainability and empowering you with a Data Access Layer so you stay in control of your architecture as opposed to the application beast. Yee-Haw!
Speaker(s): Leslie Weed,
While blocking and deadlocks are part of the territory for a DBA, dealing with them can be another story. In this session we will break down locking types, capturing and identifying deadlocks and the code behind them, and things you can do to resolve and prevent blocking and deadlocks. If you are frequently dealing with deadlocks in your databases this session is for you.
Speaker(s): Amy Herold,
What is the state of SQL Server? When is the next version coming? What are the big success features in SQL Server 2014?
Speaker(s): Kevin Cox,
It is relatively straight-forward to grant a user access to a particular SSRS report, multi-dimensional cube, or tabular model table, but what happens when the user needs access to the object but should be denied access to view certain rows of data? In this session we'll investigate a real-world solution to this common BI problem.
Speaker(s): Chris Hyde,
ETL may not be dead, there will always be use cases for it. But if we can get sub-second query response time over petabytes of data, why do you need all that other stuff? Come to this session to see a modern data pipeline.
Speaker(s): Kevin Cox,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
Jennifer Kenney has been with CapTech Consulting for two years, specializing in Data Architecture with Microsoft SQL Server. She has fifteen years of experience with SQL Server. During that time, she's worked with querying transactional databases, modeling both transactional databases and data warehouses, data integration into both transactional databases and data warehouses, change management, and administration. Jennifer lives in Goochland, VA with her husband Brian and their beagles.
Leslie Weed is currently a Data and BI Architect with RevGen Partners in Denver, CO. She has been a SQL Professional specializing in Business Intelligence, data analytics, systems implementation, integration, and solutions delivery for the last 20ish years, including a variety of Enterprise Data Warehouses in various industries.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidaklee
Contact: http://davidklee.net
David Klee is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and VMware vExpert with a lifelong passion for technology. David spends his days focusing on the convergence of data and infrastructure as the Founder of Heraflux Technologies. His areas of expertise include cloud, virtualization, performance, and business continuity. David speaks at a number of national and regional technology related events, including PASS Summit, VMware VMworld, SQLBits, SQLSaturday events, and many SQL Server User Groups.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/christophershaw/
Contact: http://chrisshaw.wordpress.com/
Chris Shaw started his database career in 1993. Following the Marines, Chris continued working with databases for companies such as Wells Fargo, Pulte Mortgage, and Yellow Pages Inc. Chris has been writing and speaking about SQL Server for over 15 years at events such as SQL Connections, PASS Summit, and SSWUG Ultimate conferences. Chris received his 5th Microsoft MVP award.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/pacosql/
Paco Gonzalez is the CEO of SolidQ North America, and a Microsoft Data Platform MVP. Focused on Business Analytics and Artificial Intelligence, he specializes in helping organizations become data driven from a strategic and technical perspective. Paco is a speaker at small and large conferences such as PASS Summit, Ignite, and Business Applications Summit, and he has published several books and whitepapers. He is based in Atlanta, GA.
Kevin Cox has been working with databases for over 35 years and with SQL Server for more than 25 years. He is an author, lecturer, and mentor in database subjects. Kevin is currently with the Microsoft Azure Engineering product group in the Customer Advisory Team and feels fortunate to be able to work on the largest projects around the world.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/leslie-andrews-csm/9/491/b89
Contact: https://www.lace.technology/blog
Leslie Andrews is an IT professional with almost 20 years of experience working with databases, designing databases, as well as designing and developing applications against those databases. 2018-2019 Idera ACE.
Contact: http://datamountain.sqlmountain.com/
Stunningly handsome, yet surprisingly humble, Mike Sexton spent the first ten years of his career as a public defender in New York. Upon learning the discrepancies between his salary and the salary of newly minted college graduates working in IT, he had an epiphany and immediately learned how to program database applications. He has designed and built database applications for 12 years in both SQL Server and Oracle based systems, he has been published in SQL Server Magazine and is one of the aut
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/todd-kleinhans/0/920/981
Contact: https://toddkleinhans.wordpress.com/
Todd Kleinhans has been using SQL Server since the last millennium. He has served in different roles across many industries but he's mainly been a DBA. When not in virtual reality, he likes to speak at PASS sponsored events and volunteers in various groups like PASS, DSSUG, Colorado Virtual Reality and is the President of Denver/Boulder Unreal Engine group. He is on Twitter: @toddkleinhans and blogs at https://toddkleinhans.wordpress.com/
Contact: http://dawabi.com/blog.aspx
Marc Beacom is President of DawaBI, a Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence Consultancy firm focusing on Making Data-Driven Decisions Possible. He has been working with SQL Server for over a decade delivering scalable solutions for organizations of all sizes. He has earned several industry certifications and degrees. Marc is an active member of the community and has volunteered for many organizations such as PASS, Denver SQL, Colorado GiveCamp, Camp To Belong, to name a few.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/chris-hyde-3803706
Chris Hyde is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Trainer based in Albuquerque, New Mexico. He works as an independent SQL Server BI and DBA consultant, and is the leader of the Albuquerque PASS local user group. He is also part of the Friends of Redgate program and was a member of the Idera ACE class of 2018. He loves loud music and cricket, but usually not at the same time.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/reevessmithiii/
Contact: http://reevessmith.wordpress.com
Reeves Smith, owner and principal architect of Macer Consulting, is passionate about applying data technologies that empower organizations. Reeves wields his knowledge and experience to lead, design, architect, and teach, working with both data center and business project teams. He approaches every project by first understanding the organization’s business challenges, and then developing a unique approach that targets those business needs accurately and effectively. Reeves Smith has more than 20 years of experience working on the SQL Server stack. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Master, and regularly delivers technical presentations at international, regional, and local conferences and user groups.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michellepoolet
Contact: http://mountvernondatasystems.com/blog.html
Michelle Poolet, MCIS and Zachman Certified Enterprise Architect(tm), has been working with Microsoft SQL Server(tm) since version 6.0. She has authored many articles for SQLMag(tm). She created and delivered classes in Database Design, Theory amp; Programming at University of Denver. A founder of Mount Vernon Data Systems, Michelle is currently focusing on SQL Server database administration, OLTP engine performance/tuning, database architecture, and data modeling.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/joshuafennessy/
Contact: http://www.joshuafennessy.com
Josh Fennessy, Solution Architect at BlueGranite, has been building solutions with the SQL Server BI stack for 8 years. He is a Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert in Business Intelligence. Josh#39;s passions include manipulating data in novel ways to open analytic possibilities not before possible. Josh is active in the SQL Server and Open Source communities. Beyond relational and OLAP data projects, Josh is also involved in projects using cluster computing platforms such as Hadoop.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin/in/carlosbossy
Contact: http://www.carlosbossy.com
Carlos Bossy (MCTS, MCP BI, CBIP) is a data and cloud analytics architect with 25 years of experience in software and database development. As a principal of Datalere, Carlos focuses on developing BI, Data Science, and Advanced Analytics solutions, including modeling data warehouses and delivering predictive models, integration, and visualization. He has developed warehouses and BI solutions for a variety of industries and state agencies, including health insurance, solar energy, foster care, telecom, and manufacturing.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/keith-tate/34/a40/a46
Contact: http://thesqlchef.com
Keith Tate is a Senior Database Administrator with over 17 years of experience as a data professional. During Keith#39;s professional career he has been a developer, DBA and data architect. Keith is also active in the SQL Server community and is currently the chapter leader of the Albuquerque SQL Server User Group.
Kevin Cox has been working with databases for over 35 years and with SQL Server for more than 25 years. He is an author, lecturer, and mentor in database subjects. Kevin is currently with the Microsoft Azure Engineering product group in the Customer Advisory Team and feels fortunate to be able to work on the largest projects around the world.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaelfal/
Contact: http://mikefal.net
Mike is a specialist in data management technologies. As a community advocate, public speaker, and blogger, Mike is a practicing thought leader for data and automation. He is passionate about DevOps and data, building platforms to optimize, protect, and use data efficiently. Since 1999, Mike has been working in the database field, focusing primarily on SQL Server and specializes in automating data solutions to improve the reliability and efficiency of his environments. He has been caught playing trombone in public on more than one occasion.
Brian Flynn has a Computer Science and Math degree from Saint Louis University and has been working in IT for 20 years. He's served in many roles, both technical and managerial. Brian encourages IT pros to diversify skillsets to build more comprehensive big picture understandings that businesses care about.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/jeff-renz/29/82a/aa4
Contact: http://www.revgen.com
Jeff Renz is a Senior Architect at RevGen Partners, currently working as the design architect and implementation lead on several projects for a Fortune Top 50 company. Jeff has worked with SQL Server and BI for 15+ years and has 10 years’ experience with data warehouse design and implementation. In addition to consulting, he is joining the University of Denver adjunct faculty and is expected to begin teaching in the ICT program starting in June. He received his bachelor’s degree in Computer Science, his master’s degree in Operations Research from Colorado School of Mines, and will be graduating from the Harvard Business Analytics Program in December.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/andy-galbraith/5/149/98b
Contact: http://nebraskasql.blogspot.com/
I’m a forty-something Microsoft SQL Server DBA of 18+ years, a devoted husband, and a father of three young boys (all aged eight and under!) I have been a DBA at a public university, at a major bank, at a healthcare system, and I now work as a consultant with customers across the United States. I write and speak primarily about the tips and tricks that I discover along my SQL Server journey.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/gabevilla
Contact: https://extofer.wordpress.com/
Gabriel is a skilled leader, architect, and technical expert focusing primarily on Microsoft technologies and is passionate about open-source technologies for integration, automation, and development. Gabriel’s versatility extends from systems, data and development and leverages hybrid/SaaS/Cloud integration, proven software engineering platforms, and best-of-breed data management and business intelligence solutions. Originally from El Paso, Texas, Gabriel lives in Colorado Springs with his wife and kids, where he is an Architect for RevGen Partners, volunteers in the tech community and enjoys the Colorado outdoors.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/paulnielsensql
Contact: http://www.tejontech.com/blog
Paul is the founder of Tejon Technologies, inc, a software company offering a configurable, object/relational graph database solution built on the enterprise power of Microsoft SQL Server. Previously, Paul wrote the SQL Server Bible series, edited the MVP Deep Dives Vol 1 book, presented seminars in database design, and developed SQL Server courseware for Microsoft Learning. He was a Data Platform MVP from 2004 - 2016. IN the Startup Community he serves on the board of Peak Startup and is the chair of the annual Colorado Springs Startup Week.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/aherold
Contact: http://www.sqlkitten.com/
Amy Herold is currently a Premier Field Engineer with Microsoft, specializing in APS. Prior to this, she was a Sr. Database Administrator, focusing on PowerShell and automation. She is also currently the Director of Programs for the North Texas SQL Server User Group (NTSSUG). She frequently speaks at SQLSaturday and user group events across the United States and has also participated in numerous Women in Technology sessions as a panelist. Amy currently blogs at sqlkitten.com.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/kat-meadows/2/69b/8ba/
Contact: http://blogs.xtivia.com/
Kat has been working with SQL Server since 1998 starting with SQL Server 6.5 up to the latest and greatest. Over the years, Kat has worked in many different environments from manufacturing to dotcoms to military and government institutions, and is now back in the private sector. Currently, as a Senior DBA at Xtivia, she is focused on monitoring SQL Server installations and troubleshooting performance issues.
Kalen Delaney is a Data Platform MVP who has worked with SQL Server for more than 32 years. She has provided performance consulting services and taught advanced courses on SQL Server to thousands of people and organizations. In addition to her courseware development, Kalen has been writing about SQL Server for decades. She is the primary author of SQL Server Internals and the Inside SQL Server series. Kalen is also one of the primary editors for the Red Gate SQL Server Stairways tutorials.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.