Event Location:
Spencer Fox Eccles Business Building
1655 Campus Center Dr
Salt Lake City, Utah
This session will provide an introduction to Master Data Management (MDM). We explore the basic concepts, types of MDM solution, and the basics for a successful MDM Implementation. With a working definition in hand, we'll discuss strategies for beginning a successful MDM pilot in your organization and look at some of the pitfalls to avoid. We'll wrap the business discussion up with some tips for selecting the right domains to solve and some tips for managing the politics of MDM. After we've set the stage for what, how and why you need MDM, we'll take a brief look at SQL Server MDS through the Excel add-in and talk about the Architecture of MDS
Speaker(s): John McAllister,
Session Summary: Microsoft IT's Cloud strategy involves migrating hundreds of applications to Azure. The scale on which it is being done may be unprecedented. Lessons Learned are numerous. This session exposes the most important— painful—ones. Session Abstract: As part of the team leading the migration effort from Microsoft IT's on-prem servers to The Cloud, I've collected a number of best practices that can save your organization weeks or months of effort untold dollars in development implementation costs. Those who think the only tool required to move SQL instances from the datacenter to IaaS VMs is a forklift have a hard lesson to learn. In fact, it's much, much more challenging than that. This session will introduce the Top 10 Lessons Learned in the MSIT migration effort provide actionable guidance that customers can begin using immediately.
Speaker(s): Jimmy May,
Columnstore indexes were introduced in SQL Server 2012 have been wholly re-architected optimized in SQL Server 2014. Columnstore indexes are optimized for data warehouse workloads are a hybrid technology leveraging the best of off-disk in-memory capabilities. Transparent to the app, columnstore has been shown to render queries at subsecond response times which heretofore took many minutes or longer. This presentation includes an overview of SQL Server 2012 a deep dive into SQL Server 2014 columnstore indexes, including a review of the architecture, as well as the challenges, workarounds, travails, big wins at customer sites inside MSIT. The presentation is rich in demos, including leveraging IaaS—Columnstore in The Cloud. Learn whether columnstore can change your users' world why columnstore may be a compelling reason to upgrade. Learn how columnstore indexes flip the DW faster bit why columnstore manifests my motto, “Change the world or go home!”
Speaker(s): Jimmy May,
Every database professional knows the database design ideal and we have all seen that ideal on numerous occasions - databases in perfect third normal form; constraints and relational integrity rigorously enforced; elegant error handling in every SQL statement; data so clean you can eat off it. Unfortunately we’ve only seen this ideal in textbooks and sample databases designed by vendors. The databases we see in the real world are… less than ideal shall we say. Of course, we use other phrases for what we see but human resources frowns on such terms and this is, after all, a family friendly presentation. Database professionals in Greece circa 600 BCE may have access to the Alpheus and Peneus rivers to cleanse their particular stables but we modern folks need to rely on the tools on our own computers such as SQL and SSIS. Mike will review various techniques and tools for data cleansing that will help you wash away the muck to get to the data gold standard.
Speaker(s): Michael Sexton,
You touch SQL Server Management Studio almost every day. Do you use it to its fullest or are you wasting time? This session will cover 15 aspects of SSMS that will make you more efficient as a professional. You will learn how to customize your toolbars, leverage templates, and work with multiple environments. You will be introduced to drag/drop shortcuts, secret hotkey combinations, and copy/paste behaviors most users do not know about. You will leave with a full understanding of the debugger, breakpoints, data tips, and setting up RPC to debug remotely. Finally, for those looking for the ultimate in flexibility you will learn how to build your own ad-ins from scratch. This session is for SQL Server professionals across BI, development
Speaker(s): Russ Thomas,
Business Intelligence Markup Language (Biml) is an XML language for Microsoft Business Intelligence that can take your Integration Services package development to the next level. Creating template packages added productivity to your Integration Services development effort. If the template design changes after development begins, a fair amount of rework to packages could be needed. See how Biml can help create template packages that can better adapt to changing business needs and allow for more comprehensive design or redesign. This session will be a demo based session that will inspire you to make Biml your number one integration services development tool. Learn how to use Biml scripts to create staging tables and integration services packages. Add metadata to your Biml scripts and really watch the possibilities expand.
Speaker(s): Reeves Smith,
Almost every SQL Developer is familiar with Table Variables and Temporary Tables. While each of these objects represent temporary storage, there are also substantial differences between them. Understanding the differences between Table Variables and Temporary Tables, and the ramifications that those differences cause, is essential to being able to properly select the appropriate object for use in your development tasks. In this code filled session, we’ll discover the differences and similarities of Temporary Tables and Table Variables, dispel some widespread myths about each, and answer the most important questions of them all, "When do I use one or the other and what are the various impacts of doing so?"
Speaker(s): Wayne Sheffield,
Many database developers today do not have a Computer Science degree and may also have begun their career developing software using procedural programming languages (Java, C#, etc.). As a result, they may not have the background needed to conceptualize solutions in terms of sets of data and therefore may not be able to develop efficient set-based queries. In this session, we will review the basics of set theory and how it applies to database development to enable you to turn cursors, loops, and other procedural programming practices into efficient set-based operations that make the most use of a relational database engine.
Speaker(s): Aaron Cutshall,
Business processes can get large and complex. So much so, that no one can understand each piece of the puzzle that makes the entire process work. This talk will be on how we put into place ways to capture the events of the processes so that we can more effectively understand and troubleshoot the system. This also allows us to perform further analysis (drilling down into details of the process, time patterns to see trends in how long a certain action takes, root cause analysis, and processing load analysis). This can also help people understand the many steps that can go into a business process.
Speaker(s): Scott Heffron,
Explore proven methods to rapidly identify and fix inefficient SQL. This course will include but is not limited to the following: 1. Sight recognition of inefficient or troublesome SQL. 2. Understanding how to use STATISTICS IO and TIME. 3. Basic understanding of an execution plan to evaluate indexes and sheer amount of data at each stage.
Speaker(s): Willis Godwin,
Extended Events were introduced in SQL Server 2008. With each edition through SQL 2014, we have seen a significant upgrade to this feature. Join me for a little adventure into Extended Events. We will discuss how to use extended events to aid in performance tuning and in day to day administration. We will also explore some background and the architecture of extended events.
Speaker(s): Jason Brimhall,
SQL Server offers several isolation levels beyond the default "READ COMMITTED". But understanding when to use each one can be daunting. Whether you are a developer who needs to understand how isolation works and and why NOLOCK is not an appropriate hint in most cases, or a seasoned DBA who needs to understand the less commonly used isolation methods, this session is for you. We will look at each level, how it impacts the engine, and examine appropriate (and inapproriate) use cases for each.
Speaker(s): Randy Knight,
Follow along as we adventure through the vastness that is Availability Groups in SQL Server. In this beginners guys we show you how to make an Availability Group from scratch, the new system tables that go along with Availability Groups, and how to troubleshoot your Availability Group using the system tables and SSMS.
Speaker(s): Christopher Wolff,
As a DBA in the modern era, you may be required from time to time to do something outside of your comfort zone. One of these things may be to become quickly acquainted with SSRS. Even better is that you may be required to do things you have not considered in a standard report. In this session, you will learn how to implement a framework to help provide a common ground for your reports. This session will delve into fun topics such as dynamic grouping and dynamic sorting. We are not talking about the interactive sorting that your accountant may use. Attendees will also be introduced to a few quick methods of exporting Reports from the report server - this is from a DBA perspective after-all!
Speaker(s): Jason Brimhall,
SQL Server 2012 brings with it nearly full ANSI compliance with the windowing functions. Come to this code filled session to learn about all of the windowing functions in SQL Server 2012: Ranking functions, changes for windowing in the Aggregate functions and the new Analytic functions. We’ll examine how this latest implementation of the windowing functions allows us to perform running and sliding aggregations; retrieve data from adjacent rows in the partition, and much more – all without self-joins back to the source table.
Speaker(s): Wayne Sheffield,
This session will cover real world functions that are used for real DBA work. There will be a few slides but mostly demos with actual scripts to help you do your job. I will also introduce some SQLPSX to assist as well. Things like Reading/Changing the following: Permissions, DB Owner maintenance and database space management. We all could use a few standard things in our DBA world of ever changing roles and "I have to have it now" stuff, that Management Studio can get in the way of getting it done faster. Join me for a fun PowerShell hour.
Speaker(s): Ben Miller,
Many companies are trying to still figure out just how sophisticated they need to be about their data. While companies like Narrative Science ($29M raised), InsideSales.com ($143M raised), and many others aim to bring advanced analytics as a service deeply integrated into their products. Together we'll take a look at the cost/benefit of going from a simple classifier to a more complex deep learning approach to keyword relevance in a simple proof of concept around predicting and optimizing responses in email and tweets.
Speaker(s): David Gonzalez,
This session will take a look at things that you should regularly know and use when coding TSQL. How can you be really friendly to SQL? The items covered will show you things that will help ensure that your code is readable, efficient and maintainable. We will look at query semantics, datatypes, things to avoid as well as how to be super friendly to the SQL Engine and allow things to work well.
Speaker(s): Ben Miller,
The very nature of a database system is to be dynamic; rarely static. The applications that use databases tend to change, requiring changes to occur within our databases. The totality of pieces and parts that comprise this ‘change’ will be combined into a ‘Release’ that will be applied to your systems. Controlling this change is not rocket science, but it is not without its complexities. We will discuss various terms, define processes, share ideas, and suggest tools to assist you in performing this necessary function, while minimizing risk, and impacting your systems in a graceful fashion.
Speaker(s): TJay Belt,
We always keep versions of our code in a source control system, but how about the database? How can we reduce the pain of updating the database model when working on a team, or even knowing when do we need to update it? What can we do if we want to rollback to a previous version of the database? Liquibase is a pretty awesome library that will help you update, maintain and control your database model, as any other asset in your project.
Speaker(s): David Gonzalez,
I have been new to something at some point in my life, new town, new job or new profession. Now, I am the new DBA! Feeling overwhelmed, not sure where to begin. I know I have data and maybe lots of it. I need a friend and mentor to help me discover my new role. Select wants to be my friend, in fact Select and I need to become best friends. For Select and I to become best friends, we need to learn about each other, our weaknesses and our strengths. Come along, Select wants to introduce you to all of Selects friends. Let’s meet Where, Join, Group By and more of Select friends. Come along, let’s discover Select and his friends.
Speaker(s): Thomas Norman,
I recently took over a new database that I needed to query and report from but I didn't know what was there and how it all connected. Join me on my journey of tips and tricks to decode your next new database. There will be some T-SQL, some Interface work and a little bit of Sherlocking while avoiding locking.
Speaker(s): Andrea Allred,
On occasion as DBAs we have need to disable the foreign keys and constraints on one or more tables. Guess what, SQL Server no longer trusts those constraints when you re-enable them. What does that mean? In this discussion, we’ll talk about what the impact is to your queries when you have non-trusted constraints, how to find the non-trusted constraints, and how to soothe SQL Servers mistrusting heart so that it will trust your constraints again! How about your foreign keys? Are you using implicit conversions? Are your stats 'stale'? All of these things effect how the query optimizer works and can negatively affect you query performance.
Speaker(s): Mike Tutor,
Extended Events are used to gather a wide range of performance information to help troubleshoot performance problems in SQL Server. The system_health session is an Extended Events session that is included by default with SQL Server. This session starts automatically when the SQL Server database engine starts, and runs without any noticeable performance effects. This presentations will take you on an in-depth tour of the data provided in the system_health event session and how to use it to troubleshoot performance issues. Cases studies from real-life examples will be used to demonstrate tips and tricks.
Speaker(s): Janis Griffin,
The XML Functionality embedded into SQL Server 2005 and 2008 is one of its most powerful yet least understood features. This seems to be primarily because DBA's shy away from it and developers prefer to work with XML in their code. In this session we will explore the XML features of SQL Server and how we can bridge these two worlds. Topics covered will include retrieving relational data as XML, storing XML in the database using the XML Datatype, XML indexes, and the XQuery functions included in SQL Server. We will also look at using XML as stored procedure parameters as a way to pass large amounts of complex data between client and server.
Speaker(s): Randy Knight,
Our company built a system mixing Big Data technologies (hadoop/ElasticSearch) along with SQL Server to make a system that is both highly scalable and cost effective. In this session I’ll walk you through the ETL process of pulling data through sqoop, transforming data in hive and presenting a denormalized table in hive. If you are looking to understand how to get data from SQL Server into hadoop and leveraging parallel architecture this is the session for you.
Speaker(s): Pat Wright,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/russ-thomas/59/601/4b2/
Contact: http://www.sqljudo.com
Prior to focusing full time on IT Management and Database Administration in the Denver Colorado financial sector, Russ spent several years in law enforcement including four as a training Sergeant and Washington CJTC Instructor specializing in Emergency Vehicle Driving at Portland Intl Raceway. An experienced public speaker and trainer, Russ also has two decades of hands on IT work and leadership experience. Russ is a SQL Server Data Platform MCSE and is active in the SQLSaturday community.
Contact: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/jimmy_may
Jimmy May is a Principal Architect in Microsoft IT. He's formerly a Senior Program Manager for the SQL Server Customer Advisory Team (SQL CAT) where he managed the Customer Lab which hosts the biggest, fastest, most interesting SQL Server apps from all over the world. He is a Microsoft Certified Master (MCM). Visit his SQL Server performance personal productivity blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/jimmymay. Jimmy tweets at www.twitter.com/aspiringgeek.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbaduck/
Contact: https://dbaduck.com
Ben has been a member of the SQL Server Community since 2000. He loves a challenge and has fixed many SQL Servers and helped hundreds of people get more out of their DBA jobs. He is a Data Platform MVP a SQL Server Certified Master (MCM). He has worked at various companies throughout the USA, as well as at Microsoft for 7 years. He is passionate about SQL Server Infrastructure, High Availability, Automation and Integration using SMO and PowerShell. He teaches DBAs how to use PowerShell to do their job and teaches SQL Server Internals. He is @DBAduck all around the web (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blog) so let's catch up.
Contact: http://datamountain.sqlmountain.com/
Stunningly handsome, yet surprisingly humble, Mike Sexton spent the first ten years of his career as a public defender in New York. Upon learning the discrepancies between his salary and the salary of newly minted college graduates working in IT, he had an epiphany and immediately learned how to program database applications. He has designed and built database applications for 12 years in both SQL Server and Oracle based systems, he has been published in SQL Server Magazine and is one of the aut
Contact: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/jimmy_may
Jimmy May is a Principal Architect in Microsoft IT. He's formerly a Senior Program Manager for the SQL Server Customer Advisory Team (SQL CAT) where he managed the Customer Lab which hosts the biggest, fastest, most interesting SQL Server apps from all over the world. He is a Microsoft Certified Master (MCM). Visit his SQL Server performance personal productivity blog at http://blogs.msdn.com/jimmymay. Jimmy tweets at www.twitter.com/aspiringgeek.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/dbaduck/
Contact: https://dbaduck.com
Ben has been a member of the SQL Server Community since 2000. He loves a challenge and has fixed many SQL Servers and helped hundreds of people get more out of their DBA jobs. He is a Data Platform MVP a SQL Server Certified Master (MCM). He has worked at various companies throughout the USA, as well as at Microsoft for 7 years. He is passionate about SQL Server Infrastructure, High Availability, Automation and Integration using SMO and PowerShell. He teaches DBAs how to use PowerShell to do their job and teaches SQL Server Internals. He is @DBAduck all around the web (Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Blog) so let's catch up.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dbajbrimhall/
Contact: http://jasonbrimhall.info
Jason Brimhall has more than 20 years of experience and has worked with SQL Server 6.5 through SQL Server 2019. He has experience in performance tuning, high transaction environments, and large environments. He is currently a consultant specializing in performance tuning, server analysis, and problem resolution. Jason is a Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) and a Data Platform MVP.
Contact: http://boapw.com
David Gonzalez is working with some of the brightest minds in the local market to marry data science, storytelling, and software with a project called Ziff.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/WayneSheffield
Contact: http://blog.waynesheffield.com/wayne
Wayne Sheffield, a Microsoft Certified Master in SQL Server and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, started working with xBase databases in the late 80’s. With over 25 years in IT, he has worked with SQL Server (since 6.5 in the late 90’s) in various dev/admin roles, with an emphasis in performance tuning. He is the author of several articles at www.sqlservercentral.com, a co-author of “SQL Server T-SQL Recipes”, and enjoys sharing his knowledge by presenting at SQL events worldwide and blogging at http://blog.waynesheffield.com/wayne
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlrv
Contact: http://sqlrv.com
Aaron N. Cutshall is an Enterprise Data Architect with 20 years of experience in analysis, design and development for applications and databases in manufacturing and warehousing plus over 15 years in the Healthcare Informatics field. His primary focus is in designing and developing solutions for extremely large data sets that perform quite well in SQL Server. He is active in the SQL Server community and speaks at SQLSaturday sessions across the country.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dbajbrimhall/
Contact: http://jasonbrimhall.info
Jason Brimhall has more than 20 years of experience and has worked with SQL Server 6.5 through SQL Server 2019. He has experience in performance tuning, high transaction environments, and large environments. He is currently a consultant specializing in performance tuning, server analysis, and problem resolution. Jason is a Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) and a Data Platform MVP.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/pub/christopher-wolff/11/a07/458
Contact: http://sqlred.blogspot.com/
Chris Wolff has been a developer, report writer, and an admin in Microsoft and SQL Server Space since SQL Server 2000 in industries such as telecommunications, green energy, money transfers, and online accounting. He has been an active member of the Denver SQL User Group since 2011 and enjoys learning new things about computers. His interests includes video games, movies, and enjoying time with his wife and 2 kids.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/randyknight
Contact: http://www.sqlsolutionsgroup.com/blog
Randy Knight is a data professional who has worked with Microsoft technology for over 25 years, focusing on SQL Server since 1997. He has worked in a variety of settings, including 6 years as a database architect for match.com. In 2010, he founded SQL Server Solutions Group LLC, a boutique SQL Server consultancy. A Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) in SQL Server, he speaks often at events all over the country including the PASS Summit, SQLIntersections, and numerous SQLSaturday and User Groups.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/andrea-allred/3/748/aa2/
Contact: http://www.RoyalSQL.com
Once upon a time in a kingdom not far away, Andrea was sick of answering phones and filing forms. Her kingdom was running low on gold and the wise wizard told her to find work that she loved and she would never truly work a day in her life. When she found the magical SQL Server, she knew it was the calling for her. She is passionate about SQL Server, “works” as a Database Administrator, loves her #SQLFamily and finds joy in helping others find their passion too. She is celebrating her 15th year with SQL Server this year.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/tjaybelt/
Contact: http://tjaybelt.blogspot.com
TJay Belt is an outdoorsman at heart who enjoys riding dirtbikes, waterskiing, boating, playing racquetball and spending time with his family. When he can't be out playing, TJay loves to tinker with databases. TJay has been an IT professional for over a decade and a half. Currently serving as a Senior Database Administrator with Imagine Learning. TJay has progressed through several roles in his database career including developer, data guy, database developer, database analyst and DBA.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/randyknight
Contact: http://www.sqlsolutionsgroup.com/blog
Randy Knight is a data professional who has worked with Microsoft technology for over 25 years, focusing on SQL Server since 1997. He has worked in a variety of settings, including 6 years as a database architect for match.com. In 2010, he founded SQL Server Solutions Group LLC, a boutique SQL Server consultancy. A Microsoft Certified Master (MCM) in SQL Server, he speaks often at events all over the country including the PASS Summit, SQLIntersections, and numerous SQLSaturday and User Groups.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/pub/janis-griffin/0/914/aba
Janis Griffin has over 30 years of DBA/database experience including design, development and implementation of many critical database applications. Before coming to Quest Software, Janis primarily worked in the Telecom/Network Industry, working with both real-time network routing databases and OLTP business to business applications. Janis also held positions as a Principal Architect and Senior Manager, mentoring other DBAs on best practices in database performance tuning.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/reevessmithiii/
Contact: http://reevessmith.wordpress.com
Reeves Smith, owner and principal architect of Macer Consulting, is passionate about applying data technologies that empower organizations. Reeves wields his knowledge and experience to lead, design, architect, and teach, working with both data center and business project teams. He approaches every project by first understanding the organization’s business challenges, and then developing a unique approach that targets those business needs accurately and effectively. Reeves Smith has more than 20 years of experience working on the SQL Server stack. He is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and Microsoft Certified Master, and regularly delivers technical presentations at international, regional, and local conferences and user groups.
Contact: http://www.profisee.com
John McAllister co-founded Stratature, an Independent MDM software vendor, in 2001. Following Microsoft’s acquisition of Stratature in 2007 John served as Group Program Manager for MDS and oversaw the incorporation of MDM into SQL Server. John now serves as the Regional Sales Director for Profisee, Inc. which provides enterprise-class MDM Solutions built on top of Microsoft’s MDS offering. John has worked with 100’s of organizations around the world in all phases of MDM projects.
Contact: http://boapw.com
David Gonzalez is working with some of the brightest minds in the local market to marry data science, storytelling, and software with a project called Ziff.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/WayneSheffield
Contact: http://blog.waynesheffield.com/wayne
Wayne Sheffield, a Microsoft Certified Master in SQL Server and Microsoft Most Valuable Professional, started working with xBase databases in the late 80’s. With over 25 years in IT, he has worked with SQL Server (since 6.5 in the late 90’s) in various dev/admin roles, with an emphasis in performance tuning. He is the author of several articles at www.sqlservercentral.com, a co-author of “SQL Server T-SQL Recipes”, and enjoys sharing his knowledge by presenting at SQL events worldwide and blogging at http://blog.waynesheffield.com/wayne
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/armordba
Contact: https://armordba.com/
Tom Norman is a Database Architect at KPA with a strong fervor to protect data. He works daily to review and improve data protection methodologies while reviewing governing laws affecting finance, healthcare, and personal data. His areas of expertise include encryption, auditing, data identification, and database object deployment. He is the current leader of the PASS Virtualization Group and Vice President of the TRIPASS user group. You can read his blog at https://armordba.com/ and reach him on twitter at @armordba. Tom speaks at a number of SQLSaturday events and SQL Server user groups.
Contact: http://godwinsql.blogspot.com
I have been a software engineer/SQL Developer for 8 years. Experienced in MSSQL, MySQL, DB2 and Oracle. I started my career as a typical web-based and windows based software engineer using the .NET framework. I am now a DBA at Allegiance, INC. where I am encouraged and happy to use my SQL knowledge to teach the community the intricacies of writing efficient SQL.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/patwright
Contact: http://www.sqlasylum.com
Pat Wright has been working in the DBA space for 10+ years. Focusing on Performance tuning and ETL/DW projects. He helped found the local SQL Users group(www.slcsql.com) and founded the Not For profit Organization Utah Geek Events(www.utahgeekevents.com) which was founded to help the local community put on events.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/malcolmtutor
Contact: http://www.sqlsolutionsgroup.com/category/sql-group/
Mike Tutor has been in the IT industry for over 30 years. He has worn many hats, including developer, systems admin, and project manager, but he has worked almost exclusively as a SQL Server DBA since the late 90s. He has worked as a development DBA in the medical research industry for many years, but is currently working as a Sr. consultant at SQL Solutions Group in Lehi UT.
Contact: http://www.CTR-SQL.com
Scott Heffron has been developing database integration processes for 20+ years. His initial project was a GIS project that transferred data between Oracle, SQL Server, and Sybase. He has been working in the integration area ever since. He is currently working on integration project that analyzes data across multiple carriers.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.