Event Location:
Via Lombardia, 2
Peschiera Borromeo, , Italy
If you believe that you must "denormalize for performance", you've internalized a very costly misconception prevalent in the industry. The core Principle of Full Normalization (PFN) in database design is there for practical reasons, not just theoretical "purity" and you violate it at your peril. But despite having been amply debunked, this myth is hard to dislodge because both vendors and users lack foundation knowledge.This presentation demonstrates that:1. It is actually impossible for normalization to affect performance2. If performance with databases that are not fully normalized is better than those that are (which is rarely the case):* the gain does not come from denormalization* even if it did, the cost would not justify the benefit
Speaker(s): Fabian Pascal,
There are a number of relational and non-relational storage options available on Azure including; Azure SQL DB, the new premium DB offering, SQL in a Virtual Machine and table storage. In this session we will do a deep dive on the new Premium offering that Azure SQL Database has in preview. We will describe how this is implemented and show you how to; determine in a systematic way when to use this technology, estimate your capacity needs, and give you an understanding of the performance and scale you can achieve when leveraging Azure SQL Database Premium and how this compares to storage technology and scale-out approaches on Azure. You will understand how to select the most appropriate one for a certain scenario and have a practical understanding of what it can achieve. We will demonstrate the learnings and best practices gathered during real customer engagements over the last 12 months with the Premium Database.
Speaker(s): Silvano Coriani,
You will see how to create a Data Model in Power Pivot leveraging on Power Query to extract and manipulate data from your data sources. The model will be used to analyze data in Power View and the result will be published on Power BI site.The goal of the session is understanding how to leverage the feature of the on-premise tools in order to enable better reports also when the report is published in Power BI sites.
Speaker(s): Marco Russo,
Reporting Services è uno strumento molto potente e permette di creare report anche complessi in breve tempo. L'esperienza di sviluppo, però, presenta a volte alcuni "spigoli" che possono creare qualche problema e allungare i tempi di realizzazione nel tentativo di trovare una soluzione girovagando tra MSDN e i forum più disparati. Questa sessione vuole fornire una serie di trucchi e consigli, dettati dall'esperienza diretta sul campo -e da molti caffè-, che si sono rivelati utili a limare tali spigoli.
Speaker(s): Francesco Milano,
SQL Server 2012 Integration Services introduces a new SSIS project deployment model. With the new model comes a completely new SSIS project management solution, named SSIS Server. In this session you will learn about the SSISDB Catalog, the new SSIS data store, and how to deploy, maintain and monitor SSIS project and package executions on SQL Server 2012. There are several significant changes in the way SSIS solutions are administered in SQL Server 2012 compared to previous versions, and you should be familiar with them before using them in production.
Speaker(s): Matija Lah,
L'acquisto di un server dedicato a SQL Server è ancora un'operazione necessaria. Il cloud è un'ottima scelta ma se dovete creare un datawarehouse di dimensioni non banali o se avete la necessità di avere performance e controllo ottimali del vostro database server di produzione, la scelta del server on-premise è ancora quella vincente.Il problema è quindi: come non buttare via soldi in hardware inutile? In questa sessione vedremo come tutti i componenti concorrono nel formare un hardware bilanciato (questa è la parola chiave!) e senza colli di bottiglia, massimizzando l'investimento fatto. Parlaremo di SAN, CPU, HBA, Fiber Channel, Memoria e tutto quello che pensavate di conoscere bene...
Speaker(s): Davide Mauri,
Iniziamo a conoscere le potenzialità di Power BI, un nuovo modo di usare Excel e Office 365 per trovare, trasformare, analizzare e visualizzare i dati. Scopriremo come si usano i vari componenti, tra i quali Power Query, Power Pivot, Power Map, Power View, per creare un semplice modello di dati da visualizzare su qualsiasi dispositivo.
Speaker(s): Andrea Uggetti,
Hekaton is the Greek word for 100 - the goal of Hekaton in SQL Server 2014 is to improve query performance up to 100 times. In this session we will look under the cover of Hekaton and the Multi Version Concurrency Control (MVCC) principles on which Hekaton is build. We will start the session by looking on the challenges that can be solved by Hekaton, especially Locking, Blocking, and Latching within SQL Server. Based on that foundation we move into the principles of MVCC, and how a Storage Engine and Transaction Manager can be built based on that concepts.
Speaker(s): Klaus Aschenbrenner,
Dopo anni di onoratissimo servizio anche per Sql Server Profiler ? giunta l'ora della meritata pensione...Ma chi lo sostituirà !?!?! Gli Extended Events !!!Gli Extended Events consentono di profilare dettagliatamente le attivit? di SQL Server e di trarre informazioi per troubleshooting e performance tuning senza appesantire l'ambiente di produzione come avveniva con il SQL Server Profiler.
Speaker(s): Luca Ferrari,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlbi
Contact: https://www.sqlbi.com/blog/marco
Marco is a Business Intelligence consultant and mentor. He wrote several books about Power BI, Analysis Service, and Power Pivot. He also regularly writes articles and white papers that are available on sqlbi.com. Marco is a Microsoft MVP and an SSAS Maestro, the highest level of certification on Microsoft Analysis Services. Today, Marco focuses his time with SQLBI customers, traveling extensively to train and consult on DAX and data modeling for Power BI and Analysis Services. Marco also teaches public classes worldwide. Marco is a regular speaker at international conferences like Microsoft Ignite, PASS Summit, and SQLBits. He also enjoys delivering evening sessions at local user groups during his trips.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidemauri
Contact: https://medium.com/@mauridb
Data Platform MVP for almost 12 years, I love Data and Database in all their forms. Developer for passion (C# and Python), I've been working in the IT field since 1997. My focus has been databases and performance tuning since the start, focusing both on transactional and analytical workloads. I worked for more than 10 years on Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, then moved to IoT and Big Data for a while. Now back to database space, injecting passion and innovation into Azure SQL as Microsoft Program Manager for Azure SQL Hyperscale, helping developers to re-discover SQL, which is now almost everywhere, and take advantage of all its amazing power!
Contact: http://www.SQLpassion.at/blog
Klaus Aschenbrenner provides independent SQL Server consulting services across the United States and Europe, focusing on the .NET Framework and SQL Server 2005 and 2008. In 2004 and 2005, he received the Microsoft MVP award for his support of the .NET community. Klaus has also written a book, “Pro SQL Server 2008 Service Broker,” published by Apress (2008).
LinkedIn: https://it.linkedin.com/in/fmilano
I've been working with Microsoft technologies since 2000, and I'm specialized in .NET Framework and SQL Server platform. I focus primarily on back-end development, integration solutions, relational model design and implementation. Starting from 2011 I'm also member of UGISS (Italian SQL Server User Group) and speaker at main italian SQL Server conferences and workshops.
LinkedIn: http://si.linkedin.com/in/matijalah/
Contact: http://milambda.blogspot.com
Matija Lah has more than a decade of experience working with Microsoft SQL Server, mostly architecting data-centric solutions in the legal domain. His contributions to the SQL Server community have led to the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award in 2007 (Data Platform), which he held until 2017. In 2008 Matija joined SolidQ as a Mentor, located in Central and Eastern Europe. He spends most of his time on projects involving advanced information management, and natural language processing.
Andrea Uggetti lavora in Microsoft nella gruppo di Technical Presales Deployment Services come Sr. Partner Technical Consultant dedicato ai servizi e prodotti di DataAI. Ha un'esperienza decennale nei database relazionali e negli ultimi anni si è specializzato nei prodotti della piattaforma BI di Microsoft e in particolare di Analysis Services e Power BI. Ha lavorato come Escalation Engineer di Analysis Services per diversi anni risolvendo problemi dei clienti di tutta Europa e collaborato con il Product Team per migliorare i prodotti. Nell'ultimo anno si è occupato di supportare i partner con la consulenza su prodotti e soluzioni di DataAI
Contact: http://tipsandtrickssqlserver.blogspot.com
Luca Ferrari lavora in Microsoft Italia come PFE Engineer. Lavora con Sql server dalla versione 2000 ed ha seguito con attenzione tutte le evoluzioni del prodotto. Si occupa principalmente di: MPP SMP Design Troubleshooting Performance Tuning SSIS e SSRS, Azure SQL Database, Azure DataWarehouse.
Contact: http://www.dbdebunk.com
Fabian Pascal is an independent analyst, consultant, educator and writer specializing in data fundamentals. Author of three books and hundreds of articles, he lectured and taught seminars at the business and academic levels. He consulted with IBM, Census Bureau, CIA, Apple, UCSF, Golden Gate University and IRS, among others. In 2000 he founded DATABASE DEBUNKINGS (www.dbdebunk.com), dedicated to making data fundamentals accessible to data professionals via seminars and publications.
Contact: http://sqlcat.com
Silvano Coriani is a Principal Software Engineer in SQL Customer Success Engineering team, part of Azure Data. He has 20+ years experience in application development and database design, troubleshooting and performance tuning. As self-employed first, and then part of SQL CAT and Azure Data engineering teams, he presented at several industry leading conferences and co-wrote a number of articles on data related topics.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.