Event Location:
Columbus State University
4225 University Ave
Columbus, Georgia
SQL Server Reporting Services is a fundamental part of Microsoft’s Business Intelligence suite of products which as its name suggests provides a centralized robust reporting solution for organizations. Using a familiar development environment we can create static and interactive reports that can be delivered to consumers in a variety of ways. In this deep dive session, I will cover topics like: - What is reporting services and what can it be used for? - New Features included in 2008 R2 - Architectural Overview - Demonstrations to cover the entire process of developing, deploying and rendering reports using the built in Report Manager and URL Access. ** This session is SQLSaturday favorite and is always packed full. Don't miss it **
Speaker(s): Brian K McDonald,
Every organization that stores data stores dirty data, and suffers with how best to handle this unpleasant fact.Organizations must rely on people to deal with data problemseither by paying them to clean it or paying them to work around it. Either way it is costly and only becomes more so over time. Finally with the release of SQL Server 2012, there is a tool to help. Learn how to use the key parts of Data Quality Services: how to create a Knowledge Base, how to create Data Cleansing Projects to cleanse data both in the DQS client and inside SSIS 2012, and how DQS Matching Projects can integrate with Master Data Services for de-duplication of data. Session focuses on DQS, but also explains how DQS, MDS, and SSIS work together.
Speaker(s): Julie Smith,
As a BI Administrator or report designer, you've probably been asked many times by the business to create a dashboard to present some data. What makes a good dashboard though? The more information, the better? The more colors, the better? In this session you will get tips about designing dashboards, graphs, tables, gauges and maps with the goal of how you can impress your end user with the most efficient designed reports. This session is less technical than others, since it covers aspects and tips that you can take into consideration to create your reports as clear, understandable and usable as possible. The session consists of some general tips and tricks, followed by examples of designs and how to optimize these.
Speaker(s): Erik Monchen,
In this session, led by Microsoft BI Architect and SQL Server MVP Bill Pearson, we will concentrate largely upon crafting simple MDX expressions and queries whose purposes, for the most part, are to return a set of data. We will overview the structure of a cube, using as a basis the sample Adventure Works cube that is available to anyone installing SQL Server Analysis Services 2008 R2. We will then outline the components of simple MDX syntax, and get started writing basic expressions and queries. We will expose basic member functions, introduce filters (or “slicers”), and begin exploring core MDX functionality, including calculated members, and named sets.
Speaker(s): William E Pearson III,
As systems grow and evolve, we need tools to help manage these changes, including tracking changes to the database schemas, producing scripts to synchronize the changes between servers, and refactoring the corresponding application code based on the new structures. You'll see how you can use tools in Visual Studio and SSDT to help manage these changes better.
Speaker(s): Jim Wooley,
You’ve heard it said, “If you have to do it twice, automate it.” Cut the learning curve and get a real handle on this powerful automation tool. This session walks you through a dozen scripts to simplify and easily automate time-consuming and tedious elements of your day to day job. This isn’t stuff you’ll use SOMEDAY, these are scripts you can use when you get home tonight. Harness the power of Power Shell to easily find Servers short on space. Script out tables and constraints across all of your databases at once. Backup databases and restore them to a different environment. These tricks and many others will allow PowerShell to simplify your job like no other tool.
Speaker(s): Aaron Nelson,
Agile development is all the rage, but how do the principles apply to database administrators? This presentation will introduce the basics of the Agile Manifesto, and explain how they can be applied to non-development IT work, such as database administration, maintenance, and support. We’ll cover scrum (one of the most popular development methodologies) and kanban, and identify some of the common struggles with implementing them in an organization. This is an interactive discussion; please bring your tales of success and your horror stories.
Speaker(s): Stuart Ainsworth,
I don't know how the Sql Server will perform! You can't do that! Yes, we can! Yes, we did! It runs better than our physical server. Need to add a CPU in less than 5 minutes, no problem. Need more memory, sure. Give me 5 minutes. Thin provisioning, thick provisioning? Can I put as many Sql Servers as I want on the Host? What is a Host and a Guest? What is causing my Sql Server to run slow, is it the virtual, operating system or Sql Server? How do I know? What is the licensing for Sql Server? How do you monitor it? How is it working? Let’s find all of these answers.
Speaker(s): Thomas Norman,
Power View has the capability of creating eye-popping visualizations within SharePoint 2010. It provides intuitive ad-hoc reporting that can be used by a variety of business users to make critical decisions. In this session you will learn how to design your own dazzling reports using Power View.
Speaker(s): Devin Knight,
In this session we will explore the multitude of ways that you can make your reports adapt to the needs of your users. This will include defining formats based on the data contents. We will explore how to refine layouts based on the data to be delivered. We will demonstrate how to create a parameter driven data source. We will take a look at how creating templates can give your catalog of reports a more professional look. All of this together will empower you to have more control over the reports you create.
Speaker(s): Pam Shaw,
If you've been writing T-SQL code for a while, but have never delved into what happens after you submit your queries there is a whole world that you are missing. Taking the next step as a T-SQL developer requires understanding the basics of the SQL Server architecture and what it means to use a declarative language. Have you ever wondered why cursors are so slow, why query performance can be unpredictable, or how you can begin to analyze your queries more deeply? In this session we will cover what SQL Server has to do to turn your T-SQL code into the results you expect and how you can use this knowledge to make your code better.
Speaker(s): Jon Boulineau,
Good Code, Bad Code. It can be the difference between a server running smoothly and an unresponsive piece of junk. This session digs into what makes some SQL code perform faster and scale better. Session is almost all interactive demo.
Speaker(s): Geoff Hiten,
Business Intelligence is one of the hottest job skills in the IT field. DBAs and Database Developers are being asked to implement databases with non-traditional design, and are having a lot of new vocabulary thrown their way. In this talk you will learn the concepts behind building and designing data warehouses, and cut through the buzz words so you will walk away with a clear understanding of what words like dimensions, facts, and measures mean.
Speaker(s): Robert Cain,
AlwaysOn is the new High Availability technology suite for Microsoft SQL Server 2012 that allows for multiple HA and DR solutions along with hardware reuse and reporting scale-out. Learn what AlwaysOn can do and how it works.
Speaker(s): Geoff Hiten,
WARNING: Do not quit your job after this presentation. Have you ever thought about becoming an Independent Contractor? Would you like to transition from Full Time Employment to Consulting? Do you want to know how to get started? If so, then this lively session is for you. The session will cover the basics of running a consulting business and a selling yourself as a Technical Resource. We will conclude with an open discussion about the business side of technology.
Speaker(s): Michael French,
This session will cover aspects regarding your data and business that should drive design decisions when architecting a replication topology. Discussed will be design decisions for snapshot, transactional, and merge replication. Also discussed will be agent profiles and optimizations for replication. What type of replication to use to solve specific business needs will also be covered.
Speaker(s): Chad Churchwell,
Businesses depend on reliable data that can be managed effectively and shared through-out the enterprise. In this session we will look at the how Master Data Services 2012 can provide a solid platform for your organization's master data management implementation. We will spend a majority of the session building a model, loading it with data and then refining it to highlight the features and capabilities that are available both out-of-the-box and through the excel plug-in.
Speaker(s): Christopher Price,
The first 24 months are extremely important in our careers when we’ve been offered the opportunity to take on the ‘DBA’ role. To be successful, it takes a solid foundation of general concepts, career development, training, fearlessness, confidence, and mentorship from more experienced professionals. Organization, planning, and having a roadmap to where you are going will be crucial to your success. This session will bring these topics together so you can set your GPS to success avenue.
Speaker(s): Mark Swofford,
With SQL Server 2012 it has never been easier to empower your data stewards and give them greater control over the data management process. Dive in as we integrate Master Data Services and Data Quality Services into a data warehouse. We will explore how Master Data Services and the new plugins available in 2012 can facilitate the management of your organization’s master data. A look at Data Quality Services will highlight how it can be leveraged to provide value to the data management process through its cleansing and matching capabilities. Finally, we evaluate the options available to integrate back into the data warehouse.
Speaker(s): Christopher Price,
In this session I will discuss and show the benefits of utilizing compression. I will be demonstrating native SQL Compression as well as a third party tool. I will show examples of my real world testing and share the numerous benefits of SQL Compression.
Speaker(s): Tim Radney,
With all the great new features added to SSIS in SQL Server 2012 it is important to understand how they can make your development life easier. This session will not only highlight what is new in SSIS but also show how your existing solutions can be adapted to utilize the latest features. Topics will include changes to usability, deployment, configuration and management.
Speaker(s): Devin Knight,
Take your relational data warehouse query performance all the way to ELEVEN!! The Column Store Index is a new feature that allows for stunning performance. We will cover how it works, why it is so fast as well as the v1.0 limitations and gotchas.
Speaker(s): Kevin Boles,
Peanut Butter and Mayonnaise? No, Policy Based Management What can it do for me? Do I really need it? How do I install and configure it? How can it help me to pass audits? Who is that masked man you got into my database. You mean each server can really be configured the same. Let's explore Policy Based Management and what it has to offer us in better management of our Sql Servers.
Speaker(s): Thomas Norman,
In this session, you will get introduced to SQL Azure and learn how to get started. We will explore how to migrate an existing on-premise SQL Server database to SQL Azure. We will then walkthrough how to manage and administer your SQL Azure servers and databases. We will take a look at how to connect and build applications using SQL Azure. Next, we will look at more advanced scenarios using new capabilities like reporting with SQL Azure Reporting, synchronizing data with SQL Azure Data Sync for hybrid scenarios and global reach. Finally, we will explore some of the things you should consider when using SQL Azure
Speaker(s): Andy Thiru,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/sqlvariant
Contact: http://sqlvariant.com/
Aaron Nelson is an author, public speaker, blogger, and leader in the community. He has over 15 years of experience in architecture, Business Intelligence, development, and performance tuning of SQL Server. Aaron has received many certifications and is a six time winner of the Microsoft MVP Award. Aaron leads the PowerShell Virtual Group of PASS (SQLPS.io), is a board member of PowerShell.org, and is a volunteer at his PASS Local Group, AtlantaMDF.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/e/fpf/252170891
Contact: https://mvp.support.microsoft.com/profile=02C5CD07-7511-4151-A678-3A4A3451F85E
Bill Pearson created Island Technologies Inc. in 1997, and has developed a large and diverse customer base since. Bill#39;s background as a CPA, Internal Auditor, Management Accountant, and SQL Server MVP (BI) enables him to provide value to clients as a liaison between Accounting / Finance and Information Services. Bill has implemented enterprise business intelligence systems over the years for many Fortune 500 companies and focuses his practice upon the integrated Microsoft Business Intelligence
LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/tradney
Contact: http://www.timradney.com
Tim is a Data Platform MVP and has a whole collection of Microsoft and other industry certifications. His experience includes HA/DR, virtualization, SSIS, SSRS, and performance tuning, among everything else SQL Server-related. Tim is very active and passionate in the SQL Community. He runs the Columbus GA SQL Users Group, has been a PASS Regional Mentor for a number of years, was named a PASS Outstanding Volunteer in 2012, and is a frequent speaker at user groups, SQLSaturdays and PASS Summits. Tim is one of the top ranked in karma on ask.sqlservercentral.com, answers questions as @tradney on Twitter, and blogs at http://timradney.com and SQLskills blog at http://www.SQLskills.com/blogs/tim.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/michaellfrench
Michael French is a Senior Consultant with Pragmatic Works. He has been working with SQL Servers for 20 years . In his spare time, he supports his community by training adult volunteers with Boy Scouts and serving with his national fraternity.
Brian K. McDonald, MCDBA, MCSD is an Independent Business Intelligence consultant. Brian has served in many roles over his 14+ years in the IT industry. Brian was the lead author on Pro SQL Server 2012 Reporting Services (Apress) book, has written featured articles for industry leading websites and blogs on SQLServerCentral, SQLServerPedia and BIDN. Brian is an active member of the community and has presented at User groups, Code Camps, SQL Rally and SQLSaturday events across the South East.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deknight/
Contact: http://devinknightsql.com
Devin Knight a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and the Training Director at Pragmatic Works. He is an author of seven SQL Server and Business Intelligence books and speaks at conferences like PASS Summit, PASS Business Analytics Conference, SQLSaturdays and Code Camps. He is also a contributing member to several PASS Virtual Chapters. Making his home in Jacksonville, FL, Devin is the Vice President of the local Power BI User Group and SQL Server User Group (JSSUG).
Contact: http://www.newsqlblog.com
Jon Boulineau is a 12 year it veteran currently working as a DBA for a Fortune 500 company. In addition to his work as a DBA he has survived phases as a network engineer, systems administrator, and developer in his career. He resides in Columbus, GA with his wife and four children.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoffhiten
Geoff Hiten is a Technical Solutions Professional at Microsoft. Geoff began working with SQL Server in 1992 with version 4.2 and has used every version since. He specializes in highly available SQL systems, performance tuning, and systems migration. Geoff is heavily involved in the Microsoft SQL Server Community and was initially awarded MVP status in 2004. Geoff was appointed in 2011 to fill an interim Director position at the National PASS organization.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/pshaw1129/
Contact: http://sqlpam.wordpress.com/
Pam Shaw has been in IT for over 30 years. Since 2001, Pam has been working with SQL Server, first 2000, then 2005, 2008, 2008 R2, 2012 and now 2014. Pam currently works as a BI Developer as an independent contractor. Pam is also the Chapter Leader of the Hillsborough SQL Users Group PASS chapter and organizer of SQLSaturday Tampa.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stuartainsworth
Contact: http://codegumbo.com
Stuart Ainsworth (MA, MEd) manages a team of Service Reliability Engineers for the Gladiator Enterprise Information Security Services section of Profitstars, a division of Jack Henry and Associates. He's a former DBA, developer, consultant, and public speaking professor. He's one of the chapter leaders for AtlantaMDF, and a long-time organizer of SQLSaturday's. He tweets infrequently (@codegumbo) and blogs even less often at http://codegumbo.com.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/geoffhiten
Geoff Hiten is a Technical Solutions Professional at Microsoft. Geoff began working with SQL Server in 1992 with version 4.2 and has used every version since. He specializes in highly available SQL systems, performance tuning, and systems migration. Geoff is heavily involved in the Microsoft SQL Server Community and was initially awarded MVP status in 2004. Geoff was appointed in 2011 to fill an interim Director position at the National PASS organization.
Contact: http://www.fundamentals.sqlpass.org
Mark Swofford is currently a DBA Manager, and Founder/President of the PASS DBA Fundamentals Virtual Chapter. Mark was the chapter leader of the PASS Virtualization Virtual Chapter for two years, moderated sessions for the 24HOP in 2011 and 2012, and enjoys being part of the SQL community. He is dedicated to teaching the aspiring DBA as well as mentoring DBAs in their first 24 months in the field. Professionally, he has worked as a VP of Software Development, DBA, Senior DBA, and DBA Manager.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/thesqlguru
Kevin Boles is a SQL Server expert, working exclusively with the product since v6.5. With over 25 years of database experience and over 45,000 man hours of SQL Server engine experience, he holds many related certifications, is an MCT and was a SQL Server MVP from 2007 to 2012. Kevin has been a very successful independent consultant for over 20 years. His passion is the relational engine, especially designing, building, analyzing and tuning high-performance database applications.
Andy aka Abhi has several years of BI experience including planning, design, development and implementation in business database applications.Andy has worked primarily as a consultant holding positions primarily in the Energy,Banking,Media,Consulting. Currently Working on Cloud development Project.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/emonchen
Erik has worked with the Microsoft BI products for over 7 years at different organizations in The Netherlands, Germany and the United States, responsible in the areas of information gathering to information delivery.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/deknight/
Contact: http://devinknightsql.com
Devin Knight a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and the Training Director at Pragmatic Works. He is an author of seven SQL Server and Business Intelligence books and speaks at conferences like PASS Summit, PASS Business Analytics Conference, SQLSaturdays and Code Camps. He is also a contributing member to several PASS Virtual Chapters. Making his home in Jacksonville, FL, Devin is the Vice President of the local Power BI User Group and SQL Server User Group (JSSUG).
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/juliesmith0503/
Contact: http://datachix.com
Julie Smith is a Microsoft Data Platform MVP and a BI consultant for Innovative Architects in Atlanta, GA. She#39;s implemented increasingly complex Business Intelligence solutions for over a decade at various organizations. She#39;s also worn many other database “hats” in her career – production DBA and database developer--but data integration and BI are her true passions. Julie holds a BA from the University of South Carolina. She and Audrey Hammonds co-created The Datachix.com blog.
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jim-wooley-12a4901/
Contact: http://www.ThinqLinq.com
By day, Jim Wooley is a Solution Architect for Slalom Consulting, In his free time, Jim is a frequent speaker, MVP, and author of "LINQ in Action". He has been active evangelizing LINQ since its announcement in 2005. In addition, he attempts to pass on the insights he has gained by being active in the community, including organizing and speaking at code camps and regional events, including VS Live, SQL Pass, KCDC, That Conference, TechBash, and CodeStock.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/chadchurchwell
Contact: http://www.sqlchad.com
Seasoned SQL Server DBA Professional with over 18 years IT experience with 15 years experience in databases. I have managed an enterprise DBA team and am currently in a strategic consulting role specializing in HA, DR, Replication, and Performance Tuning and Optimization. I am currently speaking at several SQLSaturday’s as well as local user group meetings.
Contact: http://bluewatersql.wordpress.com/
Chris Price is a Sr. BI Consultant with Pragmatic Works based in Tampa, FL. He has a B.S. in MIS and a MBA, both from the Univ. of South Florida. He previously worked as a software architect before being bitten by the BI bug. His current focus is on ETL and Data Integration, Data Quality and MDM, SSAS, SharePoint and Big Data. He regularly speaks at SQLSaturdays, Code Camps and other community events. He has authored multiple whitepapers and books and served as technical editor.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/armordba
Contact: https://armordba.com/
Tom Norman is a Database Architect at KPA with a strong fervor to protect data. He works daily to review and improve data protection methodologies while reviewing governing laws affecting finance, healthcare, and personal data. His areas of expertise include encryption, auditing, data identification, and database object deployment. He is the current leader of the PASS Virtualization Group and Vice President of the TRIPASS user group. You can read his blog at https://armordba.com/ and reach him on twitter at @armordba. Tom speaks at a number of SQLSaturday events and SQL Server user groups.
Contact: http://bluewatersql.wordpress.com/
Chris Price is a Sr. BI Consultant with Pragmatic Works based in Tampa, FL. He has a B.S. in MIS and a MBA, both from the Univ. of South Florida. He previously worked as a software architect before being bitten by the BI bug. His current focus is on ETL and Data Integration, Data Quality and MDM, SSAS, SharePoint and Big Data. He regularly speaks at SQLSaturdays, Code Camps and other community events. He has authored multiple whitepapers and books and served as technical editor.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/armordba
Contact: https://armordba.com/
Tom Norman is a Database Architect at KPA with a strong fervor to protect data. He works daily to review and improve data protection methodologies while reviewing governing laws affecting finance, healthcare, and personal data. His areas of expertise include encryption, auditing, data identification, and database object deployment. He is the current leader of the PASS Virtualization Group and Vice President of the TRIPASS user group. You can read his blog at https://armordba.com/ and reach him on twitter at @armordba. Tom speaks at a number of SQLSaturday events and SQL Server user groups.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/arcanecode
Contact: http://arcanecode.com
Robert C. Cain (http://arcanecode.com) is a Microsoft MVP, MCTS Certified in BI, and is the owner of Arcane Training and Consulting, LLC. He is also a course author for Plurasight, author for Red Gate's SImple Talk website, and co-author of 4 books. A popular speaker, Robert has presented at events such as the SQL PASS Summit, TechEd, CodeStock, and numerous SQLSaturdays. Robert has over 25 years experience in the IT industry, working in a variety of fields ranging from manufacturing to telecommunications to nuclear power.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.