Event Location:
Consorzio Universitario di Pordenone
Via Prasecco
Pordenone, , Italy
Confrontato con altri linguaggi di programmazione, T-SQL non è un linguaggio difficile da imparare, e al netto di eventuali errori sintattici può essere molto tollerante. Nel comparto IT è utilizzato da molte persone, che però, tendono ad imparare soltanto gli statement fondamentali del linguaggio ovvero: SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE e DELETE. Solo chi investe più tempo scopre la natura dichiarativa di questo linguaggio e può ottenere il massimo delle prestazioni e della potenza dalle proprie queries. In questa sessione vedremo come migliorare la scrittura del codice T-SQL sfruttando gli statement Set-Based presenti da tempo in SQL Server, nonché quelli implementati con SQL Server 2012 con particolare riferimento alle "Window Functions".
Speaker(s): Sergio Govoni,
In questa sessione introduttiva vedremo all’opera il motore OLAP di Microsoft (Analysis Services) sia nella fase di creazione di un cubo OLAP che in quella di interrogazione dello stesso attraverso il linguaggio MDX. Dopo una breve introduzione teorica sulla tecnologia OLAP, vedremo come creare un semplice progetto formato da un cubo e da un paio di dimensioni partendo da zero. A seguire, iniziando da query molto semplici sulla base dati appena creata, illustreremo alcuni dei concetti base del linguaggio MDX, con l’obiettivo di arrivare a scrivere query più complesse per soddisfare alcune delle più comuni richieste di analisi quali Previous Period Growth e Percentage Share.
Speaker(s): Francesco De Chirico,
ORM technologies can assist the developers’ work with a simplified data access layer and nobody questions their usefulness any more: ORMs are here to stay. On the other hand, DBAs often get frustrated when ORMs are used to access data, because many tools in their belt turn out being ineffective. Developers and DBAs are focused on different goals and finding a balance between ease of development and performance can be an overwhelming challenge, or even turn into a continuous and unproductive blamestorm. In this session we will walk through some common performance issues in ORM technologies and we will try to address them, hoping to bridge the notorious gap between developers and DBAs.
Speaker(s): Gianluca Sartori,
Have you ever had the need to access documents in your database as if they were files in the file system? SQL Server 2012 introduces a brand new method for managing large data objects (BLOBs) in a database. FILETABLEs provide access to data using Transact-SQL - just like any other table inside the database, while at the same time also provide access to the data using the operating system File I/O API - i.e. just like any other folder in the file system. In this session you will learn how to upgrade your document management solutions by migrating your large data to FILETABLEs. The session covers two most typical migration scenarios: migrating from a distributed data store, where files are stored outside the database, and from a homogeneous d
Speaker(s): Matija Lah,
Nessuno può negare che ignorare i blocchi in lettura dei dati porti, solitamente, a performance migliori. Un po' come se tutti i semafori nelle strade avessero sempre luce verde: le code calerebbero drasticamente. Nel caso dei semafori, però, i rischi di una scelta del genere sono facilmente intuibili. NOLOCK e READ UNCOMMITED sono molto diffusi in viste e SP ma raramente vengono usati con cognizione di causa e con piena consapevolezza dei pericoli a cui ci si espone. La comprensione dei meccanismi di lock e dei livelli di isolamento è fondamentale per compiere scelte oculate nella scrittura del codice e nel pianificare le strategie di accesso ai dati. In questa sessione si cercherà di fornire uno sguardo di insieme su tali meccanismi.
Speaker(s): Francesco Milano,
Nella creazione di applicazioni, non abbiamo mai avuto a disposizione un ambiente integrato, dedicato allo sviluppatore per la progettazione e il deployment di un Database, per la scrittura di codice SQL. Oggi questa lacuna è stata colmata dall'introduzione degli SQL Server Data Tools: grazie ad un apposito template per Visual Studio 2010 e 2012, è possibile gestire un progetto SQL, come un progetto di una applicazione desktop o di una applicazione web. Vediamo insieme cosa possiamo fare con questi strumenti.
Speaker(s): Marco Parenzan,
BISM is the acronym for Business Intelligence Semantic Model and in SQL Server Analysis Service 2012 you have two options for creating a data model in this environment: Multidimensional and Tabular. In this introduction to the Tabular models in Analysis Services you will understand the capabilities of this type of data modeling for Data Analysis and you will learn the basics of DAX, the language used to define the measures for Tabular models.
Speaker(s): Marco Russo,
In questa sessione verrà introdotto il Data Warehouse, punto cardine di ogni soluzione di Business Intelligence. Dopo aver definito il ruolo del DWH e le sue motivazioni di base, durante la sessione saranno mostrate le tecniche di modellazione, i principi guida da seguire, al terminologia ed i design pattern più noti e comuni.
Speaker(s): Davide Mauri,
Come popolare un DWH con sql server integration services 2012(SSIS) .
Speaker(s): Marco Pozzan,
Con l'aumentare del numero di documenti creati, ricevuti e archiviati informaticamente, aumenta di conseguenza la difficoltà e i tempi per reperire tali documenti in base al loro contenuto e significato. Grazie a SQL Server 2012, alle sue nuove funzionalità Filestream e caretteristiche del motore FullText, è possibile andare oltre alla "classica" gestione di parole e frasi chiave collegate al singolo documento. Grazie alla ricerca semantica si è in grado di ricercare i documenti secondo il loro significato, trovare documenti correlati e reperire documenti simili, in modo semplice ed efficace.
Speaker(s): Emanuele Zanchettin,
Illustrate how multipurpose queries can lead to issues with scalability and performance. Show a few alternatives that will work for smaller and simpler queries while highlighting their limitations for more complex queries. Then work through building a dynamic search query to resolve the identified performance issues. Touching on: • Testing. • Tuning each part of the query in isolation. • Plan cache re-use • Security – SQL injection attacks and authorisation / code signing. • Possibly, mentioning greater re-use and extendibility.
Speaker(s): Ian Meade,
Business continuity is becoming more and more a central topic for many companies. AlwaysOn is the new solution for high availability and disaster recovery introduced with SQL Server 2012. With the help of live demos, in this session we will cover in details this new technology that extends on the familiar concepts of database mirroring and failover clustering. We will also introduce some other engine enhancements that will help raising the overall service availability.
Speaker(s): Gianluca Hotz,
Cross-selling is one of the best ways how to increase your sales. In order to know what products to offer together, you need to do a market basket analysis. Many solutions still use all kinds of distinct count queries, including T-SQL queries from SQL Server data, MDX queries from Analysis Services Dimensional models, or DAX queries from PowerPivot and Analysis Services Tabular data. However, once you know how to perform market basket analysis with data mining, you will forget on all other techniques. DMX queries will blow away other language queries. In this session, you are going to learn which data mining algorithms you should use for market basket analysis, how they work, and how you can efficiently use them in production.
Speaker(s): Dejan Sarka,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
LinkedIn: https://it.linkedin.com/in/fmilano
I've been working with Microsoft technologies since 2000, and I'm specialized in .NET Framework and SQL Server platform. I focus primarily on back-end development, integration solutions, relational model design and implementation. Starting from 2011 I'm also member of UGISS (Italian SQL Server User Group) and speaker at main italian SQL Server conferences and workshops.
LinkedIn: https://it.linkedin.com/in/marcoparenzan
Contact: https://www.linkedin.com/in/marcoparenzan/
Marco Parenzan is an independent Cloud and IoT Architect and .NET Developer. He has been awarded as a MVP on Microsoft Azure since 2014. He is a speaker in major community events in Italy about Azure and .NET development. He is a community lead for 1nn0va, an official Microsoft community in Pordenone, Italy. He has written a book on Azure in 2016. He loves developing retrogames and reading comix. Marco Parenzan è professionista per le architetture Cloud e IoT e lo sviluppo in .NET. Ha ricevuto il titolo di MVP su Microsoft Azure dal 2014. È uno speaker in Italia su Azure e lo sviluppo di .NET. E' un community lead per 1nn0va, una community ufficiale Microsoft a Pordenone, in Italia. Ha scritto un libro su Azure nel 2016.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/sgovoni
Contact: https://mvp.microsoft.com/it-it/PublicProfile/4029181?fullName=Sergio%20Govoni
Since 1999 Sergio Govoni has been a software developer; in 2000 he got a degree in Computer Science at "Università degli Studi" in Ferrara (Italy). He has worked for over 18 years in Centro Software, a software house that produces the best ERP for manufacturing companies that are export oriented. Now, he manages the development product team and he is constantly involved on several team projects, where he focues his attention on the architecture and the mission-critical technical details. Since 2016 he is the vice president of the UGISS (www.ugiss.org). For the provided help to technical communities and for sharing his own experience, since 2010 he has received the Microsoft Data Platform MVP award.
LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/in/ghotz
Contact: http://www.ghotz.com
Gianluca Hotz is an independent consultant, trainer, speaker and Mentor specialized in architecture, database design, high availability, capacity planning, performance tuning, system integration and migrations for Microsoft SQL Server. He has been working as a consultant in the IT field since 1993 and with SQL Server since 1996. He is among the original founders of ugiss.org, where he served as vice-president from 2001 to 2016 and he is now serving as president, for his contribution to the community he has been a SQL Server MVP since 1998.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/davidemauri
Contact: https://medium.com/@mauridb
Data Platform MVP for almost 12 years, I love Data and Database in all their forms. Developer for passion (C# and Python), I've been working in the IT field since 1997. My focus has been databases and performance tuning since the start, focusing both on transactional and analytical workloads. I worked for more than 10 years on Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing, then moved to IoT and Big Data for a while. Now back to database space, injecting passion and innovation into Azure SQL as Microsoft Program Manager for Azure SQL Hyperscale, helping developers to re-discover SQL, which is now almost everywhere, and take advantage of all its amazing power!
LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/pub/emanuele-zanchettin/18/921/34/
Emanuele Zanchettin, after studying in Computer Engineering, began his career with DB2 in the banking sector in 1998. After a few years and a change of scope of application, he encountered Access and Oracle with which he subsequently worked for several years in data access tuning and database design for new application features. Since 2007 he has also launched into the SQLServer world 2K, 2005, 2008* and 201* and more importantly, since 2011, into Azure SQL Database (SQL Azure). In order to have a greater capacity for assessment and familiarity with the various technologies that the market offers, he has deepened his knowledge to include MySQL and DocumentDB. Today Emanuele is mainly involved in IT projects and database management.
LinkedIn: https://it.linkedin.com/in/marcopozzan
Contact: http://www.marcopozzan.it
Consultant and trainer in business intelligence, analytics and data mining on Methode . Teacher for ITS courses of data warehouse at the University of Pordenone.
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/fdechirico
Contact: http://francescodechirico.wordpress.com/
Francesco De Chirico is a consultant, trainer and speaker specialized in modeling and developing complex BI solutions with the Microsoft BI stack. He has been working with SSAS since 2001 and has a strong knowledge of the MDX, DAX and M. He focused on all the Microsoft Data Platform especially on Power BI. Co-leader of the PASS Global Italian Virtual Group and Milan Power BI User Group, regular speaker at events like PASS SQLSaturday, Microsoft Certified Trainer for many years, Francesco holds several Microsoft certifications including the prestigious SSAS Maestro for BI certification (2012) and the Microsoft Professional Program Data Science certification (2017). He is the project creator of the Analysis Services Query Analyzer tool.
LinkedIn: http://it.linkedin.com/pub/gianluca-sartori/23/50b/a12
Contact: http://spaghettidba.com
Gianluca Sartori is a Data Platform MVP, independent consultant and performance tuning specialist. He has been working in the software industry since 1999 and has been working with SQL Server ever since. He also works as a SQL Server trainer and in his spare time he writes technical articles and participates the SQL Server forums. Gianluca enjoys presenting SQL Server topics at conferences in Europe and in Italy in particular. He is currently working as lead DBA at a famous Formula 1 team.
Contact: http://blogs.solidq.com/dsarka/Home.aspx
Dejan Sarka, MCT and Data Platform MVP, is an independent trainer and consultant that focuses on development of database and business intelligence applications. Besides projects, he spends about half of his time on training and mentoring. He is the founder of the Slovenian SQL Server and .NET Users Group. Dejan Sarka is the main author or co-author of eighteen books about databases and SQL Server. Dejan Sarka has also developed many courses and seminars for Microsoft, Radacad, SolidQ, and Pluralsight.
LinkedIn: http://si.linkedin.com/in/matijalah/
Contact: http://milambda.blogspot.com
Matija Lah has more than a decade of experience working with Microsoft SQL Server, mostly architecting data-centric solutions in the legal domain. His contributions to the SQL Server community have led to the Microsoft Most Valuable Professional award in 2007 (Data Platform), which he held until 2017. In 2008 Matija joined SolidQ as a Mentor, located in Central and Eastern Europe. He spends most of his time on projects involving advanced information management, and natural language processing.
LinkedIn: https://it.linkedin.com/in/sqlbi
Contact: http://sqlblog.com/blogs/marco_russo
Marco is a Business Intelligence consultant and mentor. He wrote several books about Power BI, Analysis Service, and Power Pivot. He also regularly writes articles and white papers that are available on sqlbi.com. Marco is a Microsoft MVP and an SSAS Maestro, the highest level of certification on Microsoft Analysis Services. Today, Marco focuses his time with SQLBI customers, traveling extensively to train and consult on DAX and data modeling for Power BI and Analysis Services. Marco also teaches public classes worldwide. Marco is a regular speaker at international conferences like Microsoft Ignite, PASS Summit, and SQLBits. He also enjoys delivering evening sessions at local user groups during his trips.
LinkedIn: http://lnkd.in/VC3U97
Contact: http://ianmeadedotdotdot.blogspot.ie/
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.