Event Location:
Orange County Convention Center
9990 International Drive
Orlando, Florida
Wanting to get a job as a DBA? Or maybe you're a developer that works without a DBA and would like to learn some of the critical skills to help you through? This 3 hour seminar will focus on stuff you WILL be doing as a DBA; backups, shrinking the transaction log, troubleshooting blocking, attending logins, settting object permissions, and more. Bring your laptop and follow along in the fast paced fun seminar.
Speaker(s): Andy Warren,
Looking for a place to start in the interesting if confusing world of Business Intelligence? Join Brian Knight for a 3 hour seminar/lab on how Integration Services, Analysis Services, and Reporting Services fit together, and learn some practical and useful skills while you participate with your laptop. Focused on the beginner user, a working knowledge of TSQL will be helpful.
Speaker(s): Brian Knight,
This is a list of speakers from the XML Guidebook records. The details and URLs were valid at the time of the event.
Contact: https://sqlandy.com
Andy Warren is a SQL Server consultant and trainer based in Orlando, FL. Focusing on administration, performance tuning, and SQL Server patterns and practices, he’s been a SQL Server MVP since 2008. Andy served two terms on the PASS Board of Directors, was a founding principal in SQLServerCentral, and created both the SQLSaturday and SQLRally event models.
Contact: http://www.bidn.com/people/brianknight
Brian Knight, a SQL Server MVP, MCSE, and MCDBA, is the owner and founder of Pragmatic Works. He is also the co-founder of SQLServerCentral.com, BIDN.com, and SQLShare.com. Brian runs the local SQL Server users group in Jacksonville (JSSUG), is a contributing columnist at several technical magazines, and does regular webcasts at PragmaticWorks.com. He is the author of 15 SQL Server books and a frequent speaker at conferences such as PASS Summit, SQL Connections, TechEd, and many Code Camps.
The following is a list of sponsors that helped fund the event.